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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

7.1.3 Equilibrium constant (Kc)

In the realm of chemical reactions, the equilibrium constant, Kc, stands as a cornerstone concept, shedding light on how a reaction reaches equilibrium. This particular constant offers a deep dive into the interplay of reactants and products within a system, allowing us to quantify and predict equilibrium positions.

Definition of Kc

The point in a chemical reaction when the rate of the forward reaction matches the rate of the reverse reaction is termed equilibrium. At this point, even if the reactants and products continue to react, their concentrations remain unchanged over time. Enter Kc – the equilibrium constant – which numerically illustrates this balance.

For a generic reaction: aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD

Kc is expressed as: Kc = [C]c [D]d / [A]a [B]b


  • [A], [B], [C], and [D] denote the equilibrium concentrations of the reactants and products.
  • a, b, c, and d are their respective stoichiometric coefficients.

Key Insights:

  • Temperature Dependency: Among the factors, only temperature influences the value of Kc.
  • Unit Variability: Depending on the reaction at hand, Kc might have different units or even be unitless.
  • Equilibrium Position Insight: A Kc value considerably larger than 1 suggests the equilibrium leans towards the products. Conversely, if it's notably less than 1, reactants are favoured.

Delving into the Calculation of Kc

The equilibrium constant isn't just a theoretical construct; it can be derived using experimental data or known equilibrium concentrations.

Step-by-step Calculation:

  1. Balancing Act: Before anything else, ensure that the chemical equation in question is balanced. This step is paramount as stoichiometric coefficients play a pivotal role in the Kc formula.
  2. Determining Equilibrium Concentrations: Typically gleaned from experimental data or given outright, these concentrations are essential. Remember, only substances in the gaseous or aqueous states are considered in the Kc expression.
  3. Substituting Values into the Kc Expression: Using the generalised expression for Kc, replace generic values with specific concentrations from your reaction.
  4. Unveiling Kc: With the substituted values in place, compute to ascertain the equilibrium constant.

An Illustrative Example: Consider the reaction: N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3

With equilibrium concentrations: [N2]=0.5M, [H2]=0.15M, and [NH3]=1.0M, Kc becomes: Kc = [NH3]2 / [N2][H2]3 = (1.0)2 / (0.5)(0.15)3

Computing the above will yield the value of Kc for this specific reaction, which can be subsequently analysed for insights into the position of equilibrium.

Deciphering the Relationship between Kc and the Position of Equilibrium

The equilibrium constant doesn't merely exist for numerical representation; it possesses predictive prowess:

  • For Kc Values Greater Than 1: Such a value intimates that at equilibrium, the reaction tilts in favour of products. The larger the Kc, the more the position of equilibrium skews to the right, meaning higher product concentration.
  • For Kc Values Less Than 1: This suggests a propensity towards reactants at equilibrium. A diminishingly small Kc pinpoints a left-leaning position of equilibrium.

Further Implications:

  • Speed ≠ Extent: A prodigious Kc value doesn't equate to a swift reaction. It simply indicates that, once equilibrium is achieved, products are predominant.
  • Thermodynamic Tidbits: Larger Kc values are typically markers of exothermic reactions, wherein heat is released.

External Factors and Kc:

  • The Temperature Tango: As the sole variable capable of altering Kc values, its influence is profound. For exothermic reactions, a rise in temperature diminishes the Kc value. However, for endothermic reactions, the opposite rings true — Kc values surge.
  • Concentration & Pressure Dynamics: Both these parameters can induce shifts in the equilibrium position. However, crucially, they don't tamper with the value of Kc itself.


Certainly, Kc can and often does, possess units. Determining these units is anchored in the reaction's stoichiometry. The units arise directly from the concentration terms embedded within the Kc expression. If, for instance, the stoichiometric coefficients of reactants and products aren't reciprocals of each other, the units originating from their concentrations won't cancel out neatly. The units of Kc are inherently derived to ensure dimensional consistency in the equation. For example, if a reaction's Kc expression has reactant concentration terms in the denominator and none to counterbalance them in the numerator, Kc's units might manifest as the inverse of concentration, such as M-1.

When the Kc value surpasses 1, it gives a revealing insight into the equilibrium state of the reaction. Specifically, a larger Kc value signifies a system where, at equilibrium, there's a dominance of product concentrations compared to reactant concentrations. In more tangible terms, the reaction tends to proceed predominantly in the forward direction, converting most of the reactants into products by the time equilibrium is attained. Consequently, a Kc value considerably greater than 1 elucidates that the equilibrium is product-favoured and leans heavily towards the products' side.

Catalysts operate by providing an alternate reaction pathway with diminished activation energy. This alternate pathway aids both the forward and reverse reactions equally, resulting in a more rapid attainment of equilibrium. However, it's crucial to recognise that while the rate of reaching equilibrium is altered, the actual position of equilibrium remains unchanged. This means that the concentrations of the products and reactants, when equilibrium is finally achieved, are identical regardless of the presence of a catalyst. As Kc represents this ratio of concentrations, its value remains steadfast.

A fundamental principle of equilibrium constants, like Kc, is their independence from pressure variations as long as the temperature remains constant. Pressure changes, especially in gaseous systems, can indeed influence the position or direction of equilibrium, particularly in reactions where gaseous reactants and products have different molar volumes. This is due to the system's innate drive to counteract the applied change (in this case, pressure alteration) to restore equilibrium. Yet, while the system might adjust and the concentrations of products and reactants at equilibrium might temporarily fluctuate, the inherent value of Kc remains unchanged until a temperature alteration is introduced.

The equilibrium constant, Kc, serves as a quantification of the position of equilibrium for a particular reaction at a specific temperature. Fundamentally, it represents the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations when the system is in a state of equilibrium. While the path to achieving this equilibrium can be influenced by initial concentrations (i.e., how long it takes to get there or which direction it proceeds in - forwards or reverse), the final "destination" remains consistent. So, irrespective of the starting concentrations, once equilibrium is reached, the concentration ratio remains static, leading to a constant Kc value at a specific temperature. It's somewhat analogous to diverse routes leading to the same endpoint.

Practice Questions

Given the reaction: CO(g) + 2H2(g) ⇌ CH3OH(g), if the equilibrium concentrations are [CO]=0.30M, [H2]=0.25M, and [CH3OH]=0.75M, calculate the Kc for the reaction.

To calculate the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the given reaction, we use the expression: Kc = [CH3OH] / [CO][H2]2.

Substituting in the provided equilibrium concentrations, we get: Kc = [0.75] / [0.30][0.25]2.

Solving for Kc, we find that Kc = 0.75 / (0.30 × 0.0625), which simplifies to Kc = 0.75 / 0.01875. This gives a Kc value of 40.

Thus, the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the given reaction is 40.

An exothermic reaction has a Kc value of 60 at 300K. If the temperature is increased to 320K, predict the effect on the Kc value. Provide a brief justification for your answer.

For an exothermic reaction, an increase in temperature is equivalent to adding heat as a reactant. According to Le Chatelier's principle, the equilibrium position will shift to oppose the change. Therefore, the reaction will shift to the left, favouring the reactants. As a result, the value of Kc will decrease. Thus, increasing the temperature for an exothermic reaction from 300K to 320K will result in a Kc value of less than 60. This is because the system tries to counteract the increase in temperature by shifting the position of equilibrium to the endothermic side, which in this case, is the reverse reaction.

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