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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

4.4.2 Hydrogen Bonding

Hydrogen bonding, a specialised form of dipole-dipole interaction, dictates the behaviours and properties of countless substances. Its influence extends from the fundamental attributes of water to the architecture of DNA, signifying its paramount importance in both chemistry and biology.

Defining Hydrogen Bonding

Hydrogen bonds stand apart from typical dipole-dipole interactions thanks to their unparalleled strength. These specific bonds manifest when a hydrogen atom, already bonded to a highly electronegative atom like fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen, engages with another electronegative atom. To understand the basis of this interaction, it's essential to grasp the concept of electronegativity and its role in chemical bonding.

Characteristics of Hydrogen Bonding:

  • Directional Nature: Unlike many other molecular interactions, hydrogen bonds are not solely about proximity. The precise alignment of molecules is pivotal, ensuring the partial positive charge of hydrogen aligns with the partial negative charge of the electronegative atom. This directional nature is a critical aspect that differentiates hydrogen bonds from other types of molecular interactions, such as Van der Waals forces.
  • Strength: Hydrogen bonds, though weaker than covalent or ionic bonds, exceed the strength of regular intermolecular forces, including Van der Waals forces. Their relative strength can be further contextualised by exploring the nature of polar and non-polar covalent bonds.
  • Length: Typically, the length of hydrogen bonds oscillates between 160 to 200 picometres, shorter than typical dipole-dipole interactions due to the increased attraction.

Factors Influencing the Formation of Hydrogen Bonds


  • Hydrogen bonding is deeply intertwined with electronegativity. The higher the electronegativity of an atom, the mightier the hydrogen bond it can produce.
  • Fluorine (F), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N) are particularly adept at forming hydrogen bonds, courtesy of their impressive electronegativity values.

Bond Polarity:

  • The genesis of hydrogen bonding requires the H-X bond to be polar, where X is an electronegative atom (commonly N, O, or F).
  • This polarity induces a stark charge difference, rendering hydrogen slightly positive (δ+) and the electronegative atom slightly negative (δ-).

Proximity and Geometric Arrangement:

  • Close molecular proximity is non-negotiable for a hydrogen bond to materialise, ensuring the δ+ hydrogen of one molecule can effectively attract the δ- end of another molecule.
  • Additionally, the linear arrangement of the hydrogen bond donor (X-H) and acceptor (Y) is essential for optimal hydrogen bonding strength. The structure of molecules and how they come together can be further appreciated by understanding simple molecular structures.

Hydrogen Bonding in Everyday Compounds


Water's peculiar and vital properties predominantly stem from hydrogen bonding. A deeper dive into water's unique properties can provide more insight into its behaviour and importance in both nature and industry.

  • Higher Boiling Point: Hydrogen bonds grant water a boiling point that's anomalously high for a molecule of its size.
  • Surface Tension: Water's considerable surface tension, which allows small insects to glide on its surface, is a byproduct of these bonds.
  • Density Anomaly: Hydrogen bonding enforces a spacious hexagonal lattice structure when water solidifies. This results in ice having a lower density than liquid water, leading to its buoyancy.


The DNA's renowned double-helix structure is both shaped and stabilised by hydrogen bonds.

  • Base Pairing: The complementary bases in DNA, adenine (A) with thymine (T) and cytosine (C) with guanine (G), are paired through hydrogen bonds.
  • Replication and Transcription: The relative ease with which hydrogen bonds in DNA can be broken and reformed facilitates the processes of replication and transcription, allowing the genetic code to be copied and read.

Hydrogen Bonding in Nature and Industry

Biological Importance:

  • Protein Folding: Hydrogen bonds assist in maintaining the 3D shapes of proteins, which are essential for their functionality.
  • Cell Membrane Structure: The two-layered (bilayer) structure of cell membranes, with water-repellent (hydrophobic) tails facing inwards and water-attracting (hydrophilic) heads facing outwards, is in part due to the effects of hydrogen bonding with surrounding water molecules.

Industrial Applications:

  • Solvent Properties: Many biological reactions occur in water, and hydrogen bonding modifies the solvent properties of water, making it an excellent medium for these reactions.
  • Polymer Science: In synthetic materials, hydrogen bonding can influence the properties of polymers, affecting their strength, flexibility, and solubility.


Absolutely! Hydrogen bonding plays a crucial role in stabilising the secondary and tertiary structures of proteins. The primary structure of a protein, its sequence of amino acids, can fold into regular patterns like alpha-helices or beta-pleated sheets, primarily held together by hydrogen bonds. Furthermore, in the tertiary structure, hydrogen bonds form between different parts of the polypeptide chain, contributing to the unique three-dimensional shape of the protein, which is vital for its function.

Hydrogen bonding is more specific than other types of intermolecular forces due to the particular atoms involved and the strength of the interaction. For hydrogen bonding to occur, a hydrogen atom must be covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom (typically fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen) and interact with another electronegative atom. This specificity results in a more directed and stronger force compared to the more generalised Van der Waals forces, which can occur between any adjacent molecules based on fleeting charge imbalances.

This intriguing phenomenon is due to hydrogen bonding in water molecules. As water cools down and begins to freeze, the molecules arrange themselves in a hexagonal pattern, forming an open and spacious lattice structure due to the angles at which hydrogen bonds hold the molecules together. This structure occupies more volume but has fewer molecules per unit space, making ice less dense than liquid water. Hence, ice floats on water. This feature is vital for aquatic ecosystems, as it ensures that bodies of water freeze from the top down, providing insulation and allowing life to persist below the icy layer.

Hydrogen bonds significantly influence the viscosity of liquids. The presence of these strong intermolecular forces requires more energy to make molecules slide past each other. As a result, liquids that exhibit extensive hydrogen bonding, like water or glycerol, have higher viscosities compared to those with similar molecular weights but weaker intermolecular forces. This enhanced viscosity is a direct result of the interconnectedness of molecules via hydrogen bonds, making it more challenging for them to move freely.

Yes, hydrogen bonds can form in non-aqueous systems, provided the necessary components for hydrogen bonding are present. For instance, pure ethanol displays hydrogen bonding as the hydroxyl (-OH) groups in one molecule can bond with those of neighbouring molecules. Additionally, in many organic reactions involving solvents other than water, hydrogen bonding can significantly influence the course and speed of the reaction due to interactions between solvents, reactants, or products.

Practice Questions

Explain why hydrogen bonds in water contribute to its unexpectedly high boiling point compared to other molecules of a similar size.

Hydrogen bonds in water are a result of the polar nature of the water molecule, where the δ+ charge on hydrogen is attracted to the δ- charge on the oxygen of another molecule. This strong intermolecular force requires significant energy to be overcome. Molecules of similar size, which lack such substantial hydrogen bonding, rely primarily on weaker Van der Waals forces. Consequently, water's boiling point is anomalously high because of the added energy needed to break the numerous hydrogen bonds between its molecules, compared to the energy required to overcome just the Van der Waals forces in other similar-sized molecules.

How does hydrogen bonding contribute to the structure and stability of DNA?

Hydrogen bonding is pivotal to DNA's iconic double-helix structure. Within DNA, nitrogenous bases pair up across the two strands; adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T) and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G). These pairs are held together specifically by hydrogen bonds. For A and T, there are two hydrogen bonds, and for C and G, there are three. These bonds stabilise the double-helix structure, ensuring genetic information is securely stored. Furthermore, during processes like replication or transcription, these hydrogen bonds can be transiently broken and then reformed, ensuring accurate copying or reading of the genetic code without permanent damage to the DNA structure.

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