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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

4.5.1 Properties of Metals

Metals, inherently recognised by their characteristic lustre, strength, and conductivity, owe their properties to the specific nature of metallic bonding. Central to this bonding is the 'sea' of delocalised electrons. This deep dive into the world of metals will elucidate why metals behave the way they do.

The Sea of Delocalised Electrons

Understanding the fundamental structure of metals provides insights into their unique properties.

  • Formation: As metals bond, they release their valence electrons, which then roam freely throughout the entire structure. This results in a lattice of positively charged metal ions surrounded by a 'sea' of freely mobile electrons.
  • Electron-Sea Model: This model explains the arrangement of these electrons. They're not bound to any particular ion, and their movement provides metals with many of their distinctive properties.
  • Electrostatic Attraction: The bond between metals arises from the attraction between these delocalised electrons and the positive metal ions. It's this bond that grants metals their strength and other properties. To further understand the role of electrons in other types of bonds, consider reading about hydrogen bonding.

Electrical Conductivity: How and Why?

Metals, in general, are exceptional conductors of electricity. This conductivity is intertwined with the presence of delocalised electrons.

  • Flow of Electrons: When a potential difference or voltage is applied across a piece of metal, these free electrons drift towards the positive end, thereby producing an electric current. This principle is crucial in the functioning of galvanic cells.
  • Factors Affecting Conductivity: Not all metals conduct electricity to the same extent. This conductivity depends on the number of delocalised electrons and how freely they can move. For example, silver is one of the best conductors because of its single free electron, which moves unhindered.
  • Temperature Influence: As temperature escalates, the lattice ions vibrate more. This increased vibration can disrupt the flow of electrons, increasing the resistance. Hence, most metals are better conductors at lower temperatures.

Malleability and Ductility: Metals in Shape

The ability of metals to be hammered into sheets (malleability) or drawn into wires (ductility) is quite fascinating.

  • Lattice Slippage: When a force is applied to metals, their layers of ions can slip and slide over one another. This movement doesn't disrupt the metal's structure because of the non-directional nature of the bonding. The adaptability of metals is also what makes addition polymers possible, providing flexibility in various applications.
  • Bonding Consistency: Regardless of how much the metal is reshaped, the strength of the metallic bond remains consistent. This is because the sea of electrons can adjust and continue to hold the lattice ions together, ensuring the metal doesn't break.
  • Applications: These properties are the reason we have metal foils, sheets, wires, and various structural components. From copper wires to aluminium foils, the applications are vast.

Decoding Properties with Metallic Bonding

Every attribute of metals, from their sheen to their conductivity, finds its roots in the nature of metallic bonding.

  • Strength & Hardness: Many metals are renowned for their strength. This is derived from the robust attraction between the closely packed metal ions and the delocalised electrons. However, the strength varies; some metals can be quite soft, like sodium, while others, like tungsten, are extremely hard. The study of transition metals can offer further insight into the variability of these properties.
  • Melting and Boiling Points: The intensity of the metallic bonds reflected in metals' high melting and boiling points. Breaking these strong bonds requires significant energy. For example, tungsten, with one of the strongest metallic bonds, has a melting point of 3422°C.
  • Lustrous Appearance: Metals are shiny! This sheen is because the mobile electrons in the 'sea' can absorb photons of light and re-emit them, leading to reflection and a lustrous appearance.
  • Density & Heaviness: The closely packed arrangement of ions in metals typically results in high densities. That's why metals like gold and lead feel heavy.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Metals are often cold to touch, which demonstrates their efficient heat conduction. Heat, like electricity, is transferred through the free-moving electrons.

Understanding the nuances of bonding in metals further requires an exploration of polar and non-polar covalent bonds, which highlights the differences in bonding types and their implications for metal properties.

Importance in Modern Applications

Metals, due to their properties, find themselves at the heart of modern civilisation.

  • Infrastructure:: From the steel girders of skyscrapers to the copper in electrical wiring, metals support and electrify our world.
  • Technology: Metals like gold and silver are indispensable in sophisticated electronics because of their excellent conductivity and resistance to corrosion.
  • Transportation: The strength and malleability of metals like aluminium and steel make them ideal for vehicles, ensuring both lightweight and robust structures.


Metals are excellent conductors of electricity due to the free movement of their delocalised electrons. When electric current flows, these electrons drift in a particular direction, allowing the transfer of energy without significantly increasing the temperature of the metal. Moreover, most metals have a high melting point, so even if there's a slight increase in temperature due to resistance, it's generally not enough to damage the metal. However, it's essential to note that if the current is too strong or if there's a short circuit, the metal can indeed heat up significantly and even melt.

Alloys are mixtures of two or more metals. When different metals are mixed, the atoms of the added metal often differ in size from those of the original metal. This disrupts the regular layers of atoms in the pure metal, making it more difficult for these layers to slide over one another. As sliding layers is a primary mechanism for metal deformation, the disruption brought by these differently sized atoms increases the hardness and strength of the alloy compared to the pure metal.

The lustrous or shiny appearance of metals can be attributed to their ability to reflect light. The 'sea of delocalised electrons' on the surface of metals absorbs photons of light and then re-emits them. This absorption and subsequent re-emission of light result in the reflection of most of the light frequencies, giving metals their characteristic shine. The freedom of these electrons to move also means they can quickly respond to the electric field of the incoming light, further enhancing this reflection.

Metals generally exhibit higher melting and boiling points because of the strong forces of attraction between the closely packed positive metal ions and the sea of delocalised electrons. This strong electrostatic attraction requires a significant amount of energy to overcome. When metals melt or boil, this lattice structure has to be broken, which necessitates the input of considerable heat. In contrast, most non-metals are covalently bonded, and it's often easier to break these covalent structures or the forces between their molecules, leading to their typically lower melting and boiling points.

The reactivity of a metal can be attributed to its tendency to lose electrons and form positive ions. This tendency is stronger in metals with atoms that can lose electrons easily. The ease with which a metal atom can lose its outermost electrons depends on factors like atomic size and the energy required to remove these electrons (ionisation energy). Generally, metals in Groups 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table, like lithium or calcium, are more reactive because they have fewer outer shell electrons and larger atomic size, making it easier for them to lose electrons.

Practice Questions

Explain the term 'sea of delocalised electrons' and elucidate how it is related to the electrical conductivity of metals.

Metals consist of a lattice of positively charged ions surrounded by a 'sea of delocalised electrons'. These electrons are free to move throughout the metal structure, not being attached to any specific ion. When a potential difference is applied across a metal, these delocalised electrons drift towards the positive end, resulting in an electric current. Hence, the 'sea of delocalised electrons' is integral to the electrical conductivity of metals. The more freely these electrons can move and the higher their number, the better the metal conducts electricity.

Describe why metals, in general, are malleable and ductile. How does the nature of metallic bonding contribute to these properties?

Metals are malleable (can be hammered into sheets) and ductile (can be drawn into wires) due to the specific nature of metallic bonding. When force is applied to metals, layers of their lattice ions can slide over one another without breaking the metal apart. This is possible because metallic bonding is non-directional, meaning the bond strength remains consistent regardless of the position of the ions. The 'sea of delocalised electrons' adjusts to these movements and continues to hold the metal ions together, ensuring the structure remains intact. Hence, the malleability and ductility of metals are a direct consequence of the flexibility and strength of metallic bonding.

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