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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.7.1 Fundamentals of Oxidation and Reduction

Oxidation and Reduction: Core Definitions

At the heart of redox chemistry lie the concepts of oxidation and reduction, pivotal for dissecting the complexities of chemical reactions. These concepts are intricately tied to the movement of electrons between reacting species.


Oxidation is fundamentally about the loss of electrons. When a substance undergoes oxidation, it relinquishes electrons to another chemical species, leading to an increase in its oxidation state.

  • Definition: The process of electron loss by a substance during a chemical reaction. This electron loss results in an increased oxidation state for the atom, molecule, or ion involved.
  • Oxidising Agents: These are substances that accept electrons during a reaction, facilitating the oxidation of another entity by undergoing reduction themselves. Oxidising agents are characterised by:
    • A high affinity for electrons, often displayed by elements with high electronegativities.
    • The capability to undergo a reduction by accepting electrons readily.
    • A common presence of elements in high oxidation states within their structure, notably oxygen or halogens, which are strong oxidisers.


In contrast, reduction involves the gain of electrons. A substance is reduced when it acquires electrons from another entity, decreasing its oxidation state in the process.

  • Definition: The acquisition of electrons by a substance, leading to a decrease in the oxidation state of an atom, molecule, or ion within it.
  • Reducing Agents: These are the electron donors in a redox reaction, which get oxidised as they donate electrons. Reducing agents typically exhibit:
    • Lower electronegativity, making them prone to electron donation.
    • A tendency to lose electrons, making them effective at reducing other substances.
    • Often, these agents are metals or elements in a low oxidation state that can easily donate electrons.

Understanding Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

The essence of redox reactions is the electron transfer between the reducing agent and the oxidising agent. This transfer can be direct or through a series of intermediates, and it underpins many natural and industrial processes.

  • Electron Transfer Mechanism: The core of redox reactions is the movement of electrons from the electron-rich reducing agent to the electron-deficient oxidising agent.
  • Redox Pair Concept: A redox pair is formed by the oxidising and reducing agents involved in a reaction. The oxidising agent gains electrons and is reduced, while the reducing agent loses electrons and is oxidised.

Determining Oxidation States

The concept of oxidation states (or numbers) is crucial for analysing redox reactions, representing a hypothetical charge that atoms would carry if all bonds were ionic.

Rules for Assigning Oxidation States

To systematically assign oxidation states, a set of rules is employed:

  1. Elemental State: Atoms in their elemental form have an oxidation state of 0, reflecting their neutral charge.
  2. Monatomic Ions: The oxidation state of a monatomic ion equals its ionic charge.
  3. Oxygen and Hydrogen: Typically, oxygen has an oxidation state of -2, except in peroxides where it's -1. Hydrogen is +1 when bonded to non-metals and -1 with metals.
  4. Group Elements: Alkali metals (Group 1) exhibit an oxidation state of +1, whereas alkaline earth metals (Group 2) show +2 in compounds.
  5. Sum Rule: In a neutral molecule, the sum of all oxidation states equals 0. For a polyatomic ion, the sum equals the ion's net charge.

Practical Application in Oxidation State Determination

  • Calculating Oxidation States: By applying the above rules systematically, one can determine the oxidation states of elements in complex compounds and ions.
  • Identifying Redox Participants: Comparing the oxidation states of elements before and after a reaction reveals the oxidised and reduced species, highlighting the redox process.

Skills Development for Mastering Redox Chemistry

Achieving proficiency in redox chemistry involves practical exercises, real-world application insights, and laboratory experimentation.

  • Engagement with Practice Problems: Regular practice in determining oxidation states and identifying redox agents solidifies theoretical understanding.
  • Exploration of Real-World Applications: Delving into the practical implications of redox reactions, such as in energy storage (batteries), corrosion processes, and industrial synthesis, enriches learning.
  • Hands-On Laboratory Experiences: Conducting experiments to witness redox reactions first-hand bridges the gap between theory and practice, reinforcing concepts through observation and experimentation.

In-depth comprehension of the fundamentals of oxidation and reduction equips students with the necessary tools to navigate more advanced topics in chemistry, such as electrochemistry and industrial chemical processes, with confidence and clarity.


The oxidation state of zero in reactions involving pure elements signifies that the atoms are in their most stable, elemental form, with no net gain or loss of electrons. This is crucial in redox reactions, especially in synthesis and decomposition reactions. For instance, when elemental sodium reacts with chlorine gas, both elements start with an oxidation state of zero. Through the reaction, sodium is oxidised to (Na+), losing an electron, and chlorine is reduced to (Cl-), each gaining an electron. The zero oxidation state serves as a baseline, indicating that in their elemental forms, atoms are neither oxidised nor reduced. This concept is vital in understanding the initiation of redox reactions, where the transformation from the zero state often marks the transfer of electrons, leading to the formation of compounds with positive and negative oxidation states.

Electronegativity, the ability of an atom to attract electrons towards itself, plays a crucial role in oxidation and reduction processes. In a chemical bond, the more electronegative atom tends to attract shared electrons more strongly. When an atom with higher electronegativity is involved in a reaction, it is more likely to gain electrons, leading to reduction. Conversely, atoms with lower electronegativity tend to lose electrons more readily, resulting in oxidation. For instance, in a reaction between hydrogen and chlorine to form hydrochloric acid, chlorine, being more electronegative, gains an electron from hydrogen, leading to its reduction. Meanwhile, hydrogen, with its lower electronegativity, loses an electron, undergoing oxidation. Thus, electronegativity differences between reacting species can predict the direction of electron transfer, indicating which species is likely to be oxidised and which is likely to be reduced.

Identifying the oxidised and reduced elements in a redox reaction without prior knowledge of their oxidation states involves analyzing the electron movement between reactants. Typically, the element that donates electrons undergoes oxidation, and the one that accepts electrons undergoes reduction. To deduce this, look for changes in the composition of the reactants and products that suggest a transfer of electrons. For example, in the reaction where zinc metal reacts with copper(II) sulfate to produce zinc sulfate and copper metal, zinc goes from being an element to part of a compound, indicating it has lost electrons (oxidation). Conversely, copper goes from being part of a compound to an elemental form, indicating it has gained electrons (reduction). Observing such changes can help infer which elements are oxidised and reduced, guiding the determination of oxidation states to confirm the initial assessment.

Yes, a molecule can act as both an oxidising and reducing agent in different reactions, a property known as amphoterism. A classic example is hydrogen peroxide ((H2O2)). In some reactions, (H2O2) acts as an oxidising agent, such as when it decomposes to form water and oxygen gas, where it donates electrons to oxygen. Conversely, (H2O2) can act as a reducing agent, such as in reactions with potassium permanganate ((KMnO4)), where it is oxidised to oxygen, thereby reducing (KMnO4). This dual ability is due to the intermediate electronegativity of the elements involved and the versatility of the molecular structure, allowing it to either accept or donate electrons depending on the reacting species and the conditions of the reaction.

Determining the oxidation state of transition metals, which often exhibit variable oxidation states, involves a systematic approach that considers the known oxidation states of other elements in the compound and the overall charge of the molecule or ion. For instance, in a coordination compound like ([Fe(CN)6]{3-}), you start with the known oxidation state of cyanide ((CN-)), which is -1. Since there are six cyanide ions, their total contribution to the charge is (6 \times -1 = -6). Given that the overall charge of the complex ion is -3, the oxidation state of iron (Fe) must balance this out. By adding the charges, you get (x - 6 = -3), where (x) is the oxidation state of iron. Solving for (x) gives an oxidation state of +3 for iron. This method relies on balancing the charges within the compound, using the known oxidation states of other elements and the total charge of the compound or ion to deduce the oxidation state of the transition metal.

Practice Questions

Explain, using the concept of electron transfer, why magnesium is a reducing agent and chlorine is an oxidising agent in the reaction where magnesium chloride is formed.

Magnesium acts as a reducing agent because it donates electrons in the formation of magnesium chloride, undergoing oxidation from ( Mg ) to ( Mg{2+} ) by losing two electrons. This electron donation reduces the oxidation state of magnesium, demonstrating its role as a reducing agent. On the other hand, chlorine acts as an oxidising agent because it accepts electrons, undergoing reduction from ( Cl2 ) to ( 2Cl- ) by gaining an electron for each chlorine atom. This electron gain increases the oxidation state of chlorine, confirming its role as an oxidising agent. The transfer of electrons from magnesium to chlorine in this reaction is a clear demonstration of redox processes, with magnesium reducing the chlorine by donating electrons.

Determine the oxidation states of all elements in the compound ( K_2Cr_2O_7 ) and explain how these oxidation states indicate a redox reaction.

In the compound ( K2Cr2O7 ), potassium (K) has an oxidation state of +1 due to its position in Group 1 of the periodic table. Oxygen (O) typically has an oxidation state of -2. The compound is neutral, so the sum of oxidation states must be zero. With 7 oxygen atoms, the total oxidation state contributed by oxygen is ( 7 \times -2 = -14 ). For two potassium atoms, it's ( 2 \times +1 = +2 ). To balance the overall charge to zero, chromium (Cr) must have an oxidation state of +6 each (( 2 \times +6 = +12 )), making the total ( +12 + 2 - 14 = 0 ). This indicates a redox reaction where the chromium is in a high oxidation state, suggesting it has undergone oxidation, and in a redox reaction, there must be a corresponding reduction, implying the presence of a reducing agent in the reaction.

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