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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

8.1.2 Brønsted-Lowry Theory

The Brønsted-Lowry theory, a cornerstone in acid-base chemistry, offers a nuanced perspective on acids and bases, emphasising proton transfer and the intricate interplay of conjugate acid-base pairs.

Acid-Base Behaviour in Terms of Proton Transfer


  • In the Brønsted-Lowry paradigm, an acid is not just a substance that releases H+ ions but is more specifically defined as a proton donor. This definition transcends the boundaries of solvents, making it applicable beyond just aqueous solutions.
  • For instance, hydrogen fluoride (HF) in anhydrous conditions can donate a proton to another HF molecule, showcasing its acidic nature even outside water:
    • 2HF → H2F+ + F-


  • A base, in contrast, is a proton acceptor in the Brønsted-Lowry context. This definition recognises substances that might not necessarily release OH- ions but can still accept protons.
  • A notable example is ammonia (NH3). In the absence of water, two ammonia molecules can interact, with one donating a proton to the other:
    • 2NH3 → NH4+ + NH2-

Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

  • When a base accepts a proton, it transforms into its conjugate acid. For instance, when water acts as a base and accepts a proton from hydrogen chloride, the resulting hydronium ion (H3O+) is the conjugate acid of water.
  • Conversely, when an acid donates a proton, the remaining species is its conjugate base. Using the previous example, after HCl donates its proton, the resulting chloride ion (Cl-) is its conjugate base.
  • This dynamic pairing, where an acid and its conjugate base or a base and its conjugate acid coexist, is termed a conjugate acid-base pair. This concept underscores the reversibility of acid-base reactions.
  • The strength of an acid is inversely related to the strength of its conjugate base. A potent acid will have a weak conjugate base and vice versa. This relationship is crucial in predicting the direction of acid-base reactions.

Significance and Advancements Over the Arrhenius Theory

The Brønsted-Lowry theory, while building on the foundational concepts of the Arrhenius theory, offers several advancements:

  • Universal Application: Unlike the Arrhenius model, which is constrained to aqueous solutions, the Brønsted-Lowry theory is universally applicable, encompassing reactions in various solvents.
  • Recognition of Non-Hydroxide Bases: This theory acknowledges bases that don't produce OH- ions, such as ammonia, broadening the spectrum of substances recognised as bases.
  • Emphasis on Proton Transfer: By focusing on proton donation and acceptance, this theory provides a microscopic view of acid-base reactions, delving into the very essence of molecular interactions.

Examples and Observations

To further elucidate the Brønsted-Lowry theory, let's explore some common reactions:

  • Acetic Acid and Ammonia: When acetic acid (CH3COOH) interacts with ammonia, it donates a proton to ammonia, showcasing its acidic nature:
    • CH3COOH + NH3 → CH3COO- + NH4+
  • Water's Dual Role: Water's amphoteric nature, meaning its ability to act as both an acid and a base, is beautifully explained by the Brønsted-Lowry theory. In the presence of ammonia, water donates a proton, behaving as an acid. However, when confronted with hydrogen fluoride, it accepts a proton, showcasing its basic side:
    • H2O + NH3 → OH- + NH4+
    • H2O + HF → H3O+ + F-

Applications in Modern Chemistry

The Brønsted-Lowry theory finds applications in diverse fields of chemistry:

  • Titrations: This theory aids in understanding the proton transfer that occurs during titrations, helping chemists determine the concentration of unknown solutions.
  • Buffer Solutions: The concept of conjugate acid-base pairs is pivotal in designing buffer solutions. These solutions resist changes in pH when small amounts of acids or bases are added, ensuring stability in various chemical processes.
  • Industrial Processes: Many industrial processes, from the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals to the synthesis of dyes, rely on acid-base reactions. A deep understanding of the Brønsted-Lowry theory ensures these processes are efficient and yield the desired products.


The Brønsted-Lowry and Lewis theories, while both foundational in acid-base chemistry, offer distinct perspectives. The Brønsted-Lowry theory is centred on proton transfer, defining acids as proton donors and bases as proton acceptors. The Lewis theory, however, delves deeper into electronic interactions. It defines acids as electron pair acceptors and bases as electron pair donors. This broader definition in the Lewis theory captures a wider array of chemical reactions, including those where no proton transfer occurs. For instance, metal cations, which can act as Lewis acids by accepting electron pairs, don't fit neatly into the Brønsted-Lowry definition, showcasing the complementary nature of these two theories.

While the Brønsted-Lowry theory offers a robust framework for categorising many substances as acids or bases, it doesn't encompass all substances. Some molecules might remain neutral or not engage in proton transfer reactions under specific conditions. Additionally, certain substances, like water, showcase amphoteric behaviour, oscillating between acidic and basic roles based on the surrounding environment. Furthermore, there are reactions, especially those not centred on proton transfer, that might be better elucidated using alternative acid-base theories, such as the Lewis theory, highlighting the need for multiple theoretical frameworks in chemistry.

Weak acids and bases, pivotal in many chemical processes, don't fully dissociate in solution. The Brønsted-Lowry theory elucidates this behaviour by highlighting the partial proton transfer that these weak substances undergo. A weak acid, for instance, only donates a fraction of its protons to a base, resulting in an equilibrium between the acid, its conjugate base, and the transferred proton. Similarly, a weak base doesn't accept all available protons, leading to a similar equilibrium. The acid and base dissociation constants associated with these reactions provide quantitative insights into their relative strengths, enabling a deeper understanding of their behaviour and roles in various chemical contexts.

The Brønsted-Lowry theory provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the strength of acids and bases. An acid's strength is gauged by its propensity to donate protons. A strong acid, like hydrochloric acid, readily donates its proton, leaving behind its weak conjugate base, chloride ion, which is less inclined to accept a proton. On the flip side, a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide, avidly accepts a proton, producing its weak conjugate acid. The equilibrium constants associated with these reactions, known as the acid dissociation constants, offer quantitative insights into their relative strengths, enabling chemists to predict reaction outcomes and design effective chemical processes.

Water's unique amphoteric nature is a cornerstone in acid-base chemistry. Being amphoteric, water can act as both an acid and a base, a versatility that's pivotal in many chemical reactions. Within the Brønsted-Lowry framework, this dual behaviour is attributed to water's ability to both donate and accept protons. For instance, when water encounters ammonia (NH3), it donates a proton, behaving as an acid. In contrast, against hydrogen fluoride (HF), water accepts a proton, showcasing its basic side. This dual nature not only underscores water's central role in acid-base reactions but also highlights the adaptability of molecules in different chemical environments.

Practice Questions

Explain the primary difference between the definitions of acids and bases in the Arrhenius theory and the Brønsted-Lowry theory. How does the Brønsted-Lowry theory expand our understanding of acid-base behaviour?

The Arrhenius theory defines acids as substances that increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water, and bases as substances that increase the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). In contrast, the Brønsted-Lowry theory defines acids as proton (H+) donors and bases as proton acceptors, irrespective of the solvent. This broader definition in the Brønsted-Lowry theory expands our understanding by encompassing a wider range of acid-base reactions, including those that don't involve water or hydroxide ions, thus offering a more comprehensive perspective on acid-base behaviour.

What is meant by the term 'conjugate acid-base pair' in the context of the Brønsted-Lowry theory? Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

A conjugate acid-base pair in the Brønsted-Lowry context refers to two species that differ by a proton. When an acid donates a proton, it forms its conjugate base, and when a base accepts a proton, it forms its conjugate acid. For instance, when hydrogen fluoride (HF) donates a proton to water, HF acts as an acid and water as a base. The fluoride ion (F-) that remains after HF donates its proton is its conjugate base, while the hydronium ion (H3O+) formed when water accepts the proton is its conjugate acid. Together, HF/F- and H2O/H3O+ are conjugate acid-base pairs.

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