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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.7.2 Assigning Oxidation States

Introduction to Oxidation States

Oxidation states, often referred to as oxidation numbers, provide a hypothetical charge that an atom would possess if all bonds to atoms of different elements were ionic. This concept is instrumental in redox chemistry, facilitating the identification of oxidation and reduction parts within a reaction.

Fundamental Rules for Assigning Oxidation States

Understanding the rules for assigning oxidation states is essential for accurately analyzing chemical reactions and compounds. These rules serve as a guideline for determining the electronic environment of atoms in molecules.

Rule 1: Pure Elements

  • In their elemental form, atoms have an oxidation state of 0. This applies to all elements, whether they are monoatomic like neon, diatomic like nitrogen (N₂), or polyatomic like phosphorus (P₄).

Rule 2: Monoatomic Ions

  • The oxidation state of a monoatomic ion is equivalent to its ionic charge. This means that the oxidation state for ions like Al³⁺ is +3, and for O²⁻ is -2.

Rule 3: Oxygen and Hydrogen

  • Oxygen is generally assigned an oxidation state of -2 in compounds, with exceptions in peroxides, where it is -1, and in compounds with fluorine, where it can be positive due to fluorine's higher electronegativity.
  • Hydrogen is typically given a +1 oxidation state when bonded to non-metals (e.g., H₂O) and a -1 state in metal hydrides (e.g., LiH), reflecting its position as either an electron donor or acceptor.

Rule 4: Fluorine, Chlorine, and Other Halogens

  • Fluorine, due to its high electronegativity, invariably has an oxidation state of -1 in all its compounds.
  • Other halogens, such as chlorine, bromine, and iodine, usually have negative oxidation states but can exhibit positive values in oxyanions (e.g., ClO₄⁻) and interhalogen compounds where they are less electronegative than their partners.

Rule 5: Sum Rule

  • The algebraic sum of the oxidation states for all atoms in a molecule or formula unit must equal the total charge of the molecule or ion. This rule is fundamental in ensuring the neutrality of compounds or the correctness of the net charge in ions.

Skills in Assigning Oxidation States

Calculating Oxidation States

To effectively determine oxidation states in complex molecules or ions, follow these systematic steps:

  1. Assign Known Values: Begin with elements that have fixed oxidation states based on the above rules, such as oxygen (-2) and hydrogen (+1).
  2. Utilize the Sum Rule: Apply the sum rule to solve for unknown oxidation states, ensuring the sum matches the overall charge of the compound or ion.
  3. Handle Complex Molecules: For compounds with multiple types of atoms, break them down into simpler components, assign oxidation states to known elements, and solve for the unknowns using algebraic methods.

Applying Rules for Oxidation State Assignments

  • When dealing with polyatomic ions, remember that the sum of oxidation states within the ion must equal its overall charge. This can be particularly helpful for determining the oxidation state of an element that might have multiple possible states.
  • In covalently bonded molecules, the electronegativity of the atoms should guide the assignment of oxidation states, with the more electronegative atom receiving the negative state.
  • Transition metals present a unique challenge due to their variable oxidation states. The context of the compound, alongside the sum rule and known oxidation states of other elements, can guide the assignment.

Examples and Exercises

To illustrate the application of these rules, let's examine a few examples and propose some exercises for practice.

Example 1: Water (H₂O)

  • Assign +1 to hydrogen (Rule 3).
  • Assign -2 to oxygen (Rule 3).
  • Verify using the sum rule: 2(+1) + (-2) = 0, ensuring neutrality.

Example 2: Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF₆)

  • Assign -1 to each fluorine atom (Rule 4).
  • Apply the sum rule for neutrality: S + 6(-1) = 0, yielding +6 for sulfur.

Exercise 1: Determine the oxidation states of all elements in potassium permanganate (KMnO₄).

Exercise 2: Calculate the oxidation states of elements in methane (CH₄).

Advanced Considerations and Common Pitfalls

While the rules for assigning oxidation states are generally straightforward, certain contexts can introduce complexity:

  • Multiple Oxidation States: Some elements, especially transition metals, can exhibit multiple oxidation states. The chemical environment and the sum rule are key to determining the correct state.
  • Oxygen in Peroxides and F2O: The -1 state in peroxides (e.g., H₂O₂) and positive states in compounds with fluorine (e.g., F₂O) are notable exceptions to oxygen's usual -2 state.
  • Hydrogen with Metals: Remember that hydrogen takes a -1 state when bonded to metals, contrary to its +1 state with non-metals.

Practice Problems for Mastery

Deepen your understanding of oxidation states by tackling a diverse set of problems. Start with simple inorganic compounds and gradually progress to more complex organic molecules and transition metal complexes. Consider the following:

  1. Assign oxidation states in a series of transition metal complexes, noting the variability depending on ligands and coordination environment.
  2. Work through organic molecules, considering the electronegativity of atoms involved and the impact on hydrogen's oxidation state.
  3. Analyse polyatomic ions, applying the sum rule to deduce oxidation states for atoms with variable states, such as sulfur in sulfates and sulfides.

Through consistent practice and careful application of the rules, you'll develop a robust ability to assign oxidation states, a skill that is fundamental to understanding and predicting the outcomes of redox reactions in chemistry.


Assigning oxidation states in compounds with metal-metal bonds presents unique challenges due to the delocalization of electrons between the metals. Traditional rules for assigning oxidation states assume localized electron pairs, which may not apply neatly to metal-metal bonds where electron density is shared over the bond. In such cases, oxidation states can be assigned based on empirical rules, the compound's stoichiometry, and oxidation states known from similar compounds or from the compound's synthesis conditions. For example, in a metal cluster with metal-metal bonds, the oxidation state might be assigned based on the average oxidation state derived from the overall charge and the known charges of any ligands present. This approach, however, can oversimplify the actual electron distribution and should be used with caution, particularly when interpreting the compound's reactivity and properties.

Fractional oxidation states are possible and occur in compounds where electrons are delocalized across several atoms, typically in metal clusters or alloys. In such compounds, the electrons are not localized to specific atoms, leading to an average oxidation state that can be a fraction when divided among the atoms involved. For example, in iron-sulfur clusters found in some proteins, iron atoms can have non-integer oxidation states due to electron delocalization across the cluster. These fractional oxidation states are a conceptual tool for simplifying the description of electron distribution in these complex systems and do not imply that electrons are physically divided. Assigning fractional oxidation states is more common in inorganic chemistry and solid-state physics, where electron delocalization is significant, and it highlights the limitations of the oxidation state concept in accurately describing all types of chemical bonding.

The presence of coordinate covalent bonds, where both electrons in the bond come from the same atom, does not alter the basic principles for assigning oxidation states. Even in coordinate covalent bonds, oxidation states are assigned based on the assumption of complete electron transfer to the more electronegative atom. For example, in ammonium (NH₄⁺), nitrogen forms a coordinate covalent bond with one of the hydrogen atoms using its lone pair. Despite this, hydrogen is still assigned an oxidation state of +1, and nitrogen is assigned -3 to balance the overall charge of +1 on the ion. This approach ensures consistency in assigning oxidation states across different types of bonding, facilitating comparison and analysis of various compounds. However, it's important to remember that the assigned oxidation states may not perfectly reflect the actual electron distribution in molecules with coordinate covalent bonds.

Determining the oxidation state of an element in a complex organic molecule requires careful analysis of its bonding and functional groups. Each type of functional group has characteristic bonding patterns that can inform the oxidation state of the atoms involved. For example, in alcohols, the oxygen is generally assigned an oxidation state of -2, and the carbon bonded to the OH group will have a higher oxidation state than in a simple alkane due to the electronegativity difference between carbon and oxygen. The key is to systematically break down the molecule into recognizable functional groups, assign known oxidation states based on typical bonding configurations (e.g., +1 for hydrogen, -2 for oxygen), and then use the sum rule to deduce the oxidation states of less straightforward atoms, ensuring the total matches the molecule's overall charge. This process often involves considering resonance structures and electronegativity differences to accurately assign oxidation states.

Transition metals exhibit variable oxidation states due to the relatively low energy difference between their outer s and d orbitals. Electrons from both s and d orbitals can be involved in bond formation, leading to a variety of oxidation states. This characteristic significantly affects the assignment of oxidation states in compounds containing transition metals. For example, iron can have an oxidation state of +2 in ferrous compounds (like FeO) and +3 in ferric compounds (like Fe₂O₃). When assigning oxidation states in such compounds, it's crucial to consider the chemical context and empirical data, such as the stoichiometry of the compound, known oxidation states of other elements in the compound, and the overall charge balance. This often requires a deeper understanding of the compound's structure and bonding, as well as familiarity with common oxidation states of the transition metal in question.

Practice Questions

Determine the oxidation states of all elements in the compound ( \text{K}_2\text{Cr}_2\text{O}_7 ) and explain the steps taken to arrive at your answers.

In ( \text{K}2\text{Cr}2\text{O}7 ), potassium (K) has an oxidation state of +1, as it is a Group 1 metal. Oxygen (O) has an oxidation state of -2, which is typical for oxygen in compounds (except peroxides and with fluorine). There are 7 oxygen atoms, contributing a total of -14. To balance the compound, which is neutral, the two chromium (Cr) atoms must have a total oxidation state of +12. Dividing this equally between the two chromium atoms gives each chromium an oxidation state of +6. The steps involve applying the standard oxidation state rules and ensuring the sum equals the charge of the compound, which is zero in this case.

In the molecule ( \text{NH}_4\text{NO}_3 ), what are the oxidation states of nitrogen in both the ammonium ion (( \text{NH}_4^+ )) and the nitrate ion (( \text{NO}_3^- ))? Justify your answer using the rules for assigning oxidation states.

In ( \text{NH}4+ ), hydrogen has an oxidation state of +1. Since the ion carries a charge of +1 and there are four hydrogen atoms, nitrogen must have an oxidation state of -3 to balance the +4 from hydrogen, resulting in the overall +1 charge of the ion. In ( \text{NO}3- ), oxygen has an oxidation state of -2, and there are three oxygen atoms, contributing -6 in total. To balance the -1 charge of the nitrate ion, nitrogen must have an oxidation state of +5, as +5 - 6 = -1. This demonstrates the application of the rules for assigning oxidation states and the use of the sum rule to determine the oxidation states in different parts of a compound.

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