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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

8.2.1 pH Scale

The pH scale is a fundamental concept in chemistry, quantifying the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. It's intrinsically linked to the concentration of hydrogen ions, playing a pivotal role in understanding various chemical reactions and phenomena.

Definition of pH

The term pH stands for 'potential of hydrogen'. It represents a measure used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution.

  • Acidic Solutions: Solutions with a pH value less than 7 are acidic. The further the pH is from 7, the more acidic the solution. Examples include citrus fruits like lemons and household items like vinegar.
  • Alkaline (Basic) Solutions: Solutions with a pH value greater than 7 are alkaline. The higher the pH, the more basic the solution. Examples include baking soda solutions and cleaning agents like bleach.
  • Neutral Solutions: These have a pH of 7. Distilled water, under standard conditions, is a prime example of a neutral solution.

Relationship Between pH and [H+]

The pH of a solution is directly related to its hydrogen ion concentration, [H+]. This relationship is expressed as:

pH = -log[H+]

Breaking this down:

  • Logarithmic Nature: The pH scale is logarithmic. This means a one-unit change in pH corresponds to a tenfold change in the hydrogen ion concentration. For instance, a solution with a pH of 4 has ten times more [H+] than one with a pH of 5.
  • Inverse Relationship: As [H+] increases, pH decreases, making the solution more acidic. Conversely, as [H+] decreases, pH increases, making the solution more basic.
  • Neutral Point: At pH 7, [H+] is 1 x 10-7 mol/L. This is where the concentration of hydrogen ions equals that of hydroxide ions, [OH-].
  • Scale Extremes: The pH scale typically ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 0 indicates a high [H+] (1 mol/L), while a pH of 14 signifies a very low [H+] (1 x 10-14 mol/L).

Deep Dive into pH

Historical Perspective: The pH concept was introduced by Danish chemist Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen in 1909 at the Carlsberg Laboratory. Initially, it was used to ensure beer quality during brewing.

Importance in Daily Life: The pH of substances we use or consume daily, like food, medicines, and cosmetics, is crucial for their safety and efficacy. For example, the human stomach's pH is around 2, aiding digestion. Conversely, most skincare products are slightly acidic to maintain the skin's natural barrier.

Environmental Significance: pH is also environmentally significant. Normal rainwater has a pH of about 5.6. However, pollutants can lower this, causing acid rain, which can harm aquatic life, forests, and even buildings.

Practical Implications

Understanding the pH scale is vital across various sectors:

  • Biology: Many biological processes, like enzyme activity, cellular respiration, and photosynthesis, are pH-dependent. Organisms, especially humans, have mechanisms to maintain a stable pH, as deviations can be harmful.
  • Agriculture: Soil pH affects nutrient availability. Some crops prefer acidic soils, while others thrive in alkaline conditions. Farmers often adjust soil pH to maximise yield.
  • Medicine: The human body maintains a narrow pH range, especially in the bloodstream. Deviations can lead to conditions like acidosis or alkalosis, which can be life-threatening if not addressed.
  • Industry: Many industrial processes are pH-sensitive. Whether it's paper production, wastewater treatment, or food processing, the right pH is crucial for quality and safety.


Buffers are specially designed solutions that resist significant changes in pH when small amounts of an acid or a base are added. They are typically composed of a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid. When an external acid is introduced to a buffer solution, the conjugate base present in the buffer neutralises the added acid, preventing a sharp pH drop. On the other hand, when a base is added, the weak acid component of the buffer neutralises the base, ensuring the pH doesn't rise significantly. This balancing act is vital in many biological systems, where enzymes and other molecules require a stable pH to function optimally.

pH is a specific measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution. Solid substances, being undissolved, don't possess a hydrogen ion concentration in the same way solutions do. To ascertain the pH of a solid, one must first dissolve it in water or another solvent. Upon dissolution, the solid might either release or accept hydrogen ions, influencing the pH of the resulting solution. This is why direct pH measurements are exclusive to solutions, and any pH-related properties of solids are inferred from their behaviour in a dissolved state.

Temperature plays a pivotal role in influencing the pH of a solution, particularly for pure water. At the standard measurement temperature of 25°C, pure water exhibits a pH of 7. However, with rising temperatures, water undergoes increased ionisation, leading to a marginal decrease in pH. Conversely, at temperatures below 25°C, the pH of water tends to be slightly above 7 due to decreased ionisation. This temperature-pH relationship is not just limited to water; many other solutions also exhibit pH changes with temperature fluctuations, making it imperative to control and note the temperature during pH measurements.

Pure water is considered neutral on the pH scale because it has an equal concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). At 25°C, this concentration is 1 x 10-7 mol/L for both ions, resulting in a pH of 7. The pH scale is designed such that a value of 7 represents neutrality. Values below 7 indicate acidic solutions, where the concentration of H+ ions is greater than OH- ions. Conversely, values above 7 indicate alkaline or basic solutions, where OH- ions outnumber H+ ions. The neutrality of water is crucial for many biochemical processes, making it a universal solvent in many reactions.

Indeed, while the conventional pH scale for most practical purposes ranges from 0 to 14, it's not strictly limited to these values. Highly acidic solutions can exhibit negative pH values. This occurs when the concentration of H+ ions surpasses 1 mol/L. On the other end of the spectrum, extremely basic solutions can manifest pH values exceeding 14, especially when the concentration of OH- ions is exceptionally high. Such extreme pH values are infrequent in everyday scenarios but can be encountered in specific industrial processes or advanced research settings. Understanding these extremes is crucial for those working with highly reactive substances or in fields requiring precise pH control.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of the logarithmic nature of the pH scale. How does a one-unit change in pH relate to the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution?

The pH scale is logarithmic, which means that each unit change in pH corresponds to a tenfold change in the hydrogen ion concentration. Specifically, a one-unit increase in pH indicates that the concentration of hydrogen ions has decreased by a factor of ten. Conversely, a one-unit decrease in pH means that the hydrogen ion concentration has increased tenfold. This logarithmic nature allows the pH scale to accommodate the vast range of hydrogen ion concentrations found in different solutions, making it a versatile tool for expressing acidity or alkalinity.

Why is it crucial for the human body to maintain a narrow pH range, especially in the bloodstream? What could be the potential consequences of deviations from this range?

The human body's biochemical processes, especially enzyme-catalysed reactions, are highly sensitive to pH. Enzymes have an optimal pH at which they function most efficiently. The bloodstream, in particular, needs to maintain a pH close to 7.4. Deviations from this can lead to conditions like acidosis (if the blood becomes too acidic) or alkalosis (if it becomes too alkaline). Both conditions can disrupt cellular functions and metabolic processes. Severe or prolonged pH imbalances can be life-threatening, as they can affect vital organs and systems, including the heart, lungs, and kidneys.

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