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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

4.4.1 Van der Waals Forces

Van der Waals forces are integral to the intricacies of molecular interactions in the realm of chemistry. Predominantly influencing non-polar molecules, these forces underpin various molecular properties. Grasping the essence of these forces is pivotal for a nuanced understanding of molecular behaviours and interactions. To fully appreciate these interactions, it's also beneficial to understand the nature of polar and non-polar covalent bonds.

Induced Dipole Interactions

Defining Induced Dipoles

An induced dipole arises when the electron cloud of an atom or molecule gets distorted. This distortion creates a temporary positive or negative region within the atom or molecule, giving rise to the term "induced dipole". The key reason for this phenomenon lies in the incessant motion of electrons. This principle ties closely with the concept of simple molecular structures, which provides further context on molecular configuration and its impact on molecular properties.

Origin of the London Dispersion Force

Van der Waals forces include what is commonly known as the London dispersion force. The name pays homage to Fritz London, who first shed light on its existence. These forces emerge due to instantaneous fluctuations in the electron cloud of molecules. For example, in a non-polar molecule like argon (Ar), electrons are perpetually mobile. Sometimes, more electrons might momentarily cluster on one side, creating an instantaneous negative charge. This transient state induces a dipole in a neighbouring Ar atom, causing a fleeting attraction.

Even though these interactions are ephemeral, in a system with multitudes of atoms or molecules, their cumulative effect becomes pronounced, leading to discernible attractions between molecules. The transient nature of these forces can be contrasted with the more permanent hydrogen bonding found in other types of molecular interactions.

Factors Affecting the Strength of Van der Waals Forces

Molecular Size and Electron Count

Larger molecules inherently have more electrons. This increased electron count enhances the likelihood of stronger instantaneous dipoles. Hence, with a surge in molecular size, the strength of Van der Waals forces also augments.

Molecular Shape and Surface Contact

Molecular geometry plays a decisive role. Molecules exhibiting expansive surface areas can interact more with their neighbours. For instance, linear molecules, due to their shape, often experience more robust Van der Waals interactions compared to their compact counterparts. A molecule like n-pentane, with its elongated shape, exhibits stronger forces than its branched isomer, neopentane. This concept of molecular interaction is an important precursor to understanding how molecules engage in Hess's Law of constant heat summation.

The density of the Electron Cloud

A more diffused electron cloud is easily distorted, leading to potent instantaneous dipoles. Molecules brandishing such electron clouds invariably experience formidable dispersion forces.


This term refers to the ease with which an electron cloud can be distorted. A molecule that is highly polarisable will have stronger Van der Waals forces. This is because its electron cloud can more easily be distorted, forming induced dipoles which lead to stronger attractions. This attribute of molecular structure underscores the importance of Van der Waals forces in the behaviour of addition polymers, where intermolecular forces play a crucial role in defining material properties.

Significance in Non-Polar Molecules

Van der Waals forces are the lifeblood of non-polar molecules. In the absence of permanent dipoles, these forces singularly govern the behaviour of non-polar entities.

Role in Phase Transitions

Boiling and melting points are direct derivatives of the strength of intermolecular forces. Compounds tethered together by formidable Van der Waals forces necessitate more energy to undergo phase transitions. Thus, they exhibit higher boiling and melting points. Taking iodine (I2) as an archetype, its solid state at room temperature is attributed to its pronounced Van der Waals interactions, in contrast to bromine (Br2) which is liquid owing to weaker such forces.

Implications for Viscosity

A liquid's resistance to flow, or viscosity, is influenced by the intermolecular forces at play. Liquids underpinned by stronger Van der Waals forces manifest as thicker, more viscous entities since the molecules find it tougher to slide past one another due to these attractions.

Solubility Paradigms

"Like dissolves like" is an axiom in chemistry, highlighting that similar types of molecules dissolve in each other. Non-polar entities, governed by Van der Waals forces, are often insoluble in polar mediums like water. However, in non-polar solvents, they dissolve readily, as the solvent and solute have harmonious intermolecular forces.


External conditions profoundly influence the interplay of Van der Waals forces. A rise in temperature augments the kinetic energy of molecules, which can disrupt the temporary dipoles responsible for these forces. The heightened molecular motion at increased temperatures means that the transient dipoles form and dissipate more rapidly, weakening the overall Van der Waals attractions. On the contrary, increasing pressure typically compresses molecules, making them more proximate. This proximity intensifies the Van der Waals forces due to the diminished separation between individual particles. An illustrative example is the liquefaction of gases. At high pressures, the enhancement of Van der Waals attractions due to particle closeness can be sufficient to transition a gas into a liquid state.

Grasping the nuances of Van der Waals forces is paramount for anticipating the behaviours and properties of numerous substances. These forces play a pivotal role in determining boiling and melting points, solubility patterns, and even the structural arrangements in crystals. For instance, substances dominated by Van der Waals forces, particularly those with larger molecules, often showcase higher boiling and melting points than those with weaker or fewer such forces. This knowledge is indispensable in fields like materials science, where predicting how substances will interact under specific conditions is fundamental.

Absolutely, Van der Waals forces are ubiquitous and manifest alongside other intermolecular forces. A molecule can exhibit dipole-dipole interactions due to its permanent polarity and simultaneously exhibit Van der Waals forces owing to temporary electron shifts. Even molecules like water, which is renowned for its strong hydrogen bonding, aren't exempt from Van der Waals forces. Essentially, any molecule or atom, regardless of the presence of other stronger forces, will experience Van der Waals attractions to some degree.

Among the various types of intermolecular forces, Van der Waals forces are generally considered the weakest. However, it's crucial to understand the nuances. For instance, hydrogen bonding and dipole-dipole interactions, both stemming from permanent charge imbalances in molecules, are decidedly stronger than Van der Waals forces. Nevertheless, for large molecules with expansive electron clouds, the cumulative effect of the numerous temporary dipoles can lead to relatively strong Van der Waals attractions. The surface area and shape of molecules play a pivotal role here. Yet, even in these situations, the forces rarely reach the robustness of hydrogen bonds, which benefit from the substantial polarity and small radius of hydrogen atoms.

The origins of Van der Waals forces can be traced back to the quantum mechanical motions of electrons in atoms and molecules. In every atom or molecule, electrons are in perpetual motion. Although this motion might appear random, there are instances where the electrons may accumulate predominantly on one side of an atom or molecule, creating a brief charge imbalance known as a temporary or instantaneous dipole. This transient dipole can then induce a dipole in a neighbouring atom or molecule. When multiple atoms or molecules come into close proximity, these instantaneous dipoles result in a chain reaction, inducing dipoles in adjacent entities. It is the mutual attraction between these transient dipoles that gives rise to what we term as Van der Waals forces. The fascinating aspect is that these forces are ephemeral and can change rapidly, yet collectively they can have significant effects on the properties of substances.

Practice Questions

Explain how the molecular shape and size influence the strength of Van der Waals forces.

Molecular shape and size play a pivotal role in dictating the strength of Van der Waals forces. Larger molecules inherently possess more electrons, increasing the likelihood of stronger instantaneous dipoles, thus augmenting the strength of the Van der Waals forces. Moreover, molecular geometry is consequential. Molecules with expansive surface areas, such as elongated, linear molecules, can establish more interactions with neighbouring molecules, leading to robust Van der Waals interactions. In contrast, compact or branched molecules exhibit lesser surface area for interactions, thus experiencing weaker forces. Therefore, understanding a molecule's size and shape can offer insights into the strength of its intermolecular attractions.

Why are Van der Waals forces significant for non-polar molecules, and how do they impact the boiling points of such molecules?

Van der Waals forces are paramount for non-polar molecules because, in the absence of permanent dipoles, these transient forces singularly govern the intermolecular attractions in non-polar entities. Their strength directly influences the boiling points of compounds. Molecules that are held together by stronger Van der Waals forces necessitate more energy to break free from these attractions, resulting in higher boiling points. On the other hand, weaker Van der Waals forces lead to lower boiling points, as less energy is required for the molecules to overcome these attractions and move into the gaseous phase. Hence, understanding these forces offers a lens to predict and explain the boiling points of non-polar compounds.

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