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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.2.2 Protein Diversity and Structure

Proteins are integral to the physiological functions of organisms, contributing to structure, function, and regulation of cells. Their immense diversity originates from the endless sequence combinations of peptide chains. Additionally, protein structures are influenced by environmental factors, like pH and temperature, which can have significant implications on their function.

Infinite Variety of Peptide Chains

20 Amino Acids

  • Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. In organisms, 20 standard amino acids are used to construct proteins.
    • These amino acids are categorised based on the properties of their R-groups or side chains: polar, non-polar, acidic, or basic. Each category exhibits distinct chemical behaviours.
    • For instance, lysine has a basic side chain, while glutamate has an acidic one. Glycine is unique due to its small hydrogen R-group, making it exceptionally flexible in protein structures.

Varying Chain Lengths

  • Amino acids can be linked in countless ways to create chains of varying lengths.
    • For instance, the hormone insulin consists of 51 amino acids, while the muscle protein titin has over 38,000 amino acids.
    • The length of the peptide chain can determine the complexity and functionality of a protein. Longer chains can fold into more intricate structures, allowing for a broader range of functions.
20 amino acids and their structures.

Image courtesy of Pieralbur/Wirestock Creators

Order of Amino Acids

  • The sequence or order of amino acids in a protein is known as its primary structure.
    • This sequence dictates how the protein will fold and what shape it will ultimately take. A change in even a single amino acid can lead to a non-functional protein or one with altered functionality.
    • For example, the substitution of valine for glutamate in the haemoglobin protein causes sickle cell anaemia, a disease where red blood cells adopt a crescent shape.
A diagram showing Sickle cells versus regular red blood cells.

Sickle cells versus regular red blood cells ( the difference in colour is just to show normal and sickle cell).

Image courtesy of Lil'swallowtail at English Wikibooks

Effect of pH and Temperature on Protein Structure

Protein Structure Basics

  • A protein's three-dimensional shape, or conformation, is the result of intricate interactions between its amino acids. These interactions are determined by the primary sequence.
  • Beyond the primary structure, proteins exhibit:
    • Secondary structure: regular repeating patterns like alpha-helices or beta-sheets resulting from hydrogen bonding between the peptide backbone.
    • Tertiary structure: overall 3D shape due to interactions between R-groups of distant amino acids.
A diagram showing the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure of proteins.

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Impact of pH

  • The pH of a solution is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. Many proteins have a specific pH range in which they function optimally.
    • Changes in pH can alter the charge on the amino acid side chains. This change can disturb ionic and hydrogen bonds, leading to a loss of protein structure or function.
    • Enzymes, which are proteins that speed up chemical reactions, are particularly sensitive to pH changes. For instance, trypsin, an enzyme in the small intestine, works best at an alkaline pH, reflecting its operating environment.

Impact of Temperature

  • All molecules, including proteins, vibrate at a rate that increases with temperature. As the temperature rises, these vibrations become more vigorous.
    • At higher temperatures, the increased kinetic energy can overcome and break weak bonds like hydrogen bonds or Van der Waals interactions, causing proteins to denature.
    • For example, the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide in cells, will denature and lose its function if exposed to very high temperatures.


  • Denaturation is akin to a protein "unravelling." It loses its specific shape and, consequently, its function.
    • This process can be triggered by several factors, including pH changes, elevated temperatures, and the introduction of chemicals like urea or heavy metal ions.
    • Denatured proteins often precipitate out of solution, becoming insoluble. This is observed when milk curdles or egg whites turn opaque when cooked.
    • In some cases, proteins can regain their original shape when denaturing conditions are removed—a phenomenon called renaturation. However, many proteins, once denatured, cannot revert to their functional state.
A diagram showing the denaturation of proteins.

Protein Denaturation

Image courtesy of Scurran15


When a protein denatures, its specific 3D structure is lost, and the protein often unfolds or aggregates. To return to its functional state, the protein would need to refold correctly. The process of protein folding is inherently complex and is aided by chaperone proteins within cells. In the denatured state outside the cell, these chaperones are not present to assist in refolding. Furthermore, once proteins aggregate or misfold, it becomes statistically improbable for them to spontaneously refold into their correct shape. These improperly folded or aggregated proteins often become functionally inactive and might even be harmful to cells.

While it's true that there are 20 standard amino acids, the combinations in which they can be sequenced are virtually limitless, leading to an enormous variety of potential protein structures. Consider a small protein of just 50 amino acids: the number of possible combinations is 20^50, a staggeringly large number. Additionally, protein function is not solely determined by its amino acid sequence. Post-translational modifications, interactions with other proteins or molecules, and local cellular environments can significantly influence a protein's function. Thus, the combination of sequencing possibilities and other factors allows for vast functional diversity in proteins.

While the amino acid sequence (primary structure) of a protein provides vital clues about its function, predicting function solely from sequence is challenging. The primary structure influences how the protein will fold and its eventual 3D shape, which, in turn, determines its function. Bioinformatics tools and databases can help infer potential functions by comparing the given sequence with known sequences of characterised proteins. If a high degree of similarity is observed, the unknown protein might share functions with the known protein. However, experimental validation, such as biochemical assays or molecular biology techniques, is essential to confirm the predicted function.

Even slight variations in amino acid sequences can lead to significant differences in protein conformation and function. Though two proteins may share a large percentage of their sequence, a few differing amino acids can cause them to fold differently, resulting in distinct 3D shapes. These structural differences can influence how the proteins interact with other molecules and thus their roles in the organism. Moreover, post-translational modifications like phosphorylation or glycosylation can also modify a protein's function, even if its amino acid sequence remains the same. Additionally, the local environment of the protein, including pH and the presence of cofactors, can influence its activity.

In some contexts, protein denaturation can be useful. For example, in cooking, the denaturation of proteins helps to alter the texture and flavour of foods. When egg whites are heated, the proteins denature, leading to a change from a clear liquid to a solid white. Similarly, the denaturation of gluten in bread dough contributes to the bread's structure. In research labs, denaturing conditions are employed to break down proteins and study their primary structures. Lastly, the body uses denaturation as a defence mechanism, where elevated body temperatures (fevers) can denature and inactivate harmful pathogens.

Practice Questions

Explain the importance of the order of amino acids in a protein and describe the consequences of altering this order.

The order of amino acids in a protein, known as its primary structure, is pivotal for its functionality. This sequence determines the protein's 3D conformation, influencing its interactions with other molecules and determining its role in the organism. A change in even one amino acid can significantly affect the protein's function. For instance, a single amino acid substitution in the haemoglobin protein leads to sickle cell anaemia. In this condition, the altered haemoglobin protein causes red blood cells to adopt a crescent shape, impairing their ability to transport oxygen efficiently. Hence, even minor alterations in amino acid sequence can have profound physiological implications.

Describe the effects of pH on protein structure and explain why enzymes, a subset of proteins, might be particularly sensitive to pH changes.

pH, indicating the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, can substantially impact protein structure. Many proteins function optimally within a specific pH range. A shift in pH can modify the charge on amino acid side chains, disrupting ionic and hydrogen bonds, and leading to denaturation, where the protein loses its functional shape. Enzymes, being a category of proteins, are catalysts for specific biochemical reactions. Their activity often relies on the precise alignment of substrate molecules and active site residues. Alterations in pH can distort this alignment, affecting the enzyme's catalytic capability. For instance, trypsin, an enzyme in the small intestine, functions best in an alkaline environment, mirroring its natural operational context.

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