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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

7.1.3 Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope Usage

Operational Principles of a Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope

A cathode-ray oscilloscope is a versatile, electronic display tool used extensively to observe the exact wave shape of an electrical signal. It operates on several fundamental principles:

  • Cathode Ray Tube (CRT): This is the primary component of the CRO. A heated filament emits electrons, which are then accelerated and focused into a narrow beam. This electron beam is directed towards the fluorescent screen.
  • Deflection Plates: Positioned within the CRT, these plates deflect the electron beam vertically and horizontally. The vertical deflection is controlled by the input signal's voltage, while the horizontal deflection typically represents time.
  • Fluorescent Screen: This screen displays the path of the electron beam, creating a visible trace of the waveform for analysis.

When a signal is input into the CRO, the electron beam in the CRT is modulated to mirror the signal's properties. The horizontal axis of the screen generally represents time, and the vertical axis indicates voltage or current.

Diagram showing a Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope

Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope

Image Courtesy Testbook Edu Solutions

Measuring Frequency and Amplitude

Two of the most fundamental characteristics of a wave that can be measured using a CRO are its frequency and amplitude. The CRO facilitates these measurements through:

  • Time-Base Control: This setting adjusts the horizontal movement of the electron beam. By modifying the time-base, the period (T) of the wave can be measured directly from the screen. Frequency (f) can then be calculated using the formula "f = 1/T".
  • Y-Gain Control: This adjusts the vertical scaling of the waveform. By using the y-gain control, one can measure the peak-to-peak amplitude of the wave, which is crucial for understanding its energy and power.

Reading and Interpreting CRO Waveforms

Skillfully reading and interpreting CRO waveforms is essential for wave analysis. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • 1. Initial Setup: Configure the CRO by setting the appropriate time-base and y-gain levels for the signal you are examining.
  • 2. Waveform Identification: The first step in interpretation is to recognise the waveform type (sinusoidal, square, triangular, etc.). Each waveform type has distinct characteristics.
  • 3. Amplitude Measurement: Measure the vertical distance from the peak to the trough (peak-to-peak amplitude) of the wave. This measurement is crucial in understanding the energy carried by the wave.
  • 4. Frequency Determination: Observe the number of cycles of the waveform that occur in a given time frame. Use this to calculate the frequency using the time-base scale.

Practical Exercises for Mastery

Engaging in hands-on exercises will solidify your understanding of CRO usage:

  • 1. Sinusoidal Wave Analysis: Connect a sinusoidal signal to the CRO. Experiment with different frequencies and amplitudes, observing how these changes are reflected on the screen.
  • 2. Square Wave Exploration: Analyse a square wave. Focus on understanding how the time-base and y-gain settings affect the appearance of the square wave on the screen.
  • 3. Comparison of Waveforms: Feed different waveforms into the CRO. Practice switching between waveforms and adjusting the settings to best display each one. Notice the differences in amplitude, frequency, and shape.

Advanced Tips

  • Calibration: Ensure your CRO is properly calibrated before taking measurements. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data.
  • Understanding Triggers: Learn how to use the trigger function to stabilise a repeating waveform, making it easier to analyse.
  • Phase Difference Measurement: Explore the use of dual-trace CROs to compare the phase difference between two waveforms, a concept crucial in understanding wave interference.

Applications of CRO in Wave Analysis

The cathode-ray oscilloscope is not just a tool for measuring wave parameters but also a gateway to deeper understanding in various scientific and technological fields:

  • Electronics and Communication: CROs are instrumental in designing and troubleshooting electronic circuits and communication systems.
  • Acoustics: In studying sound waves, CROs help visualise wave patterns and understand their properties.
  • Physics Education: CROs provide a tangible way for students to observe and analyse theoretical concepts in wave mechanics.


Yes, a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) can be used to measure non-electrical waves such as sound waves, but it requires the sound to be converted into an electrical signal first. This conversion is typically done using a microphone or a transducer, which translates the sound waves into corresponding electrical signals. These electrical signals are then fed into the CRO, allowing the visualisation and analysis of the sound wave's characteristics such as frequency, amplitude, and waveform shape. This method is particularly useful in acoustics and audio engineering, where it aids in the study of sound wave properties and the quality of audio devices.

A 'dual-trace' cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) is capable of displaying two separate signals simultaneously on the same screen. This is achieved by having two sets of vertical deflection plates in the CRT, each corresponding to one of the two signals. The dual-trace CRO is particularly useful for comparing or analysing the relationship between two different signals, such as their phase difference or relative timing. In contrast, a single-trace CRO can only display one signal at a time. The ability to observe two signals concurrently in a dual-trace CRO provides a more comprehensive analysis, especially in applications involving timing or synchronisation between signals.

The 'focus' control on a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) adjusts the sharpness of the electron beam that strikes the fluorescent screen in the CRT. This control fine-tunes the focus of the beam, thereby affecting the clarity and definition of the displayed waveform. Proper adjustment of the focus ensures that the waveform is sharp and well-defined, making it easier to measure and interpret accurately. A poorly focused waveform may appear blurry or smeared, which can lead to inaccuracies in understanding the waveform's characteristics such as its amplitude, frequency, and shape. Thus, optimal focusing is essential for precise waveform analysis.

The brightness control on a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) adjusts the intensity of the electron beam in the cathode-ray tube (CRT), thereby affecting the brightness of the waveform displayed on the screen. If the brightness is too low, the waveform may be dim and difficult to read. On the other hand, excessively high brightness can cause the waveform to become overly intense, potentially leading to glare and making it hard to observe fine details. It's important to adjust the brightness carefully to ensure that the waveform is clearly visible without causing strain to the eyes. This setting is particularly crucial in accurately interpreting the waveform, especially in low-light conditions or when dealing with faint signals.

When using a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO), several precautions are essential for safety and accuracy:

1. Electrical Safety: Always ensure the CRO is properly grounded to prevent electrical hazards. Be cautious when dealing with high voltage signals to avoid electric shocks.

2. Signal Integrity: To avoid damaging the CRO, ensure that the voltage of the input signal does not exceed the maximum input rating of the oscilloscope.

3. Correct Setup: Properly configure the time-base, y-gain, and triggering settings for accurate waveform analysis. Incorrect settings can lead to misinterpretation of the signal characteristics.

4. Regular Calibration: Periodically calibrate the CRO to maintain accuracy in measurements. Calibration involves checking and adjusting the amplitude, frequency, and timing scales.

5. Safe Handling: Handle the CRO with care, as it contains sensitive electronic components. Avoid physical shocks or exposure to extreme temperatures and humidity.

6. Eye Strain Prevention: Adjust the brightness and focus controls to ensure a clear display, reducing the risk of eye strain during prolonged use.

By following these precautions, one can safely and accurately utilise a cathode-ray oscilloscope for various analytical purposes.

Practice Questions

In an experiment using a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO), a student observes a wave on the screen with a peak-to-peak voltage of 8 volts and a time period of 4 ms. Calculate the frequency of the wave and explain how the amplitude would be affected if the y-gain setting is doubled.

The frequency of the wave is calculated by taking the reciprocal of the period. Thus, the frequency is 1 / (4 ms) = 1 / 0.004 s = 250 Hz. If the y-gain setting on the CRO is doubled, the displayed amplitude of the wave on the screen will also double. However, it's important to note that this change in the y-gain setting does not alter the actual amplitude of the wave itself, but only affects how it is represented on the CRO screen. The actual amplitude of the wave remains at 8 volts, but it will appear as 16 volts on the CRO due to the increased y-gain.

Describe how you would use a dual-trace cathode-ray oscilloscope to compare the phase difference between two sinusoidal waves of the same frequency.

To compare the phase difference between two sinusoidal waves using a dual-trace CRO, first, ensure that both waves have the same frequency. Connect the first wave to Channel 1 and the second wave to Channel 2 of the CRO. Adjust the time-base and y-gain settings to clearly display both waves on the screen. The phase difference can be determined by observing the displacement between corresponding points on the two waveforms, such as the peaks or troughs. If the points align vertically, the waves are in phase; if not, measure the horizontal distance between these points. This distance, expressed as a fraction of the wave's period, gives the phase difference in degrees or radians.

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