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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

7.1.1 Wave Motion

What is Wave Motion?

Wave motion is a crucial concept in physics, signifying how energy traverses through different mediums without necessitating the physical movement of the medium itself. Its presence is ubiquitous, evident in the ripples on water, the sound we hear, and even in the light that illuminates our world.

Core Characteristics

  • Energy Transmission: Central to wave motion is the transfer of energy from one location to another.
  • Medium Utilisation: The medium acts as a conduit for wave energy, yet remains largely stationary.
  • Diversity in Nature: Wave motion manifests across mechanical, electromagnetic, and quantum domains.
Diagram showing a wave


Image Courtesy GeeksforGeeks

Varied Manifestations of Wave Motion

The phenomenon of wave motion is evident in a range of mediums, each displaying unique characteristics and behaviours.

Mechanical Waves

  • Ropes and Springs: Visualized as sinusoidal waves or oscillations.
  • Sound Waves: Propagate through air, water, and solids by particle vibration.
  • Ocean Waves: Wind-driven surface waves on water bodies.

Electromagnetic Waves

  • Light Waves: Spanning the visible spectrum, capable of traversing vacuums and materials.
  • Radio Waves: Essential in communication, propagating across vast spatial expanses.
Diagram showing electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves

Image Courtesy GeeksforGeeks

Quantum Waves (Matter Waves)

  • Particle-Wave Duality: Exhibits wave-like behaviour in subatomic particles, a core principle in quantum mechanics.
Diagram explaining particle-wave duality

Particle-wave duality

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Observing Wave Behaviour

Studying wave properties and their effects is pivotal for a comprehensive understanding of physics.

In Ropes and Springs

  • Generation of Pulses: Created by a single, swift motion.
  • Continuous Oscillations: Regular wave patterns generated by periodic movements.
  • Energy Propagation: Visible as the energy ripples along the medium.

In Ripple Tanks

  • Initiation: Droplets or disturbances create surface waves.
  • Wave Patterns: Circular waves expand from the disturbance point.
  • Studying Reflection and Refraction: Ripple tanks are ideal for observing these phenomena.

Distinguishing Wave Types

Classifying waves based on their medium and mode of energy transfer is key to understanding their nature and applications.

Mechanical vs. Electromagnetic Waves

  • Medium Dependency: Mechanical waves need a physical medium; electromagnetic waves can propagate in vacuums.
  • Mode of Energy Transfer: Mechanical waves rely on particle dynamics; electromagnetic waves embody energy fields.

Transverse vs. Longitudinal Waves

  • Direction of Motion: In transverse waves, particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer, whereas in longitudinal waves, it's parallel.
  • Examples: Light waves (transverse), Sound waves (longitudinal).
Diagram showing a ompatison between longitudinal and transverse waves

Longitudinal vs Transverse waves

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Progressive vs. Standing Waves

  • Energy Distribution: Progressive waves convey energy through the medium; standing waves exhibit stationary energy nodes and antinodes.
  • Formation Mechanism: Standing waves are formed by the interference of two waves, while progressive waves travel through the medium.
Diagram showing the difference between a standing wave and a progressive wave

Tanding wave vs progressive wave

Image Courtesy labster.com

Wave Parameters and Their Interrelationships

Understanding the quantitative aspects of waves is essential for analysing wave behaviour and phenomena.

Fundamental Parameters

  • Amplitude: The maximum displacement from the rest position, indicative of wave energy.
  • Wavelength: The distance between successive identical points (like crests) on the wave.
  • Frequency: The number of wave cycles per unit time.
  • Wave Speed: The rate at which the wave propagates through the medium.

Mathematical Relationships

  • Frequency and Period: Inversely related, where period is the time for one complete cycle.
  • Wave Speed Equation: Wave speed (v) equals frequency (f) times wavelength (λ).

Practical Applications

The principles of wave motion find applications in various fields, shaping numerous technologies and scientific endeavours.

Communication Technologies

  • Radio and Telecommunication: Utilising electromagnetic waves for transmitting information.
  • Optical Fibres: Employing light waves for high-speed data transfer.

Medical and Industrial Applications

  • Ultrasound Imaging: Using sound waves to create images of internal body structures.
  • Non-Destructive Testing: Employing waves to detect flaws in materials without damaging them.


Wave frequency and wavelength are intrinsically linked to the energy of a wave. For mechanical waves like sound, higher frequency (more cycles per second) typically indicates higher energy, as more energy is required to generate more vibrations in a given time. In the context of electromagnetic waves like light, the energy of a wave is directly proportional to its frequency and inversely proportional to its wavelength. This relationship is encapsulated in Planck's relation, where the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency. Thus, a higher frequency (and consequently, a shorter wavelength) corresponds to higher energy in the wave.

Different wave types travel at varying speeds due to the nature of their propagation and the medium they travel through. Sound waves, being mechanical waves, rely on the physical properties of the medium, like density and elasticity. In denser mediums, sound waves travel faster due to more efficient energy transfer between closely packed particles. Light waves, as electromagnetic waves, travel fastest in a vacuum, as they are not impeded by a medium. In contrast, water waves are influenced by factors like water depth and surface tension, which affect their speed. These intrinsic properties and environmental conditions determine the speed of various wave types.

Waves primarily transfer energy, not matter. In wave motion, particles of the medium vibrate or oscillate around their equilibrium positions, but they do not travel with the wave. For instance, in sound waves, air particles oscillate back and forth, transmitting sound energy, but the air itself does not move from the source to the listener. Similarly, in water waves, water molecules move up and down, creating wave crests and troughs, but the overall movement of water in the direction of the wave is minimal. This principle is consistent across different mediums, reinforcing that wave motion involves energy transfer without significant mass transport.

The Doppler Effect is a phenomenon observed when there is relative motion between a wave source and an observer. It is directly related to wave motion as it involves changes in the observed frequency (and wavelength) of waves due to this motion. For instance, as a sound-emitting source moves towards an observer, the sound waves become compressed, leading to a higher observed frequency and pitch. Conversely, as the source moves away, the waves are stretched, resulting in a lower frequency and pitch. This effect is not only limited to sound waves but is also applicable to electromagnetic waves like light.

The properties of waves significantly vary across different mediums due to the medium's density and elasticity. In air, a less dense and more elastic medium, sound waves travel at a slower speed compared to solids, where particles are closely packed and the medium is more rigid. This results in faster wave propagation. Water waves, on the other hand, demonstrate unique properties like surface tension effects and the influence of gravity, which are not significant in air or solids. The medium's characteristics dictate wave speed, wavelength, and energy transmission, leading to diverse wave behaviours in different environments.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves, providing one example for each.

Transverse waves are characterised by particle oscillation perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. An example of this is light waves, where the electromagnetic fields oscillate perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. On the other hand, in longitudinal waves, the particles of the medium oscillate parallel to the wave's direction of energy transfer. Sound waves in air serve as a prime example, where air molecules vibrate along the same direction as the sound wave travels. This fundamental distinction highlights the diverse ways in which wave energy can be transmitted through different mediums.

Describe how a ripple tank can be used to demonstrate wave properties and mention two properties that can be observed.

A ripple tank, typically a shallow tray of water, allows for the observation of water wave patterns. By creating disturbances on the water surface, such as dropping a small object or using a vibrating bar, waves are generated. These waves can be visually tracked, providing insight into wave properties. Two key properties observable in a ripple tank are reflection and refraction. Reflection is seen when waves bounce off barriers, showing how waves change direction upon encountering obstacles. Refraction is observed when waves pass through different mediums, demonstrating the change in wave speed and direction due to medium variations.

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