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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

8.4.1 Dissociation Constants

Dissociation constants, denoted as Ka and Kb, are fundamental in comprehending the strength and behaviour of acids and bases when they are in a solution. This section will delve deep into their definitions, significance, and the intricate calculations related to the degree of ionisation.

Definition of Ka and Kb

  • Ka (Acid Dissociation Constant):
    • It is a measure that quantifies the tendency of an acid to dissociate into its constituent ions in a solution.
    • For a general acid, represented as HA, when it dissociates, it breaks down into H+ and A- ions. The equation for this dissociation can be represented as: HA -> H+ + A-
    • The value of Ka is given by the ratio of the concentration of the products (ions) to the concentration of the reactants (undissociated acid). Mathematically, it's given by: Ka = (concentration of H+ multiplied by concentration of A-) divided by concentration of HA.
    • A larger value of Ka indicates that the acid is strong, meaning it dissociates more when in a solution.
  • Kb (Base Dissociation Constant):
    • Similar to Ka but for bases, Kb quantifies the tendency of a base to dissociate into its ions in a solution.
    • For a general base, represented as BOH, when it dissociates, it breaks down into B+ and OH- ions. This can be represented as: BOH -> B+ + OH-
    • The value of Kb is calculated similarly to Ka but using the concentrations of the base and its ions.
    • A larger Kb value indicates a stronger base.

Significance of Ka and Kb

  • Determining Strength of Acids and Bases:
    • Acids and bases with large dissociation constants are termed as strong. This is because they dissociate almost completely when in a solution.
    • Those with smaller dissociation constants are termed weak, as they only undergo partial dissociation.
  • Relationship between Ka and Kb:
    • For a given acid-base pair, the product of their dissociation constants is a constant value at a specific temperature. This constant is equal to Kw, which is the ion product of water.
    • This relationship is vital as it allows chemists to determine the strength of a conjugate acid or base when the strength of its counterpart is known.
  • pKa and pKb Values:
    • These are simply the negative logarithms of Ka and Kb respectively. They provide a more convenient scale to compare the strengths of acids and bases. A lower pKa value indicates a stronger acid, while a lower pKb value indicates a stronger base.

Calculating the Degree of Ionisation

  • What is Degree of Ionisation?:
    • It is the fraction of the total molecules of an acid or base that ionises in a solution. It provides a measure of how completely an acid or base dissociates.
  • How to Calculate:
    • For an acid, HA: Degree of Ionisation = concentration of H+ divided by the initial concentration of HA.
    • For a base, BOH: Degree of Ionisation = concentration of OH- divided by the initial concentration of BOH.
  • Factors Influencing Degree of Ionisation:
    • Concentration: For weak acids and bases, as the concentration increases, the degree of ionisation tends to decrease.
    • Nature of the Acid or Base: Naturally, strong acids and bases have a higher degree of ionisation compared to their weaker counterparts.
    • Temperature: The degree of ionisation usually increases with an increase in temperature, especially for dissociations that absorb heat.
  • Applications in Real World:
    • By determining the degree of ionisation, chemists can predict the behaviour of acids and bases in various chemical reactions.
    • It is also crucial when calculating the pH of solutions containing weak acids or bases.


The values of Ka and Kb can change with temperature. This is because the ion product constant for water, Kw, which is equal to Ka multiplied by Kb, changes with temperature. As the temperature increases, the extent of auto-ionisation of water also increases, leading to a higher value of Kw. Consequently, if the Ka of an acid increases with temperature, the Kb of its conjugate base will decrease, and vice versa, to maintain the relationship Ka × Kb = Kw.

The values of Ka and Kb are crucial for buffer solutions as they provide information about the strengths of the acid and base components of the buffer. A buffer solution resists changes in pH when small amounts of acid or base are added. The ability of a buffer to maintain its pH is closely related to the strengths of the acid and its conjugate base, which are indicated by their Ka and Kb values, respectively. By knowing these values, one can predict the buffer capacity and determine the optimum conditions for its preparation and use.

Yes, a substance can have both Ka and Kb values, especially if it acts as both an acid and a base, termed as an amphoteric substance. Water is a classic example of this. It can donate a proton (H+) and act as an acid or accept a proton and act as a base. The Ka value for water refers to its acidic dissociation, producing a hydronium ion, while the Kb value refers to its basic dissociation, producing a hydroxide ion. However, for any given substance, the product of its Ka and Kb will always equal the Kw for water at that temperature.

The degree of ionisation of a weak acid or base is the fraction of the initial concentration of the acid or base that ionises in solution. For weak acids and bases, this degree is typically small. As the concentration of a weak acid or base increases, the degree of ionisation typically decreases. This is because the equilibrium shifts to the left, favouring the undissociated form, to counteract the increase in concentration. Using the Ka or Kb value, along with the initial concentration, one can calculate the degree of ionisation using the equilibrium expressions.

The value of Kw, known as the ion product constant for water, is a constant at a given temperature because it represents the equilibrium constant for the auto-ionisation of water. This process involves two water molecules reacting to produce a hydroxide ion (OH-) and a hydronium ion (H3O+). Since this equilibrium involves only water molecules, the value of Kw remains constant for any aqueous solution at a specific temperature, irrespective of the presence of any acid or base. At 25°C, the value of Kw is 1.0 x 10-14.

Practice Questions

Explain the relationship between the values of Ka, Kb, and Kw for a conjugate acid-base pair.

For a conjugate acid-base pair, the product of their dissociation constants, Ka (for the acid) and Kb (for the base), is always equal to the ion product constant for water, Kw. This relationship is given by the equation: Ka × Kb = Kw. At 25°C, the value of Kw is 1.0 x 10-14. This relationship is significant as it allows us to determine the strength of a conjugate acid or base when the strength of its counterpart is known. For instance, if we know the Ka for an acid, we can calculate the Kb for its conjugate base using the above relationship.

A weak acid, HA, has a Ka value of 1.8 x 10^-5. How does this value of Ka reflect the strength of the acid, and how can the degree of ionisation be determined using this value?

The value of Ka, which is 1.8 x 10-5, indicates that HA is a weak acid. The smaller the Ka value, the weaker the acid, as it suggests that the acid does not dissociate significantly in solution. The degree of ionisation can be determined using the Ka value and the initial concentration of the acid. It is calculated as the concentration of H+ ions produced upon dissociation divided by the initial concentration of the acid, HA. The smaller the Ka value, the lower the degree of ionisation, meaning fewer H+ ions are produced in the solution.

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