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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

8.2.3 Indicators

Indicators serve as the cornerstone in the vast domain of chemistry, especially when determining the pH of solutions or identifying the endpoint of titrations. These substances undergo a colour change at specific pH values, offering a visual representation of the acidic or basic nature of a solution. To further understand how pH is calculated, explore calculating pH. This section will delve deeper into the intricacies of indicators, exploring their types, pH ranges, and varied applications.

Types of Indicators

Universal Indicators:

  • Definition: Universal indicators are mixtures of several individual indicators.
  • Colour Transition: They display a spectrum of colours over a wide pH range. Typically, the colour gradient spans from red (strongly acidic) to green (neutral) to purple (strongly alkaline).
  • Usage: They're often used in educational settings for general pH estimations and in some commercial pH test strips.

pH Indicators:

  • Definition: These are specific to certain pH ranges and undergo a colour change when the solution reaches a particular pH.
  • Examples:
    • Litmus: Red in acidic solutions and blue in alkaline solutions. To learn more about how acids and bases influence pH indicators, read about strong vs. weak acids and bases.
    • Phenolphthalein: Colourless in acidic solutions and turns pink in alkaline solutions.
    • Bromothymol Blue: Transitions from yellow in acidic solutions to blue in alkaline solutions, with green indicating neutrality.
  • Usage: Commonly used in labs for titrations and to give a more precise pH range than universal indicators. Understanding the balancing of redox reactions can enhance comprehension of certain titration processes.

End-point Indicators:

  • Definition: These are used predominantly in titrations to signal the completion of a reaction. The dissociation constants of acids and bases can affect the choice of indicator for a particular titration.
  • Selection Criteria: The choice of an end-point indicator is crucial and depends on the nature of the reaction and the expected pH at the endpoint.
  • Examples: Methyl orange and bromocresol green are commonly used end-point indicators.

pH Range of Indicators

Each indicator is characterised by a specific pH range over which it changes colour, known as its 'transition range'. Here are some detailed examples:

  • Litmus: Its transition range is between pH 5.0 to 8.0. Below pH 5, it is distinctly red, indicating an acidic environment, while above pH 8, it turns blue, signifying an alkaline environment.
  • Phenolphthalein: This indicator is colourless below pH 8.2 and turns pink above pH 10.0. It's often used in titrations because of its clear colour change.
  • Bromothymol Blue: It transitions from yellow at pH 6.0 to blue at pH 7.6, with green indicating a neutral pH of 7.0.

Applications of Indicators


  • Role: Indicators are indispensable in titrations, which are procedures used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution.
  • Endpoint Detection: The indicator signals the endpoint of the titration, which is when the reactants have combined in stoichiometrically equivalent amounts. This is crucial for accurate calculations. For an in-depth understanding of titrations within acidic or basic media, exploring buffer solutions can provide additional insights.

pH Estimation:

  • Quick Tests: Indicators like litmus paper or universal indicator solutions offer a rapid method to estimate the pH of a solution.
  • Accuracy: While not as accurate as a pH meter, they provide a quick and easy method suitable for many applications.


  • Bacterial Differentiation: Some indicators are employed in microbiology to distinguish between bacterial species based on their metabolic activities. For instance, lactose fermentation by certain bacteria produces an acidic environment, leading to a colour change in the pH indicator present in the growth medium.

Environmental Science:

  • Monitoring Aquatic Systems: Indicators can be used to gauge the health of aquatic ecosystems. A sudden shift in the pH of a water body can be indicative of pollution or other ecological disturbances.

Everyday Life:

  • Swimming Pools & Fish Tanks: pH strips, often embedded with universal indicators, are used to ensure the water's pH is safe.
  • Gardening: Gardeners use litmus strips to test soil acidity, which can influence plant health and growth.


Indicators are weak acids or bases that dissociate in water, producing different coloured forms depending on the pH. The colour observed is a result of the equilibrium between the ionised and unionised forms of the indicator. When the pH of the solution changes, this equilibrium shifts, leading to a predominant form that imparts its characteristic colour to the solution. The exact pH at which the colour change occurs is specific to each indicator and is based on its pKa value.

Yes, indicators have limitations. The accuracy of an indicator is contingent upon its ability to exhibit a clear colour change at the equivalence point of the titration. If the pH of the equivalence point doesn't align with the pH range of the indicator's colour change, it can lead to endpoint determination errors. Additionally, indicators might not be suitable for titrations involving coloured solutions, as the colour of the solution can mask the indicator's colour change.

Electronic methods, like using a pH meter, can indeed replace indicators in many titrations. A pH meter provides a continuous readout of pH, allowing for the accurate determination of the equivalence point. This method is especially useful in titrations where the pH change is gradual or where the solution's colour might interfere with an indicator's colour change. However, for routine titrations, especially in educational settings, indicators remain a simple and cost-effective choice.

The suitability of an indicator for a particular titration is based on its pH transition range, which is the pH range over which it changes colour. For acidic titrations, where the equivalence point is at a lower pH, indicators that change colour in the acidic pH range are chosen. Conversely, for alkaline titrations with a higher pH at the equivalence point, indicators that change colour in the basic pH range are selected. Using an indicator outside its optimal pH range can lead to inaccurate endpoint determination.

While a universal indicator can display a range of colours across the entire pH scale, it's not always precise for titrations. Titration requires a sharp, clear colour change at the equivalence point, which might be subtle or ambiguous with a universal indicator. Specific indicators are chosen based on their sharp colour change within a narrow pH range, closely matching the expected pH change of the titration. Using a universal indicator might lead to difficulty in discerning the endpoint, resulting in inaccurate results.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of choosing the correct indicator in a titration experiment, especially when determining the concentration of a weak acid using a strong base.

The choice of an indicator in a titration is pivotal as it signals the endpoint of the reaction, which is when the reactants have combined in stoichiometrically equivalent amounts. When titrating a weak acid with a strong base, the pH changes rapidly near the equivalence point. An appropriate indicator should have its transition range (pH range over which it changes colour) close to the pH of the equivalence point of the titration. Using an unsuitable indicator can lead to an inaccurate determination of the endpoint, resulting in systematic errors in the calculated concentration of the weak acid.

A gardener tests the pH of soil using litmus paper and finds it turns blue. What can be inferred about the soil's acidity, and how might this affect plant growth?

If the litmus paper turns blue when testing the soil, it indicates that the soil is alkaline, with a pH value greater than 7. Alkaline soils can affect the availability of essential nutrients for plants. Some nutrients become less available as pH increases, potentially leading to nutrient deficiencies in plants. This can hinder plant growth, causing symptoms like yellowing of leaves or stunted growth. For optimal plant health, it's crucial to choose plants suited for alkaline conditions or amend the soil to adjust its pH to the desired level.

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