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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.6.2 Equilibrium Constant Kc for Homogeneous Systems

Homogeneous Systems

Understanding the equilibrium constant, ( Kc ), is pivotal in the study of chemical equilibria, especially in homogeneous reactions where all reactants and products are in the same phase. This section elaborates on the derivation of ( Kc ), its representation, invariance, and practical applications, providing a comprehensive insight into its role in chemical reactions.

Derivation of the Equilibrium Constant ( Kc )

The equilibrium constant ( Kc ) originates from the principle that, at equilibrium, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, leading to constant concentrations of the reactants and products. Consider a generic reversible reaction:

( aA + bB \rightleftharpoons cC + dD )

The equilibrium constant ( Kc ) for this reaction is expressed as:

( Kc = \frac{[C]c [D]d}{[A]a [B]b} )


  • [X] represents the concentration of species X at equilibrium, expressed in moles per litre (mol/L).
  • The coefficients ( a, b, c, ) and ( d ) from the balanced chemical equation become the exponents in the expression for ( Kc ).

Essential Concepts:

  • The equilibrium constant is a direct reflection of the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants, each raised to the power of their respective stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced equation.
  • It quantitatively describes the position of equilibrium, offering insights into the extent of reaction completion.

Representation of Species Concentration in ( Kc ) Expressions

In the expression for ( Kc ), the concentration of each species is denoted by its molarity, indicated by square brackets around the chemical symbol or formula, such as ([A]). This notation is essential for accurately determining the value of ( Kc ).

Critical Aspects:

  • The ( Kc ) expression includes only those species that are gases or in solution, as their concentrations can change with reaction progress.
  • Pure solids and liquids are excluded from the ( Kc ) expression since their concentrations, defined by their density and molar mass, remain constant under typical reaction conditions.

Invariance of ( Kc )

One of the defining characteristics of ( Kc ) is its constancy under certain conditions, a concept crucial for predicting the behaviour of chemical systems under various external influences.

Stability under Concentration Changes:

  • Altering the concentrations of reactants or products does not affect the value of ( Kc ). It influences the position of equilibrium but not the equilibrium constant itself.

Effect of Catalysts:

  • The introduction of a catalyst accelerates both the forward and reverse reactions equally, thus speeding up the attainment of equilibrium but not altering the value of ( Kc ).

Temperature Dependence:

  • Unlike concentration or catalyst presence, temperature changes do impact the value of ( Kc ), highlighting its sensitivity to thermal conditions.

Skills Development

Equipping students with the ability to handle ( Kc ) in various contexts is a key educational goal.

Constructing ( Kc ) Expressions

  • Recognise the reactants and products in the equation.
  • Apply the stoichiometric coefficients as exponents in the ( Kc ) formula.

Calculating ( Kc ) from Equilibrium Concentrations

  • Determine the molar concentrations of all species at equilibrium.
  • Insert these values into the ( Kc ) expression to compute its value.

Analysing Temperature Effects on ( Kc )

  • For endothermic reactions, an increase in temperature leads to a higher ( Kc ), favouring product formation.
  • Conversely, ( Kc ) decreases with temperature in exothermic reactions, favouring reactants.

Practical Applications

Real-world applications help solidify the theoretical concepts of ( Kc ).

Case Study: Esterification

A common application is the esterification reaction where ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid to form ethyl ethanoate and water:

( C2H5OH + CH3COOH \rightleftharpoons CH3COOC2H5 + H2O )

  • After reaching equilibrium, the concentrations of all species are measured.
  • These values are then substituted into the ( Kc ) expression to find the equilibrium constant:

( Kc = \frac{[CH3COOC2H5][H2O]}{[C2H5OH][CH3COOH]} )

Interpreting ( Kc ) Values

  • A ( Kc ) significantly greater than 1 indicates a strong tendency towards product formation.
  • Conversely, a ( Kc ) much less than 1 suggests that reactants are predominantly present at equilibrium.

Experimentation and Analysis

Laboratory experiments provide a tangible context

for understanding ( Kc ).

Laboratory Demonstrations

  • Perform experiments to demonstrate equilibrium shifts with changes in concentration, temperature, and pressure, observing how these affect the system without altering ( Kc ).

Industrial Implications

  • Grasping the concept of ( Kc ) is crucial for industrial chemistry, where conditions are optimised to achieve desired yields. Understanding how to manipulate reaction conditions without affecting ( Kc ) can lead to more efficient and cost-effective processes.


The study of the equilibrium constant ( Kc ) is foundational in A-level Chemistry, offering deep insights into the dynamics of chemical reactions. Through detailed exploration of its derivation, representation, and invariance, students gain a robust understanding of chemical equilibria. Practical applications and experimental demonstrations further enrich this knowledge, bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world chemistry. Mastery of ( Kc ) empowers students to analyse and predict the behaviour of chemical systems, laying a solid foundation for future scientific endeavours.


While ( Kc ) provides valuable information about the position of equilibrium and the relative concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium, it does not offer direct insights into the rate of a reaction. ( Kc ) is a thermodynamic parameter that defines the extent to which a reaction proceeds at a given temperature but does not reveal how quickly equilibrium is reached. The rate of a reaction depends on kinetic factors, including the activation energy and the presence of catalysts, which are not accounted for in the equilibrium constant. To understand the kinetics of a reaction, one must examine the rate constants of the forward and reverse reactions, which involve different parameters and experimental determinations compared to ( Kc ).

Changes in pressure can affect the position of equilibrium for reactions involving gases, but they do not directly affect the value of the equilibrium constant ( Kc ). This is because ( Kc ) is only dependent on temperature. When pressure changes, it's typically due to a change in volume, and according to Le Chatelier's Principle, the system will adjust to counteract this change. For a reaction where there is a different number of moles of gas on either side of the equation, a change in pressure by changing the volume will shift the position of equilibrium towards the side with more or fewer moles of gas. However, this shift does not alter the intrinsic value of ( Kc ), as it reflects the ratio of product to reactant concentrations at equilibrium, which remains constant for a given temperature regardless of pressure changes.

The addition of a non-reactive inert gas to a reaction mixture in a closed system at constant volume does not affect the value of ( Kc ). This is because ( Kc ) is dependent only on the concentrations (or partial pressures in the case of gases) of the reactive species at equilibrium, which remain unchanged by the addition of an inert gas. The inert gas does not participate in the reaction and does not alter the partial pressures of the reactants and products involved in the equilibrium, as the total volume of the system remains constant. The overall pressure of the system might increase due to the addition of the inert gas, but since it does not affect the relative proportions of the reactants and products, ( Kc ) remains unchanged. This illustrates the specificity of ( Kc ) to the reactive components of a system and its independence from external factors that do not directly alter the concentrations of the reactants or products at equilibrium.

The equilibrium constant ( Kc ) often appears to be unitless, which might seem puzzling at first glance. This phenomenon arises due to the nature of the ( Kc ) expression itself, which is a ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants, each raised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients. In many cases, the units of concentration (mol/L) for reactants and products cancel each other out, especially in reactions where the total number of moles of gaseous reactants equals the total number of moles of gaseous products. However, in situations where this balance does not occur, ( Kc ) can technically have units derived from the concentrations used in its calculation. These units are often omitted for simplicity and to maintain a standard convention, but it's essential to understand that they can exist based on the reaction stoichiometry. This subtlety underscores the importance of a deep conceptual understanding of equilibrium beyond mere formulaic application.

( Kc ) is considered constant at a given temperature because it is defined for a system at equilibrium, where the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal. This dynamic equilibrium implies that while reactants and products are continuously converted into each other, their concentrations remain constant over time. ( Kc ) embodies this balance by expressing the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants, raised to their respective stoichiometric coefficients. Since the rate constants of the forward and reverse reactions are only affected by temperature (according to the Arrhenius equation), ( Kc ), which is a function of these rate constants, remains constant as long as the temperature is unchanged. The dynamic nature of equilibrium does not affect the constancy of ( Kc ) because it is a snapshot of the system's state at equilibrium, encapsulating the balance between reactants and products.

Practice Questions

Given the equilibrium reaction:

[ N2(g) + 3H2(g) \rightleftharpoons 2NH3(g) ]

with a ( Kc ) of 0.5 at 400°C, calculate the equilibrium concentration of ( NH3 ) when ( [N2] = 0.04 ) mol/L and ( [H2] = 0.12 ) mol/L.

( Kc = \frac{[NH_3]2}{[N2][H2]3} )

Given ( Kc = 0.5 ), ( [N2] = 0.04 ) mol/L, and ( [H2] = 0.12 ) mol/L, they would substitute these values into the ( Kc ) expression and solve for ( [NH3] ). The calculation would involve isolating ( [NH3] ) on one side of the equation and taking the square root to find its concentration. The student would ensure their final answer is presented with appropriate units and significant figures, demonstrating a clear understanding of equilibrium concepts and mathematical skills.

Explain how the value of ( K_c ) would change for the reaction in Question 1 if the temperature were increased to 500°C, assuming the reaction is exothermic. Justify your answer.

A top-level response would begin by stating that for an exothermic reaction, increasing the temperature shifts the equilibrium position to favour the reactants, according to Le Chatelier's Principle. The student would then logically conclude that an increase in temperature would result in a decrease in the value of ( Kc ) because the concentration of products (in this case, ( NH3 )) at equilibrium would decrease relative to the reactants ( N2 ) and ( H2 ). They would further explain that this is due to the reaction absorbing additional heat to counteract the temperature increase, thus moving the equilibrium position to the left and producing less ( NH3 ). The answer would reflect a deep understanding of the relationship between temperature and equilibrium constants, and the ability to apply Le Chatelier's Principle to predict changes in equilibrium positions.

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