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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.2.5 Tertiary and Quaternary Structures

Proteins, the workhorses of the cell, owe their vast functional repertoire to their intricate structural configurations. This architecture isn't random; it's a meticulous arrangement that ensures proteins can carry out their roles effectively. Let’s delve deeper into the third and fourth levels of protein structure: tertiary and quaternary.

Tertiary Structure of Proteins

The tertiary structure represents the three-dimensional shape of a single polypeptide chain. It's like viewing the complete sculpture after knowing each individual twist and fold. This structure is defined by several key interactions:

The tertiary structure of proteins.

Image courtesy of Palashbhanot

Hydrogen Bonds

  • A relatively weak bond formed when a hydrogen atom, attached to a more electronegative atom, is attracted to another electronegative atom.
  • In proteins, these often form between the backbone's carbonyl oxygen and the amide hydrogen.
  • Side chains, if they're polar, can also participate in hydrogen bonding. For example, the side chain of serine or threonine can form hydrogen bonds with other parts of the molecule or with other molecules.

Ionic Bonds

  • Ionic or salt bridges arise due to the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged side chains.
  • Commonly seen between the acidic (like aspartate and glutamate) and basic (like lysine and arginine) amino acids.
  • These bonds are especially significant in stabilising the protein structure in environments like the extracellular fluid, which is rich in salts.

Disulfide Covalent Bonds

  • Among the strongest bonds stabilising the tertiary structure.
  • Formed specifically between the sulfur atoms of two cysteine molecules.
  • Cysteines are unique with their thiol (-SH) groups. When two cysteines come close, an oxidation reaction can occur, leading to a covalent bond called a disulfide bridge or bond. This imparts significant stability to the protein’s shape.

Hydrophobic Interactions

  • Driven by the tendency of non-polar amino acid residues to avoid water.
  • These residues move towards the protein's core, away from the aqueous environment, creating an inward folding.
  • Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are examples of amino acids that typically engage in these interactions.
A diagram showing different types of bonds and interactions between amino acid chains.

Image courtesy of WikiComTD

Quaternary Structure of Proteins

Beyond the single chain intricacies lies another layer of complexity: the quaternary structure. This involves the spatial arrangement of multiple polypeptide chains into one functional molecule.

Non-conjugated Proteins

  • These proteins are made up purely of polypeptide chains, without any other additional groups.
  • Insulin:
    • Made up of two polypeptide chains: chain A and chain B. These chains are connected by disulfide bonds.
    • Vital in regulating glucose metabolism in the body.
  • Collagen:
    • Triple helix structure formed by three polypeptide chains.
    • Provides strength and elasticity to structures like skin, tendons, and bones.
Image courtesy of Zappys Technology Solutions

Image courtesy of Zappys Technology Solutions

Conjugated Proteins

  • Composed of polypeptide chains and an additional non-polypeptide component known as the prosthetic group.
  • Haemoglobin:
    • Tetrameric protein with four polypeptide subunits.
    • Each subunit binds to a heme group, a prosthetic group, which is responsible for oxygen binding.
    • The cooperative binding of oxygen by haemoglobin ensures efficient oxygen transport throughout the body.
Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Technology in Protein Imaging: Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (NOS)

Understanding protein function requires a comprehensive understanding of its structure. But visualising proteins at their atomic resolution is no small feat.

Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM)

  • A revolutionary advancement in structural biology.
  • Protein samples are flash-frozen at extremely low temperatures in a process called vitrification. This prevents the formation of ice crystals which can disrupt the native structure.
  • These frozen samples are then bombarded with electrons. The scattered electrons form an image on a detector, giving detailed views of the protein’s structure.
  • Through successive iterations and computational techniques, high-resolution 3D models of the protein are constructed.
  • Cryo-EM has been pivotal in understanding complex structures, like the ribosome and various membrane proteins.
  • This technology bridges the gap between knowing the sequence of amino acids and understanding how that sequence folds into a functional protein.
Image courtesy of Hiramano92

Image courtesy of Hiramano92


Prosthetic groups in conjugated proteins enhance or diversify the protein's function by providing additional chemical capabilities not offered by the polypeptide chain alone. These non-polypeptide units can be tightly and permanently attached to the protein and may be essential for its activity. For instance, the heme group in haemoglobin, a prosthetic group, allows the protein to bind and transport oxygen. Without this heme group, the protein wouldn't have this capability. Therefore, prosthetic groups can be seen as integral components that extend the range of functions a protein can perform.

Hydrophobic interactions are pivotal in protein folding, particularly in determining the tertiary structure. They arise due to the tendency of non-polar amino acid residues to avoid water. Since the cellular environment is aqueous, these hydrophobic amino acids prefer to cluster together, away from the water. As a result, they often end up in the protein's interior core, leading to an inward folding of the protein. This inward folding not only protects the hydrophobic residues from the surrounding water but also gives the protein a defined three-dimensional structure that's essential for its function.

Proteins might lose their tertiary and quaternary structures under conditions that disrupt the interactions holding these structures together. This phenomenon is known as denaturation. Common denaturing agents or conditions include extreme pH levels, high temperatures, and certain chemicals like urea. For instance, when a protein is exposed to high heat, the increased kinetic energy can break the weak interactions, such as hydrogen bonds, causing the protein to unfold. Similarly, extreme pH can disrupt ionic bonds. Once denatured, the protein may lose its functionality, underscoring the significance of maintaining proper cellular conditions.

Avoiding ice crystal formation is crucial in Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) because ice crystals can distort or damage the native structure of the protein being observed. When samples are frozen in the conventional way, the water molecules form a crystalline structure, which can disrupt the spatial arrangement of protein molecules. In Cryo-EM, samples are flash-frozen at extremely low temperatures in a process called vitrification, which ensures that water molecules don't have the time to form these damaging crystals. This process preserves the protein in its native state, allowing for accurate visualisation and analysis of its structure.

Disulfide bridges, formed between the sulfur atoms of two cysteine molecules, are covalent bonds, which involve the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. Covalent bonds are inherently strong because they involve a direct sharing of electrons, creating a robust linkage between atoms. In contrast, hydrogen bonds are electrostatic attractions between a hydrogen atom of one molecule and an electronegative atom of another molecule. While they play a significant role in maintaining protein structures, hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds like disulfide bridges. Thus, while both types of bonds contribute to protein stability, disulfide bridges provide a sturdier connection.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of cysteines in the tertiary structure of proteins and discuss one technological advancement that aids in visualising protein structures.

Cysteines play a vital role in the tertiary structure of proteins due to their unique thiol (-SH) groups. When two cysteine molecules are in proximity within a protein's structure, an oxidation reaction can occur between their thiol groups, forming a covalent bond known as a disulfide bridge or bond. This bond is robust and imparts significant stability to the protein’s tertiary structure. For visualising intricate protein structures, Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) is a groundbreaking advancement. In Cryo-EM, protein samples are rapidly frozen to prevent ice crystal formation, then observed under an electron microscope, offering high-resolution, detailed images of protein structures.

Differentiate between non-conjugated and conjugated proteins in terms of their quaternary structure, providing examples.

Non-conjugated proteins in the context of quaternary structure refer to proteins composed solely of polypeptide chains without any additional prosthetic groups. Examples include insulin, which is made of two polypeptide chains, and collagen, which consists of three intertwined polypeptide chains. In contrast, conjugated proteins are composed of both polypeptide chains and a non-polypeptide unit, termed a prosthetic group. Haemoglobin serves as an example of a conjugated protein. It is made up of four polypeptide chains, and each chain binds to a heme group, a prosthetic group essential for its oxygen-carrying function.

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