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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.2.7 Proteins in Biological Processes

The intricate web of life revolves around the complex interplay of proteins. Their diverse structures are central to their multifaceted roles, driving nearly all biological processes.

Role of Proteins in Biological Processes

As the primary workhorses of the cell, proteins are essential for sustaining life. Their functions span from acting as catalysts to providing structural support.

Enzymatic Activity

  • Enzymes are specialised proteins that facilitate biological reactions, ensuring the cell's metabolic needs are met in an efficient manner.
    • They achieve this by offering an alternative reaction pathway with a reduced activation energy.
    • Substrate specificity: The intricate design of an enzyme’s active site ensures that only a particular substrate (or group of substrates) can bind, guaranteeing specificity.
    • Examples include digestive enzymes. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates in the mouth, while lipase, found in the pancreas, assists in fat digestion.

Transport and Storage

  • Proteins are vital for the transport and storage of several molecules.
    • Haemoglobin: Found in red blood cells, this protein binds oxygen in the lungs and releases it in tissues where it's needed.
    • Ferritin: This protein's main function is to store iron in the liver, releasing it in a controlled fashion when needed.

Immune Response

  • Antibodies or immunoglobulins play an indispensable role in our defence mechanisms.
    • These Y-shaped proteins are tailored to recognise and latch onto specific foreign invaders, neutralising them. The variability in their structure allows the immune system to recognise a vast array of pathogens.
    • This recognition is due to the variable region at the tips of the antibodies, which is unique for different antigens.
A diagram of antibody and antigens interaction.

Image courtesy of Fvasconcellos

Hormonal Control

  • Several hormones, functioning as cellular messengers, are proteinaceous in nature.
    • Insulin: Produced by the pancreas, this protein hormone manages blood sugar levels by prompting cells to uptake glucose. Imbalances can lead to conditions like diabetes.
    • Growth hormone (GH): Another protein hormone responsible for cell growth and regeneration.

Structural and Mechanical Roles

  • Certain proteins provide mechanical support, ensuring structural integrity and movement.
    • Collagen: The most abundant protein in mammals, it gives skin, tendons, and bones their strength.
    • Actin and myosin: These proteins interact in muscle fibres, causing contraction. Their precise interaction and sliding mechanism result in movement.

Cell Signalling and Receptors

  • Proteins also mediate communication between cells.
    • Receptor proteins: Embedded in the cell membrane, these proteins receive external signals and translate them into a cellular response. Their conformation is crucial for binding specific signalling molecules.
    • For instance, neurotransmitter receptors on nerve cells ensure rapid signal transmission across synapses.
A diagram showing neurotransmitter receptors on nerve cells and signal transmission across synapses.

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Importance of Protein Conformation in Biological Activities

The unique shape and structure of a protein are central to its function. Even slight alterations can have significant implications.

Active Sites and Enzymatic Activity

  • Active sites: These are specific pockets or regions on enzymes where substrates bind. They are uniquely tailored for particular substrates.
    • The exact shape, charge, and hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties ensure that only specific substrates bind, resulting in the desired catalytic action.
A diagram showing active sites and enzymatic activity.

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Protein-Protein Interactions

  • Proper conformation ensures precise protein-protein interactions, which are often crucial for cellular processes.
    • Antibody-antigen binding: The shape complementarity between an antibody and its specific antigen ensures a tight and specific bond.
    • Receptor-ligand interactions: Just like a lock and key, receptors on cell membranes are shaped to recognise specific signalling molecules, ensuring the accurate relay of information.

Changes in Conformation and Denaturation

  • Factors like temperature, pH, and certain chemicals can induce changes in protein structure, termed as denaturation.
    • Denatured proteins lose their biological activity. For enzymes, this means a loss of substrate binding, rendering them non-functional.

Importance of Protein-Protein Interactions

The interactions between different proteins underpin many cellular processes and pathways.

Signal Transduction Pathways

  • A cascade of protein interactions often mediates cellular responses to external stimuli.
    • In signal transduction, an extracellular message triggers a series of events inside the cell. Each protein in the pathway activates the next, ensuring a domino effect that culminates in a specific cellular action.

Formation of Complexes

  • Many biological activities require coordinated actions of multiple proteins, necessitating their assembly into complexes.
    • DNA replication and repair: Several proteins come together, each playing a distinct role, to ensure the accurate copying and maintenance of our genetic code.

Regulatory Interactions

  • Regulatory proteins modify the activity of other proteins, ensuring controlled cellular functions.
  • Kinases and phosphatases: These enzymes add or remove phosphate groups from proteins. Phosphorylation (addition of a phosphate) can activate or inhibit protein function, offering a regulation mechanism.


Protein quality control is a system within cells that ensures proteins are correctly synthesised, folded, and functioning. This system identifies misfolded or damaged proteins and targets them for refolding or degradation. The importance of this system becomes evident when considering protein misfolding diseases. In cases where protein quality control mechanisms become overwhelmed or dysfunctional, misfolded proteins can accumulate. Molecular chaperones, as part of this system, assist in refolding proteins. If refolding isn't possible, proteins are typically sent for degradation via pathways like the ubiquitin-proteasome system or autophagy. Dysregulation in protein quality control can lead to the accumulation of misfolded proteins, contributing to conditions like neurodegenerative diseases.

Protein misfolding diseases, such as Alzheimer's, are characterised by the accumulation of misfolded proteins in cells, leading to cell death and tissue dysfunction. The complexity of these diseases arises from the nature of protein misfolding. Misfolded proteins can induce other proteins to misfold as well, causing a cascade effect. Moreover, these aggregates can disrupt cell function and trigger inflammation. Treatment is challenging because targeting these misfolded proteins without affecting normally folded proteins is difficult. Additionally, the blood-brain barrier makes drug delivery to the brain challenging. Furthermore, the precise cause of protein misfolding and its role in disease progression is still not fully understood, making the design of targeted therapies even more complex.

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) refer to the covalent and enzymatic modification of proteins after protein biosynthesis (translation). PTMs can affect a protein's conformation, stability, activity, and location. Common PTMs include phosphorylation, glycosylation, ubiquitination, and acetylation. For instance, phosphorylation can activate or deactivate enzyme function, influencing cellular signalling pathways. Glycosylation, the addition of sugar molecules, can affect protein stability and cell signalling. Ubiquitination typically marks proteins for degradation. PTMs add another layer of regulation, ensuring that proteins can rapidly respond to cellular needs. Given that protein function is closely tied to its structure, these modifications can profoundly impact a protein's role within the cell.

Molecular chaperones are a class of proteins that aid in the proper folding of other proteins. During protein synthesis, there's a risk of inappropriate interactions or misfolding due to the cellular environment's dynamic nature. Molecular chaperones prevent such incorrect folding and aggregation. They bind to nascent or newly synthesised proteins, shielding them from the cellular environment and ensuring they fold correctly. Some chaperones also help refold proteins that have already misfolded. Given the crucial importance of protein conformation to function, the role of molecular chaperones is essential for cellular health and proper functioning. Any malfunction in chaperones can lead to the accumulation of misfolded proteins, which can have deleterious effects on cells and tissues.

Prions are infectious agents made up entirely of a protein sequence. They lack nucleic acids, making them distinct from viruses and bacteria. What makes prions particularly interesting and dangerous is their ability to induce misfolding in other native proteins within an organism. When a misfolded prion protein contacts a normally folded version of the same protein, it can induce that protein to adopt the misfolded conformation. This can lead to a cascade of misfolding, resulting in an accumulation of these misfolded proteins. In the brain, this accumulation disrupts normal tissue structure, leading to neurodegenerative conditions like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. The exact mechanism by which prions cause other proteins to misfold remains an area of active research, but it's clear that the misfolded protein structure plays a pivotal role in disrupting regular biological processes.

Practice Questions

Explain the importance of protein conformation in determining the biological activity of enzymes and its impact on cell signalling through receptor proteins.

Protein conformation is pivotal in ensuring that enzymes exhibit substrate specificity. The active sites of enzymes are structured in such a way that they can bind to particular substrates, and this specificity is due to the unique shape, charge, and hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties of the active site. Any alteration in this conformation can lead to reduced or complete loss of enzyme function. Similarly, in cell signalling, receptor proteins embedded in the cell membrane have specific conformations that allow them to bind with particular signalling molecules. This ensures that cells can accurately detect and respond to external stimuli. If the receptor proteins change in shape, they may fail to bind with their ligands, leading to a disruption in cellular communication and potentially causing cellular malfunction.

Describe how protein-protein interactions play a crucial role in cellular processes, providing examples from the study notes.

Protein-protein interactions are fundamental to various cellular processes. In signal transduction pathways, an external stimulus can initiate a cascade of protein interactions inside the cell. Each protein activates the next in the sequence, culminating in a specific cellular response. An example from the notes would be receptor-ligand interactions, where receptors on cell membranes are shaped to recognise specific signalling molecules. Moreover, the formation of complexes, such as in DNA replication and repair, involves multiple proteins working in tandem. Regulatory interactions also depend on protein-protein interactions; kinases and phosphatases regulate other proteins by adding or removing phosphate groups. These interactions ensure the cell's efficient and accurate functioning.

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