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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

8.3.1 Calculating pH

In the realm of chemistry, the pH scale serves as a pivotal tool, quantifying the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. For IB Chemistry students, mastering the art of calculating pH, especially for diverse acids and bases, is indispensable.

Understanding the pH Formula

Central to the concept of pH is its defining formula:

pH = -log[H+]


  • pH is the measure that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
  • [H+] denotes the concentration of hydrogen ions present in the solution.
  • log is the base 10 logarithm.

Understanding the relationship between pH, pOH, pKa, and pKb is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of acid-base chemistry. Learn more about this in pOH, pKa, and pKb.

Decoding the pH Value

  • A pH value less than 7 signifies an acidic solution.
  • A pH value greater than 7 points to a basic or alkaline solution.
  • A pH of 7 is termed neutral, akin to pure water at 25°C.

Calculating pH for Strong Acids and Bases

Strong Acids

Strong acids are characterised by their near-complete dissociation in water, leading to a substantial release of H+ ions. Common examples encompass hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4).

Example: For a solution with an HCl concentration of 0.01 M, the pH is deduced as: pH = -log(0.01) = 2

Understanding the difference between strong and weak acids and bases can further clarify the concept of pH calculation. For more information, see Strong vs Weak Acids and Bases.

Strong Bases

In contrast, strong bases dissociate to yield OH- ions. To ascertain the pH, one initially determines the pOH (representing the negative logarithm of the hydroxide ion concentration) and subsequently subtracts this value from 14 (at 25°C).

Example: For a solution containing a strong base like NaOH at 0.01 M concentration, the pOH is: pOH = -log(0.01) = 2 Subsequently, pH = 14 - pOH = 14 - 2 = 12

Calculating pH for Weak Acids and Bases

Weak Acids

Unlike their strong counterparts, weak acids exhibit partial dissociation in water, leading to a lesser release of H+ ions. The pH of such acids is typically derived using equilibrium constants coupled with the acid dissociation constant (Ka).

Example: For acetic acid (CH3COOH), which undergoes partial dissociation into CH3COO- and H+, the pH might be determined using the provided Ka and initial concentration. This often necessitates employing the quadratic formula or making assumptions based on the extent of dissociation.

Weak Bases

Mirroring weak acids, weak bases too exhibit incomplete dissociation in water. The pOH of these bases can be ascertained using the base dissociation constant (Kb).

Example: For ammonia (NH3), which interacts with water to yield NH4+ and OH-, the pOH might be deduced using the stipulated Kb and initial concentration. Similar to weak acids, deriving the pH for weak bases might require intricate calculations.

For a deeper understanding of how equilibrium constants affect pH calculations, consult Dissociation Constants.

Factors Influencing pH

Several determinants can sway the pH of a solution:

  • The concentration of the Acid or Base: As illustrated in the aforementioned examples, the concentration has a direct bearing on the pH value.
  • Temperature Variations: The pH of pure water stands at 7 at 25°C. However, this value is susceptible to changes with temperature fluctuations, a concept explored further in Le Chatelier's Principle.
  • Presence of Other Ions: Certain ions in the solution can engage with H+ or OH- ions, potentially altering the pH.

Significance of pH Calculations in Real-world Scenarios

The act of understanding and computing pH transcends mere theoretical knowledge. It bears tangible implications across diverse sectors:

  • Medicine: Ensuring optimal pH in drug formulations can significantly influence the efficacy of the medication.
  • Agriculture: The pH of the soil can dictate the nutrient availability for plants, impacting crop yield.
  • Food & Beverage Industry: pH can influence various attributes like taste, preservation techniques, and texture of food items.

In addition to these applications, understanding how to manipulate and stabilise pH in various contexts is crucial. This is particularly relevant in creating Buffer Solutions, which are essential in many biological and chemical processes.


Indicators are fascinating organic compounds that undergo colour changes based on the pH of their environment. This colour transition is attributed to structural changes in the indicator molecule when it either accepts or donates protons (H+ ions). Each indicator has its unique pH range, known as its transition range, over which it changes colour. For instance, litmus turns red in acidic solutions and blue in basic ones. The exact pH at which an indicator changes colour is determined by its pKa value, which is the pH at which half the indicator is in its acidic form and half in its basic form.

Pure water, under ideal conditions, has a pH of 7 at 25°C. However, distilled water in the real world can deviate from this. When exposed to air, distilled water can absorb carbon dioxide, which reacts with water to form carbonic acid. This acid dissociates slightly, increasing the H+ ion concentration and thus lowering the pH. Over time, especially in open containers, the pH of distilled water can drop slightly below 7 due to this phenomenon.

Salts are products of acid-base neutralisation reactions. The pH of a salt solution is influenced by the strengths of the parent acid and base. If a strong acid reacts with a weak base, the resulting salt often produces a solution with an acidic pH. Conversely, a salt formed from a weak acid and a strong base typically results in a basic solution. The exact pH value depends on the ionisation constants of the original acid and base. Some salts, like those formed from strong acids and strong bases, don't significantly affect pH and result in a neutral solution.

The pH scale's traditional range from 0 to 14 is rooted in the properties of water. At 25°C, water undergoes auto-ionisation, producing an equal concentration of 1 x 10-7 M for both H+ and OH- ions. This results in a pH and pOH of 7, making their sum equal to 14. However, this doesn't mean that pH values outside this range are impossible. In highly acidic solutions, pH can be less than 0, and in highly basic solutions, it can exceed 14. But for most practical applications and measurements, the 0-14 range is adequate.

In the realm of pH, a high concentration of H+ ions correlates with a low pH value. The pH is inversely proportional to the H+ ion concentration, as evident from the formula pH = -log[H+]. As the concentration of these ions rises, the pH value drops, signifying a more acidic environment. On the flip side, a low H+ ion concentration corresponds to a higher pH, indicative of a more basic or alkaline solution. It's essential to grasp this inverse relationship to accurately understand and predict the behaviour of acids and bases in various contexts.

Practice Questions

A student measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution and finds it to be 1 x 10^-5 M. Calculate the pH of the solution and classify it as acidic, basic, or neutral.

The pH of a solution is calculated using the formula pH = -log[H+]. Using the given concentration, the pH is calculated as: pH = -log(1 x 10-5) = 5 Given that the pH value is less than 7, the solution is classified as acidic.

Describe the difference in the pH values of a 0.1 M solution of a strong acid and a 0.1 M solution of a weak acid. Explain the reason for this difference.

A 0.1 M solution of a strong acid will have a pH close to 1 because strong acids almost completely dissociate in water, releasing a high concentration of H+ ions. On the other hand, a 0.1 M solution of a weak acid will have a pH greater than 1, as weak acids only partially dissociate, resulting in a lower concentration of H+ ions. The difference in pH values stems from the difference in the degree of dissociation between strong and weak acids. The strong acid releases more H+ ions into the solution compared to the weak acid, leading to a lower pH value.

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