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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

7.1.2 Wave Characteristics

Displacement in Waves

Displacement in waves denotes the position of a point on the wave relative to its equilibrium position.

  • Amplitude: Amplitude is the maximum displacement from equilibrium. It's pivotal in determining the energy of the wave. Higher amplitude indicates greater energy.
  • Graphical Representation: The displacement of wave particles can be plotted against time or distance, resulting in sinusoidal (wave-like) graphs.
Diagram showing amplitude in a wave

Amplitude in wave

Image Courtesy askIITians

Amplitude: The Measure of Wave Energy

The amplitude of a wave is a crucial characteristic, dictating the wave's power and impact.

  • Energy Transmission: The energy transmitted by a wave is directly proportional to the square of its amplitude. This relationship is essential in understanding wave behaviours in various media.
Diagram showing the relationship between amplitude and wave energy

Amplitude and wave energy

Image Courtesy BYJU’s

  • Visualisation Tools: Tools like oscilloscopes for sound waves and ripple tanks for water waves are employed to observe amplitude

Phase Difference in Waves

The phase difference is a measure of the relative position of two or more wave forms in their cycles.

  • Measurement and Expression: It is typically measured in degrees (°) or radians, where 360° or 2π radians represent a full cycle.
Diagram explaining phase difference

Phase difference

Image Courtesy Peppergrower

  • Role in Interference: Phase difference is crucial in phenomena such as interference patterns, where waves can add (constructive interference) or cancel each other out (destructive interference) based on their phase relationship.

Period and Frequency: The Temporal Characteristics

Period (T) and frequency (f) are two sides of the same coin, describing the temporal aspect of wave motion.

  • Period (T): It is the time taken for one complete wave cycle. Measured in seconds, it indicates how 'fast' or 'slow' the wave oscillates.
Diagram showing Period and frequency in waves

Period and frequency in waves

Image Courtesy GeeksforGeeks

  • Frequency (f): Defined as the number of complete cycles per second. Its unit is Hertz (Hz), and it's inversely related to the period (f = 1/T).
Diagram showing the Time period of a wave

Time period of a wave

Image Courtesy Geeksforgeeks

Wavelength and Wave Speed: Spatial and Temporal Kinematics

Wavelength and wave speed combine spatial and temporal aspects of a wave, linking its shape with how fast it travels.

  • Wavelength (λ): The distance over which the wave's shape repeats. It can be measured from crest to crest or trough to trough.
Diagram showing the wavelength and amplitude of a wave

Wavelength of a wave

Image Courtesy OpenStax

  • Wave Speed (v): This is how fast a wave travels through a medium. The fundamental wave equation (v = fλ) relates wave speed with frequency and wavelength.

Mathematical Relationships Among Wave Parameters

The wave equation and the energy-amplitude relationship are central to understanding wave dynamics.

  • Wave Equation: The equation v = fλ is a cornerstone in wave physics, linking speed, frequency, and wavelength.
  • Energy-Amplitude Relationship: The energy carried by a wave is proportional to the amplitude squared. This implies that a small increase in amplitude results in a significantly larger increase in energy.

Visualisation Techniques for Wave Characteristics

Visualising wave characteristics is essential for a comprehensive understanding and effective communication of wave behaviour.

  • Graphs and Diagrams: Sinusoidal graphs are commonly used to depict waves, with the vertical axis representing displacement and the horizontal axis representing time or space.
  • Practical Tools: Oscilloscopes display electrical waves, whereas ripple tanks can show water wave patterns. These tools are invaluable for demonstrating wave properties like wavelength, frequency, and amplitude.

Phase Difference and Its Role in Wave Interference

Phase difference is integral to understanding interference, a phenomenon where two or more waves superimpose to form a composite wave.

  • Constructive Interference: Occurs when waves in phase overlap, resulting in a wave of greater amplitude.
  • Destructive Interference: When waves are out of phase, they can cancel each other, leading to reduced or zero amplitude.
Diagram explaining constructive and destructive interference

Constructive and destructive interference

Image Courtesy Dina Zhabinskaya

Real-World Applications of Wave Characteristics

The principles of wave characteristics have wide-ranging applications in technology and nature.

  • Sound Waves: In acoustics, understanding wave characteristics is crucial for designing musical instruments and audio technology.
  • Electromagnetic Waves: In optics, the principles of wave characteristics underpin technologies like lasers and fibre optics.

Challenges and Considerations in Wave Analysis

While studying waves, certain challenges like medium variability and wave superposition need careful consideration.

  • Medium Variability: The characteristics of the medium, like density and elasticity, significantly affect wave propagation.
  • Superposition of Waves: When multiple waves interact, their individual characteristics can be altered, leading to complex patterns.


The properties of the medium, such as density and elasticity, significantly influence the speed and wavelength of a wave. In general, waves travel faster in denser and more elastic mediums. For instance, sound waves travel faster in solids than in gases because solids have higher density and elasticity. This increase in speed typically results in a change in wavelength while maintaining the frequency constant (as frequency is a property of the source). The relationship between medium properties and wave characteristics is governed by the wave equation and principles of wave mechanics, playing a key role in areas like seismology, acoustics, and material science.

Wave interference has several practical applications in both technology and scientific research. In acoustics, noise-cancelling headphones use destructive interference to reduce unwanted background noise. In optics, interference is the principle behind anti-reflective coatings, where thin film layers cause destructive interference to reduce glare on lenses. In scientific research, interferometry, which relies on wave interference, is used to measure extremely small distances or changes in distance, such as in the detection of gravitational waves or in the construction of high-resolution optical instruments like telescopes. Interference patterns also aid in the study of wave properties and phenomena in various fields of physics.

Yes, the wavelength of a wave can change while its frequency remains constant, primarily when the wave travels from one medium to another. This phenomenon occurs due to the change in wave speed as it enters a different medium, while its frequency, determined by the source, remains unchanged. For instance, when light waves move from air into water, their speed decreases due to the denser medium, leading to a shorter wavelength. This principle underlies refraction, where the change in wavelength and speed causes the wave to change direction at the interface between two mediums.

Phase difference is crucial in understanding the superposition principle and interference effects in waves. It determines how waves interact when they meet: if they are in phase, they will constructively interfere and amplify each other, whereas out-of-phase waves will destructively interfere and diminish the resultant amplitude. In practical scenarios, phase difference is measured using tools like oscilloscopes, which display the waveforms and allow for the comparison of their phases. It can also be calculated by examining the displacement of waves at a particular point over time, considering their respective frequencies and wavelengths.

The relationship between amplitude and energy varies with the type of wave. For sound waves, the energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude; this means that when the amplitude of a sound wave doubles, its energy increases by a factor of four. This is because sound energy is transmitted through the medium's kinetic and potential energies, which are functions of amplitude. In contrast, for electromagnetic waves like light, energy is also related to amplitude but in a more complex manner, involving the wave's electric and magnetic fields. A higher amplitude in light waves results in greater intensity or brightness but follows the same squared relationship principle.

Practice Questions

A wave on a string has a frequency of 5 Hz and a wavelength of 0.2 m. Calculate the speed of the wave and discuss how changes in the medium's density might affect this speed.

The speed of the wave can be calculated using the wave equation v = fλ, where v is the speed, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength. Substituting the given values, v = 5 Hz × 0.2 m = 1 m/s. The wave's speed depends on the medium's properties, specifically its density and tension. In a denser medium, the wave might travel slower due to increased inertia of the medium's particles, which resist motion more than in a less dense medium. However, increased tension can counteract this by providing a restoring force that speeds up the wave's propagation.

Explain the concept of phase difference and its significance in producing interference patterns. Provide an example of how this could be observed in a laboratory setting.

Phase difference refers to the difference in phase between two points on a wave or between two waves. It is crucial for understanding interference, where waves superimpose to form a resultant wave. For instance, if two waves are in phase (phase difference of 0 or multiples of 2π), they will constructively interfere, creating a wave with greater amplitude. Conversely, if they are out of phase (phase difference of π or odd multiples of π), they will destructively interfere, resulting in reduced or zero amplitude. In a laboratory, this can be observed using a ripple tank, where water waves from two sources create visible interference patterns, demonstrating areas of constructive and destructive interference.

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