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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.7.3 Writing Half-Equations

Understanding Half-Equations

Half-equations serve as the building blocks for full redox equations, detailing the individual oxidation and reduction events that occur within a larger reaction. They highlight the movement of electrons, which is central to redox chemistry.

Oxidation Half-Equations

Oxidation half-equations depict the loss of electrons from a species. This loss is a defining feature of oxidation and is represented by electrons appearing as products in the equation.

  • Characteristics:
    • The species undergoing oxidation is shown losing electrons.
    • Electrons, denoted as e-, are placed on the right side to indicate their release.

Reduction Half-Equations

Conversely, reduction half-equations illustrate the gain of electrons by a species. This gain characterizes reduction and is shown by having electrons as reactants in the equation.

  • Characteristics:
    • The species undergoing reduction is depicted gaining electrons.
    • Electrons, e-, are positioned on the left side, signifying their uptake.

Crafting Half-Equations

The construction of half-equations demands precision and a methodical approach. The process involves several key steps, each critical for accuracy.

Step 1: Identifying Oxidation and Reduction Components

Initially, determine which elements in the reaction undergo oxidation (increase in oxidation state) and which undergo reduction (decrease in oxidation state). This can be facilitated by calculating the oxidation states of all elements before and after the reaction.

Step 2: Writing Unbalanced Half-Equations

Start by writing an unbalanced equation for either the oxidation or reduction process, focusing solely on the species involved in electron transfer. Omit any other reactants or products not directly participating in this transfer.

Step 3: Balancing Electrons

Electrons must be added to one side of the half-equation to balance the change in charge resulting from oxidation or reduction. For oxidation, electrons are added to the products, while for reduction, they are added to the reactants.

Step 4: Balancing Atoms

After electrons are balanced, ensure all atoms, except for oxygen and hydrogen, are balanced. This may involve adjusting coefficients in front of chemical species.

Step 5: Balancing Oxygen and Hydrogen

In aqueous solutions, oxygen atoms are balanced by adding water molecules (H₂O), and hydrogen atoms are balanced by adding hydrogen ions (H⁺). The addition of these species must be carefully managed to maintain the balance of both atoms and charge.

Detailed Examples

Example 1: Oxidation of Zinc

Consider the oxidation of zinc in an acidic solution:

  • Unbalanced Oxidation Half-Equation: Zn → Zn²⁺
  • Balancing Charge: Since zinc's oxidation state changes from 0 to +2, two electrons are released.
  • Balanced Oxidation Half-Equation: Zn → Zn²⁺ + 2e^-

Example 2: Reduction of Ferric to Ferrous Ions

The reduction of ferric (Fe³⁺) ions to ferrous (Fe²⁺) ions in an aqueous solution can be represented as:

  • Unbalanced Reduction Half-Equation: Fe³⁺ → Fe²⁺
  • Balancing Charge: One electron is gained as the oxidation state decreases by one.
  • Balanced Reduction Half-Equation: Fe³⁺ + e^- → Fe²⁺

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Writing half-equations can be challenging, and several common mistakes should be avoided:

  • Forgetting to balance overall charge: It's crucial to ensure that the charges on both sides of the half-equation are equal.
  • Overlooking oxygen and hydrogen balance: Especially in aqueous solutions, use H₂O to balance oxygen and H⁺ to balance hydrogen.
  • Neglecting state symbols: Clearly indicate the physical state of each species (s for solid, l for liquid, g for gas, and aq for aqueous) to provide a complete picture of the reaction.

Practice Exercises

Solidifying your ability to write half-equations requires practice. Here are some exercises to test your skills:

  1. Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide: Write the half-equation for the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) to sulfur in an acidic solution.
  2. Reduction of Dichromate Ions: Construct the half-equation for the reduction of dichromate ions (Cr₂O₇²⁻) to chromium(III) ions (Cr³⁺) in an acidic medium.
  3. Oxidation of Nitrite Ions: Develop the half-equation for the oxidation of nitrite ions (NO₂⁻) to nitrate ions (NO₃⁻) in an aqueous solution.

In each case, follow the structured approach outlined above, paying close attention to the details of atom and charge balance.

Advanced Tips

When dealing with reactions in basic solutions, an additional step is required to neutralise hydrogen ions (H⁺) by adding hydroxide ions (OH⁻) to both sides of the equation. This results in the formation of water molecules, which may then need to be balanced.

In Summary

The art of writing half-equations is a cornerstone of redox chemistry, providing insight into the electron transfers that define oxidation and reduction. Mastery of this skill comes from understanding the principles, practicing with diverse reactions, and learning from mistakes. Through diligent study and application, the process of writing half-equations becomes an invaluable tool in the chemist's repertoire.


Yes, half-equations can be written for reactions that do not occur in aqueous solutions. While many redox reactions are studied in the context of aqueous solutions due to their prevalence in chemistry, half-equations are not limited to this medium. For reactions occurring in non-aqueous environments, such as in organic solvents, molten salts, or even gaseous states, the principles of balancing electron transfer remain the same. The main difference lies in the method used to balance the equation, particularly for oxygen and hydrogen. In non-aqueous reactions, water (H₂O) may not always be a suitable species for balancing oxygen, and hydrogen ions (H⁺) or hydroxide ions (OH⁻) may not be relevant for balancing hydrogen. Instead, other species present in the reaction environment may be used for balancing purposes. For example, in a reaction occurring in a molten salt, the metal cations or anions from the salt may serve to balance charges or complete the reaction equation. The fundamental requirement is to ensure that the equation accurately reflects the conservation of mass and charge, regardless of the reaction medium.

Balancing oxygen and hydrogen atoms last in half-equations is a strategic approach that simplifies the balancing process. Initially focusing on the elements directly involved in the oxidation or reduction ensures that the electron transfer is accurately represented, which is the essence of redox reactions. Once this is established, the attention can then be shifted to oxygen and hydrogen, which are often involved in adjusting the overall charge and mass balance but may not directly participate in the electron transfer. Balancing oxygen and hydrogen last allows for adjustments to be made based on the already balanced elements and charge, using water (H₂O) to balance oxygen and hydrogen ions (H⁺ in acidic solutions or OH⁻ in basic solutions) to balance hydrogen. This methodical approach prevents the need for multiple revisions of the elemental and charge balance, streamlining the process and reducing the potential for errors. It ensures a clear focus on the core redox process before addressing the ancillary aspects of the reaction.

Including state symbols in half-equations is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it provides clarity about the physical state of each reactant and product, which is essential for understanding the reaction conditions. For instance, state symbols can indicate whether a reaction occurs in aqueous solution, which might influence the solubility of reactants and products and the overall reaction mechanism. Secondly, the physical state can affect the reaction kinetics; for example, reactions involving gases or liquids may proceed at different rates compared to those involving solids. Additionally, state symbols are vital for identifying phases in electrochemical cells, where the interface between different phases (e.g., electrode/solution) is fundamental to the cell's operation. Including these symbols helps in visualising the reaction and aids in the practical application of the balanced equation in laboratory settings. It ensures a comprehensive understanding of the reaction dynamics and conditions, facilitating accurate predictions and interpretations of the chemical processes involved.

In basic solutions, the process of balancing half-equations involves an additional step compared to balancing in acidic solutions. After balancing the atoms and charge as you would for an acidic solution, you need to neutralise any H⁺ ions added during the balancing process. This is done by adding an equal number of OH⁻ ions to both sides of the equation. If H⁺ ions were added to balance hydrogen atoms, adding OH⁻ ions will create water (H₂O) on the same side as the H⁺ ions. For every H⁺ ion added, one OH⁻ ion is added, resulting in the formation of water. This may require you to rebalance oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the equation. The presence of OH⁻ ions on the opposite side may also necessitate additional balancing steps to ensure that the equation reflects the basic conditions. This approach maintains the principle of conservation of mass and charge while accurately representing the reaction conditions in a basic environment.

Balancing complex half-equations, where multiple elements undergo oxidation or reduction, requires a systematic approach. Begin by identifying all the elements that change their oxidation states and writing separate half-equations for each oxidation or reduction process. This initial step helps in isolating the individual electron transfer events, making the overall process more manageable. Next, balance each half-equation for the elements involved, excluding oxygen and hydrogen at this stage. Once the individual elements are balanced, adjust the electrons to ensure that the charge is balanced on both sides of each half-equation. After all the half-equations are individually balanced, compare the number of electrons involved in the oxidation and reduction half-equations. If necessary, multiply the half-equations by appropriate factors to ensure that the electrons lost in the oxidation processes are equal to the electrons gained in the reduction processes. This step is crucial for ensuring that the overall redox process adheres to the principle of electron conservation. Finally, combine the adjusted half-equations, and then balance oxygen and hydrogen atoms, considering the reaction medium (aqueous, acidic, or basic). This meticulous approach ensures that complex half-equations are balanced accurately, reflecting the stoichiometry and electron transfer dynamics of the reaction.

Practice Questions

Write the half-equation for the oxidation of sulphur dioxide (SO₂) to sulphate ions (SO₄²⁻) in an acidic solution. Include all necessary steps to balance the half-equation.

Starting with the unbalanced half-equation: SO₂ → SO₄²⁻. Recognising the need to balance oxygen, they add water: SO₂ + 2H₂O → SO₄²⁻. To balance hydrogen, 4H⁺ are added to the reactant side: SO₂ + 2H₂O → SO₄²⁻ + 4H⁺. Finally, to balance the charge, 2 electrons are added to the reactant side, resulting in the balanced half-equation: SO₂ + 2H₂O + 4H⁺ → SO₄²⁻ + 2e⁻.

Given the reaction between manganese dioxide (MnO₂) and hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) producing manganese(II) ions (Mn²⁺) and oxygen gas, write the half-equation for the reduction of MnO₂.

For this question, the student starts with the unbalanced half-equation: MnO₂ + H₂O₂ → Mn²⁺. Noticing that oxygen is already balanced, they focus on balancing manganese and hydrogen next. Since there is no change in hydrogen, they move directly to charge balance. Two electrons are added to the reactant side to account for the reduction in oxidation state from Mn(IV) to Mn(II), resulting in the balanced half-equation: MnO₂ + 2e⁻ + 2H⁺ → Mn²⁺ + H₂O. The student understands that in an acidic solution, H⁺ ions are used to balance hydrogen.

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