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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.1.4 Monosaccharide Properties

Monosaccharides, often referred to as simple sugars, are the basic units of carbohydrates. These molecules play pivotal roles in the energy metabolism of living organisms. The properties of pentoses and hexoses, with an emphasis on glucose, will be dissected in this section.

Pentoses and Hexoses: An Introduction

Monosaccharides can be classified based on the number of carbon atoms they possess. Among these classifications, pentoses and hexoses are notable.


  • Definition: These are monosaccharides containing five carbon atoms.
  • Example: Ribose and deoxyribose are quintessential pentoses, with ribose being integral to the structure of RNA and deoxyribose to DNA.
  • Molecular Formula: The general formula for pentoses is C5H10O5.
  • Structure: Pentoses are typically characterised by a five-membered ring when represented in cyclic forms.


  • Definition: These are monosaccharides with six carbon atoms.
  • Example: Glucose, fructose, and galactose are prominent members of the hexose category.
  • Molecular Formula: Hexoses generally follow the molecular formula C6H12O6.
  • Structure: Hexoses usually adopt a six-membered ring structure in their cyclic forms.
A diagram showing the structure of hexoses and pentoses.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Identifying Pentoses and Hexoses from Molecular Diagrams

  • The foundation of molecular diagrams is to represent the structural features of a molecule.
  • In cyclic forms, hexoses can be distinguished by their six-membered ring structure, while pentoses by a five-membered one.
  • Additionally, paying attention to the number of carbons and hydroxyl groups can assist in identifying these sugars.

Properties of Glucose

As one of the most ubiquitous sugars in nature, glucose is a cornerstone in energy metabolism. Let's delve deeper into its pivotal properties.


  • Why is glucose soluble in water? Glucose's solubility stems from its multiple hydroxyl (-OH) groups. These groups can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, leading to its high solubility.
  • Importance: The solubility of glucose facilitates its transport in bodily fluids, ensuring cells readily access this vital energy source.


  • Mechanism: Glucose's solubility ensures it's easily dissolved in the bloodstream. Once absorbed into the bloodstream from the digestive tract, insulin—a hormone produced by the pancreas—helps in the uptake of glucose by cells.
  • Significance: Efficient glucose transport ensures that organs and tissues, especially the brain and muscles, receive the energy they need to function optimally.

Chemical Stability

  • Glucose, in its standard state, is chemically stable. However, when exposed to specific enzymes or conditions, it readily participates in various metabolic pathways.
  • Glycolysis: This is a primary metabolic pathway where glucose is broken down to yield pyruvate, releasing energy in the process.
  • Storage: In the presence of surplus glucose, the body can convert it into glycogen for storage, primarily in the liver and muscles.

Energy Yield from Oxidation

  • Cellular Respiration: This metabolic process involves the oxidation of glucose to produce carbon dioxide and water. The energy released is captured in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
    • Glycolysis: This initial phase breaks down glucose into pyruvate, producing a net gain of 2 ATP molecules.
    • Krebs Cycle: Pyruvate is further oxidised, producing energy and carbon dioxide.
    • Electron Transport Chain: Electrons derived from glucose oxidation are passed down a series of proteins, driving ATP synthesis.
  • Energy Release: The complete oxidation of one mole of glucose releases a significant amount of energy, underscoring its importance as an energy substrate.
A diagram showing the reaction of cellular respiration.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

Distinguishing Features of Glucose

  • Isomerism: Glucose has isomers like fructose, both having the same molecular formula (C6H12O6) but different structural arrangements.
  • Aldehyde Group: Glucose is an aldose sugar, meaning it contains an aldehyde group. This feature distinguishes it from ketose sugars like fructose.
  • Chirality: Glucose molecules exhibit chirality, with multiple chiral centres. This leads to the existence of different isomeric forms, like D-glucose and L-glucose, with D-glucose being the naturally occurring and biologically active form.
A diagram showing isomers of glucose.

Image courtesy of Benrexharr


D-glucose and L-glucose are mirror-image isomers, or enantiomers, of each other. In nature, and particularly in biological systems, D-glucose is the predominant form. Enzymes, which facilitate and regulate chemical reactions in the body, are highly specific to their substrates. The enzymes responsible for metabolising glucose have evolved to recognise and interact with the D-isomer. As a result, L-glucose isn't readily metabolised since the enzymes can't "fit" or interact effectively with it. It's this specificity in enzyme-substrate interactions that makes D-glucose biologically active, while L-glucose remains largely inert in biological systems.

The Maillard reaction is a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars, which includes monosaccharides like glucose and fructose. This reaction gives browned foods their distinctive flavour. When cooking, the heat causes the amino acids (from proteins) to react with the monosaccharides, leading to the production of a complex mixture of molecules responsible for a range of flavours and brown colours in cooked foods. It's a primary reason behind the brown and flavourful crust on baked goods and seared meats. The specific flavours and colours produced depend on the type of amino acids and sugars present, as well as the cooking conditions.

Glucose, fructose, and galactose all share the same molecular formula (C6H12O6) but differ structurally. Glucose has an aldehyde group and is thus an aldose sugar. Fructose, in contrast, possesses a ketone group, classifying it as a ketose sugar. The structural difference results in a five-membered ring for fructose in its cyclic form as opposed to the six-membered ring of glucose. Galactose, on the other hand, is also an aldose sugar like glucose, but differs in the spatial arrangement of its hydroxyl groups. These structural differences lead to variations in taste, metabolism, and function in the body. For instance, fructose is sweeter than glucose and is mainly metabolised in the liver.

Glucose is commonly referred to as "blood sugar" because it's the primary type of sugar found in the bloodstream. It is derived from the digestion of dietary carbohydrates and is released into the blood to be transported to cells throughout the body. Once in the bloodstream, glucose provides the primary energy source for cells, especially for the brain which relies heavily on glucose as its main fuel. Furthermore, the body regulates glucose levels in the blood very tightly using hormones such as insulin and glucagon to ensure there is always a steady supply of energy available for body functions.

When blood glucose levels drop, the body responds by triggering a series of hormonal and metabolic reactions to restore glucose levels to a normal range. The pancreas releases the hormone glucagon, which signals the liver to convert stored glycogen back into glucose, releasing it into the bloodstream. Additionally, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which further stimulates glycogen breakdown. The body also slows down insulin secretion to reduce glucose uptake by cells and may start gluconeogenesis, a process where glucose is produced from non-carbohydrate precursors. These coordinated responses ensure that vital organs, especially the brain, have a constant supply of glucose.

Practice Questions

Describe the differences between pentoses and hexoses in terms of their molecular structures and provide an example of each.

Pentoses are monosaccharides containing five carbon atoms, typically characterised by a five-membered ring when in their cyclic forms. An example of a pentose is ribose, which is a key constituent of RNA. On the other hand, hexoses are monosaccharides that contain six carbon atoms and usually adopt a six-membered ring structure in their cyclic representations. Glucose is a prime example of a hexose, which serves as a fundamental energy source for numerous living organisms. The distinction in carbon count and the corresponding cyclic structures are the primary differences between pentoses and hexoses.

Discuss the properties of glucose, particularly focusing on its solubility and significance in energy metabolism.

Glucose, a hexose sugar, is highly soluble in water due to its multiple hydroxyl (-OH) groups. These groups form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, facilitating glucose's high solubility. This property is crucial as it allows glucose to be easily transported in the bloodstream, ensuring that cells have ready access to this essential energy source. When it comes to energy metabolism, glucose is of paramount importance. It undergoes glycolysis to yield pyruvate, releasing energy in the process. Through subsequent metabolic pathways like the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain, glucose is completely oxidised, producing carbon dioxide, water, and significant energy in the form of ATP. This energy is utilised by cells to perform various functions, highlighting glucose's central role in energy metabolism.

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