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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

8.3.2 pOH, pKa, and pKb

Acid-base chemistry is a cornerstone of chemical understanding, and within this realm, the concepts of pOH, pKa, and pKb stand out. These parameters are not just mere numbers; they offer profound insights into the nature, strength, and behaviour of acids and bases in various environments. To deepen your understanding of how pH levels are calculated, explore Calculating pH.

Relationship between pH and pOH

  • Understanding pOH:
    • Definition: While pH gives us a measure of the acidity of a solution by quantifying the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+), pOH does the opposite. It measures the basicity of a solution by quantifying the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). Mathematically, it's expressed as: pOH = -log[OH-]
    • Importance: Just as pH informs us about the acidic nature of a solution, pOH provides clarity about its basic nature. In many chemical environments, especially in industrial processes, knowing the pOH can be as crucial as knowing the pH. For further insights into the nature of acids and bases, consider reviewing the distinctions between Strong vs. Weak Acids and Bases.
  • The Inverse Relationship:
    • Mathematical Basis: The sum of the pH and pOH of any aqueous solution at 25°C is always 14. This is derived from the ion product constant of water (Kw = [H+][OH-] = 1 x 10-14 at 25°C). Thus: pH + pOH = 14
    • Practical Implications: This relationship means that if a solution becomes more acidic (lower pH), it simultaneously becomes less basic (higher pOH), and vice versa.
IB Chemistry Tutor Tip: Mastering the relationships between pH, pOH, pKa, and pKb is essential for predicting and explaining the behaviour of acids and bases in various chemical contexts.

Delving into pKa and pKb

  • Understanding pKa and pKb:
    • pKa: This is a logarithmic scale that quantifies the strength of an acid in solution. The lower the pKa value, the stronger the acid. It's defined as: pKa = -log Ka, where Ka is the acid dissociation constant. Understanding the theoretical foundation of acids and bases, such as the Lewis Acid-Base Theory, can enrich your comprehension of pKa.
    • pKb: Analogous to pKa but for bases. It quantifies the strength of a base in solution. A lower pKb value indicates a stronger base. Defined as: pKb = -log Kb, where Kb is the base dissociation constant.
  • Interrelationship of pKa and pKb:
    • Mathematical Connection: For any acid and its conjugate base: pKa + pKb = 14. The principles behind this can be further understood through the study of Dissociation Constants.
    • Chemical Implications: This relationship is a reflection of the fact that as an acid becomes stronger (lower pKa), its conjugate base becomes weaker (higher pKb), and vice versa.
  • Significance in Acid-Base Equilibria:
    • Buffer Solutions: These are solutions that resist changes in pH upon the addition of small amounts of acid or base. The pH of a buffer solution is approximately equal to the pKa of the weak acid in it. Hence, knowing the pKa is crucial for preparing effective buffer solutions. Gain more insights by exploring Buffer Solutions.
    • Titrations: In acid-base titrations, the half-equivalence point, where half the acid or base has reacted, is a point of particular interest. Here, the pH of the solution equals the pKa (for acid titrations) or pKb (for base titrations) of the substance being titrated.
    • Equilibrium Position: For reactions involving weak acids or bases, the position of equilibrium can be predicted using pKa or pKb values. If the pH of a solution is less than the pKa of a weak acid, the undissociated form of the acid predominates. Conversely, if the pH is greater than the pKa, the dissociated form is more abundant.
IB Tutor Advice: Practice calculating pH, pOH, pKa, and pKb values from given data to strengthen your understanding and application of these concepts in different acid-base equilibrium scenarios.

Deep Dive: Importance of pKa and pKb in Chemical Reactions

Understanding the pKa and pKb values of reactants in a chemical reaction can provide insights into the reaction's direction, speed, and equilibrium position. For instance, in organic chemistry, the pKa values of substrates and catalysts can influence reaction pathways, determining product selectivity. Similarly, in biochemistry, the pKa values of amino acid side chains can affect protein structure and function.


Temperature can influence the dissociation of weak acids and bases, thereby affecting the value of Ka and, consequently, pKa. Generally, as temperature increases, molecules gain more kinetic energy, which can lead to increased dissociation of weak acids. This can result in an increase in Ka and a decrease in pKa. However, the exact change in pKa with temperature varies for different acids and depends on the specific thermodynamics of the dissociation process. It's essential to consider temperature when comparing pKa values or when working in non-standard conditions.

In organic chemistry, pKa values play a pivotal role in predicting the direction and feasibility of acid-base reactions. By comparing the pKa values of reactants and products, chemists can determine which side of the equilibrium is favoured. For instance, in proton transfer reactions, the reaction tends to proceed from the acid with a lower pKa to the acid with a higher pKa. Furthermore, pKa values can provide insights into the reactivity of organic molecules, as certain functional groups' reactivity can be influenced by their acidic or basic nature.

Buffers are solutions that resist significant pH changes upon the addition of small amounts of acid or base. They typically consist of a weak acid and its conjugate base. The pH of an effective buffer is usually close to the pKa of the weak acid used. This is because, at a pH value equal to the pKa, the concentrations of the acid and its conjugate base are equal, allowing the buffer to neutralise both added acid and base. By choosing acids with pKa values close to the desired pH, chemists can formulate buffers suitable for specific conditions.

pKa values are of paramount importance in drug development and pharmacology. The ionisation state of a drug molecule can influence its absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and overall pharmacological activity. Drugs often need to cross cell membranes, and their ionised or unionised state can affect their permeability. By understanding the pKa of a drug, researchers can predict its ionisation state at different pH values, such as in the stomach or intestines. This knowledge helps in designing drugs with optimal absorption and distribution properties, ensuring therapeutic efficacy.

The sum of pKa and pKb equalling 14 at 25°C is rooted in the ion product constant of water, Kw. At 25°C, Kw is 1 x 10-14. The pKw, which is -log(Kw), is thus 14. Given that pKa is -log(Ka) and pKb is -log(Kb), and knowing that Ka x Kb = Kw for a conjugate acid-base pair, it follows that pKa + pKb = pKw. Hence, at 25°C, pKa + pKb = 14. This relationship provides a convenient means to relate the strengths of conjugate acid-base pairs.

Practice Questions

Explain the relationship between pKa and pKb for a conjugate acid-base pair. How can this relationship be used to determine the strength of an acid or its conjugate base?

The pKa and pKb of a conjugate acid-base pair are inversely related and their sum is always equal to 14 at 25°C. This relationship arises from the ion product constant of water. Specifically, pKa + pKb = 14. The lower the pKa value, the stronger the acid, and, consequently, the weaker its conjugate base. Conversely, a lower pKb value indicates a stronger base and a weaker conjugate acid. By knowing the pKa of an acid, one can determine the pKb of its conjugate base using the relationship, and vice versa, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the acid-base strengths.

A weak acid, HA, has a pKa of 4.8. If a solution of HA has a pH of 4.8, what can be inferred about the concentrations of HA and its conjugate base, A-?

When the pH of a solution is equal to the pKa of the weak acid present, it indicates that the solution is at its half-equivalence point. At this point, the concentrations of the weak acid (HA) and its conjugate base (A-) are equal. This is because half of the weak acid has dissociated into its conjugate base. Therefore, in a solution of HA with a pH of 4.8, the concentrations of HA and A- are the same, signifying that 50% of the acid has been ionised, and the solution is effectively buffered.

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