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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

7.1.4 The Wave Equation

1. Derivation of the Wave Equation

The wave equation, v = λf, is fundamental in wave mechanics, and its derivation is rooted in understanding basic wave properties.

1.1 Basic Concepts in Wave Motion

  • Definition of a Wave: A wave is a disturbance that travels through a medium, transporting energy without transferring matter.
  • Medium of Propagation: Waves can travel through solids, liquids, gases, or even vacuum (in the case of electromagnetic waves).

1.2 Wave Parameters

  • Displacement (y): The distance of a particle from its equilibrium position in the direction of the wave.
  • Wavelength (λ): The shortest distance between two points in phase on adjacent waves.
  • Frequency (f): The number of complete wave cycles passing a given point per second.
  • Time Period (T): The time taken for one complete wave cycle, inversely proportional to frequency (T = 1/f).
  • Wave Speed (v): The rate at which the wave propagates through the medium.
Diagram showing parameters of a wave

Parameters of a Wave

Image Courtesy HyperPhysics

1.3 Step-by-Step Derivation

1. Understanding Periodic Motion: Recognise that waves result from periodic motion, exhibiting regular cycles over distances (λ) and times (T).

2. Linking Time and Frequency: The relationship T = 1/f indicates the intrinsic connection between the time a wave takes to complete a cycle and its frequency.

3. Calculating Distance Travelled: In one period, a wave covers one wavelength (λ).

4. Formulating Speed: Speed is distance divided by time, so v = Distance/Time. Here, v = λ/T.

5. Final Equation: Replace T with 1/f to get the wave equation: v = λf.

This derivation illustrates how wave speed is a product of its frequency and wavelength.

2. Utilising the Wave Equation in Different Scenarios

The wave equation applies universally to various types of waves, including sound and light.

2.1 Sound Waves

  • Propagation in Air: Sound waves in air demonstrate how changes in frequency and wavelength affect the speed of sound.
  • Example Calculation: Finding the wavelength of a 440 Hz tuning fork in air, where the speed of sound is around 343 m/s.
  • Real-World Applications: Understanding sound wave properties is crucial in acoustics, music, and communication technologies.

2.2 Light Waves

  • Electromagnetic Spectrum: Light waves, part of the electromagnetic spectrum, exhibit different behaviours in various mediums.
  • Example Scenario: Calculating the frequency of visible light of a certain wavelength in a vacuum.
  • Significance: This understanding is pivotal in optics, astronomy, and various technologies involving light.

2.3 Diverse Applications

  • Seismic Waves: Analysing the speed and frequency of seismic waves helps in understanding Earth's interior.
  • Radio Waves: Used in communication, the wave equation helps in designing antennas and understanding signal propagation.

3. Problem-Solving Exercises

Engaging in practical problems enhances the understanding of the wave equation's applications.

3.1 Calculating Wave Speed

  • 1. Example: A wave has a frequency of 500 Hz and a wavelength of 0.66 m. Calculate its speed.
    • Solution: v = λf = 0.66 m × 500 Hz = 330 m/s.

3.2 Determining Frequency

  • 1. Scenario: Given a wave speed of 300 m/s and a wavelength of 2 m, find the frequency.
    • Solution: f = v/λ = 300 m/s / 2 m = 150 Hz.

3.3 Finding Wavelength

  • 1. Exercise: For a wave travelling at 340 m/s with a frequency of 850 Hz, determine the wavelength.
    • Solution: λ = v/f = 340 m/s / 850 Hz = 0.4 m.

3.4 Advanced Application: Temperature Effects on Sound Speed

  • Task: Calculate how the speed of sound in air changes between 0°C and 20°C.
  • Background: The speed of sound increases with temperature, approximately 0.6 m/s for each degree Celsius.
  • Solutions:
    • At 0°C: Speed is 331 m/s.
    • At 20°C: Speed is 331 m/s + (20 × 0.6 m/s) = 343 m/s.

By comprehending the wave equation and its practical applications, students can analyse various phenomena in physics, from the sound of music to the light from distant stars. This understanding not only cements basic concepts in wave mechanics but also bridges towards more complex topics in physics.


While the wave equation v = λf is a fundamental relationship that applies to many wave phenomena in physics, there are exceptions and special cases where it may not hold. One such exception occurs in the presence of dispersion, which is the phenomenon where different frequencies of a wave travel at slightly different speeds in a medium. In dispersive media, the relationship between wave speed (v), wavelength (λ), and frequency (f) becomes more complex and may involve additional factors. Additionally, in the quantum realm, where particles exhibit wave-particle duality, the de Broglie wavelength (λ) is related to the momentum of particles, leading to a different interpretation of the wave equation. While v = λf is a valuable simplification in many cases, physicists must consider specific conditions and wave properties to account for exceptions and deviations in more complex scenarios.

Yes, the wave equation v = λf is a universal equation that can be applied to various types of waves, including water waves and seismic waves. While the equation is commonly associated with sound and light waves, its principles extend to other wave phenomena. In the case of water waves, the wave equation helps in determining properties like wave speed, wavelength, and frequency, which are essential for understanding wave behaviour in oceans and lakes. Similarly, when studying seismic waves, which are waves that travel through the Earth's crust, the wave equation aids in analysing their characteristics and predicting their propagation in the Earth's interior. Therefore, the wave equation serves as a valuable tool for comprehending and quantifying a wide range of wave phenomena.

The wave equation v = λf is highly applicable to the study of electromagnetic waves, which include light waves. In the context of electromagnetic waves, the equation relates the speed of light (v), wavelength (λ), and frequency (f). For example, in optics, the wave equation helps determine the characteristics of light waves, such as their colours, wavelengths, and frequencies. It is instrumental in understanding phenomena like dispersion, where different wavelengths of light separate when passing through a prism. Moreover, the wave equation plays a pivotal role in various technologies, including telecommunications, where it helps calculate the frequency and wavelength of radio waves and microwaves used for wireless communication. In summary, the wave equation provides a foundational framework for analysing electromagnetic waves and their properties, contributing to advancements in optics and communication technology.

The speed of sound in a medium is influenced by both temperature and the properties of the medium itself. In general, sound travels faster in denser mediums and at higher temperatures. When considering air as the medium, the speed of sound typically increases with rising temperature. At room temperature (around 20°C), sound travels at approximately 343 meters per second (m/s) in dry air. However, at lower temperatures, such as 0°C, the speed decreases to about 331 m/s. This temperature dependence is due to the increased kinetic energy of air molecules at higher temperatures, allowing sound waves to propagate more rapidly. It's important to note that the speed of sound varies in different mediums, such as air, water, and solids, due to differences in their densities and elastic properties.

The wave equation, v = λf, holds immense significance in real-world applications across various fields of science and technology. For instance, in the field of acoustics, understanding this equation is crucial for designing musical instruments, calculating sound propagation in air, and ensuring the optimal performance of sound systems. In telecommunications, the equation plays a vital role in designing antennas, determining the frequency of radio waves, and establishing efficient communication systems. Moreover, in optics and astronomy, the wave equation is essential for studying the behaviour of light in different mediums and estimating the distances of celestial objects. Overall, a profound comprehension of the wave equation is instrumental in solving complex problems and advancing technological innovations in these areas.

Practice Questions

a) Derive the wave equation v = λf from first principles, explaining each step of the derivation in detail. b) A sound wave with a frequency of 440 Hz is travelling through air. Calculate the wavelength of this sound wave, considering the speed of sound in air is approximately 343 m/s.

a) To derive the wave equation v = λf, we start with the fundamental concept that waves result from periodic motion. In one complete cycle, a wave travels a distance equal to its wavelength (λ). Next, we relate time (T) and frequency (f) using the equation T = 1/f. With T representing the time for one cycle, we see that in time T, the wave travels a distance of λ. Now, we employ the basic formula for speed, which is distance divided by time (v = Distance/Time). Substituting λ for Distance and T for Time, we arrive at v = λf.

b) Using the wave equation v = λf, we can find the wavelength of the sound wave. Given a frequency (f) of 440 Hz and the speed of sound (v) in air as 343 m/s, we calculate λ = v/f, resulting in λ = 343 m/s / 440 Hz ≈ 0.78 m.

a) Explain the significance of the wave equation v = λf in the context of understanding wave behaviour. b) A light wave has a wavelength of 500 nm. Calculate its frequency, considering it is travelling through a vacuum where the speed of light is approximately 3.00 × 10^8 m/s.

a) The wave equation v = λf is of paramount significance as it relates key wave parameters. It directly connects wave speed (v), wavelength (λ), and frequency (f). Understanding this equation allows us to comprehend how changes in one parameter affect the others. For instance, it clarifies that an increase in frequency results in a decrease in wavelength while keeping wave speed constant. This relationship enables us to analyse and predict wave behaviours in different mediums, such as sound in air or light in a vacuum.

b) To find the frequency (f) of the light wave, we use the wave equation v = λf. Given a wavelength (λ) of 500 nm (or 5.00 × 10(-7) m) and the speed of light (v) in a vacuum as 3.00 × 108 m/s, we rearrange the equation to find f = v/λ. Substituting the values, we calculate f = (3.00 × 108 m/s) / (5.00 × 10(-7) m) = 6.00 × 1014 Hz.

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