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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

8.1.1 Arrhenius Theory

The Arrhenius theory, formulated by the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius in the late 19th century, provides a fundamental perspective on acids and bases centred on ion formation in aqueous solutions. This pioneering theory, while instrumental in early acid-base chemistry, has certain limitations which are crucial for IB Chemistry students to grasp.

Definition of Acids and Bases Based on Ion Formation


  • At its core, the Arrhenius theory posits that an acid is any substance that, when dissolved in water, leads to an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+).
  • A classic example is hydrochloric acid (HCl). When introduced to water, it dissociates, yielding hydrogen ions:
    • HCl (aq) → H+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)
  • Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is another example. It not only donates one, but two hydrogen ions:
    • H2SO4 (aq) → 2H+ (aq) + SO42- (aq)


  • Conversely, an Arrhenius base is characterised as a substance that, upon dissolution in water, results in an increased concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-).
  • Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) serves as a quintessential example. Its dissolution process can be represented as:
    • NaOH (aq) → Na+ (aq) + OH- (aq)
  • Another common base, potassium hydroxide (KOH), behaves similarly in water:
    • KOH (aq) → K+ (aq) + OH- (aq)

Characteristics of Acids and Bases


  • Taste and Texture: Acids typically exhibit a sour taste. Historical records even show that some early chemists would taste substances to determine their acidic nature.
  • Litmus Test: Acids have the ability to turn blue litmus paper red, a classic experiment often demonstrated in school labs.
  • Metal Reaction: Acids react with most metals, producing hydrogen gas. For instance, zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce zinc chloride and hydrogen gas.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Due to the dissociation into ions, acids conduct electricity when dissolved in water.


  • Taste and Texture: Bases are known for their bitter taste and slippery feel, a characteristic often noted when handling soap, a basic substance.
  • Litmus Test: Bases turn red litmus paper blue, providing a straightforward method for their identification.
  • Metal Reaction: Unlike acids, bases don't react with metals to produce hydrogen gas.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Bases, like acids, also conduct electricity in aqueous solutions due to the presence of ions.

Limitations of the Arrhenius Theory

The Arrhenius theory, while revolutionary in its era, is not without its shortcomings:

  1. Aqueous Solutions Only: One of its most significant limitations is its applicability solely to reactions in water. Many acid-base reactions occur outside aqueous environments, rendering the Arrhenius definition inadequate in such scenarios.
  2. Limited Definition Scope: The theory doesn't encompass acids that fail to produce H^+ ions or bases devoid of OH- ions. Ammonia (NH3), for instance, acts as a base in water without containing OH- ions.
  3. Overlooking Proton Transfer: The Arrhenius theory doesn't delve into the proton transfer mechanism, a central component of acid-base reactions. This aspect is more comprehensively addressed by the Brønsted-Lowry theory.
  4. Strength Ambiguity: The theory doesn't distinguish between strong and weak acids or bases. Both hydrochloric acid (HCl) and acetic acid (CH3COOH) yield H+ ions in water, but their strengths differ markedly.
  5. Non-universal Nature: The theory falls short in explaining acidic and basic properties in solvents other than water.

Applications in Modern Chemistry

Despite its constraints, the Arrhenius theory remains a cornerstone in the realm of chemistry. It serves as a stepping stone, offering students an initial understanding of acids and bases, upon which more intricate theories are built.

Experiments and Observations

Over time, myriad experiments have been undertaken, some corroborating and others challenging the Arrhenius theory:

  • Titration Experiments: These involve the gradual addition of a base to an acid (or vice versa) until neutrality is achieved. The equivalence point, where the solution becomes neutral, is often signalled by a colour shift in an indicator. Such experiments underscore the concept of ion formation in aqueous solutions.
  • Electrical Conductivity: The fact that acids and bases conduct electricity in aqueous solutions bolsters the idea of ion formation. However, the presence of ions doesn't always equate to acidic or basic properties, spotlighting the limitations of the Arrhenius definition.


The Arrhenius theory primarily focuses on the ion formation of acids and bases in aqueous solutions. While it provides a clear distinction between what constitutes an acid or a base, it doesn't delve into the nuances of their strengths. The strength of an acid or base refers to its ability to donate or accept protons, respectively. Strong acids, for instance, dissociate completely in water, releasing all their H+ ions, while weak acids only partially dissociate. The Arrhenius theory, in its foundational nature, doesn't differentiate between these behaviours, leaving the exploration of acid and base strengths to more advanced theories like the Brønsted-Lowry theory.

While both the Arrhenius and Brønsted-Lowry theories deal with acids and bases, they define them differently. The Arrhenius theory is centred on the formation of ions in aqueous solutions: acids produce H+ ions, and bases produce OH- ions. In contrast, the Brønsted-Lowry theory defines acids as proton (H+) donors and bases as proton acceptors, regardless of the solvent. This broader definition encompasses a wider range of acid-base reactions, including those that don't involve water. For instance, while ammonia (NH3) doesn't fit the Arrhenius definition of a base, it is considered a base by the Brønsted-Lowry definition because it can accept a proton.

The Arrhenius theory is specifically tailored to reactions in aqueous solutions. It defines acids and bases based on their ability to produce H+ and OH- ions, respectively, in water. This means that its applicability is limited when considering non-aqueous solvents. While many acid-base reactions can and do occur in solvents other than water, the Arrhenius theory wouldn't be the best framework to describe or predict their behaviour. More comprehensive theories, like the Brønsted-Lowry or Lewis theories, are better suited for understanding acid-base reactions in a broader range of solvents.

The Arrhenius theory, despite its limitations, is considered foundational because it was one of the first scientific attempts to categorise and explain the behaviour of acids and bases. Before this theory, the understanding of acids and bases was largely observational and lacked a unifying principle. Arrhenius's approach provided a clear, ion-based definition that could be tested and verified experimentally. While later theories expanded and refined the understanding of acid-base behaviour, the Arrhenius theory remains a crucial starting point for students and researchers, offering a straightforward introduction to the broader and more complex world of acid-base chemistry.

Svante Arrhenius was a Swedish chemist who lived between 1859 and 1927. He is best known for his groundbreaking work in the field of acid-base chemistry. In 1884, Arrhenius proposed a theory that defined acids as substances that increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water and bases as substances that increase the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). This was one of the first attempts to provide a scientific explanation for the behaviour of acids and bases, laying the foundation for future research in this area. For his significant contributions to chemistry, Arrhenius was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1903.

Practice Questions

Describe the fundamental principles of the Arrhenius theory regarding acids and bases. How does this theory define acids and bases in terms of ion formation in aqueous solutions?

Acids and bases, as defined by the Arrhenius theory, are substances that, when dissolved in water, either increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxide ions (OH-), respectively. Specifically, an acid is a substance that increases the concentration of H+ ions upon dissolution in water. For instance, hydrochloric acid (HCl) dissociates in water to produce H+ and Cl- ions. On the other hand, a base, according to Arrhenius, is a substance that raises the concentration of OH- ions in water. A classic example is sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which dissociates to yield Na+ and OH- ions when dissolved in water.

While the Arrhenius theory was groundbreaking in its time, it has certain limitations. Identify and explain two key limitations of the Arrhenius theory in understanding acid-base chemistry.

One significant limitation of the Arrhenius theory is its exclusive applicability to aqueous solutions. The theory defines acids and bases based on their behaviour in water, which means it doesn't account for acid-base reactions that might occur in non-aqueous solvents. Another limitation is its restricted definition of acids and bases. The theory doesn't consider substances that act as acids or bases without producing H+ or OH- ions. For instance, ammonia (NH3) behaves as a base in water, even though it doesn't contain OH- ions, highlighting the theory's limited scope in defining acids and bases.

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