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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

18.3.1 Characteristics of pH Curves

pH curves are graphical representations that showcase the change in pH throughout the titration of an acid with a base. These curves are indispensable for IB Chemistry students, offering insights into the nature of acid-base interactions and the progression of titration reactions.

pH Curves for Different Combinations of Acids and Bases

Strong Acid and Strong Base

  • Characteristics: When titrating a strong acid with a strong base, the pH curve exhibits a sharp vertical rise around the equivalence point.
  • Example: Consider the titration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Initially, the pH is low due to the strong acid. As NaOH is added, the pH gradually increases until it shoots up dramatically near the equivalence point.
  • Equivalence Point: For this combination, the equivalence point is typically at pH 7, signifying a neutral solution.

Weak Acid and Strong Base

  • Characteristics: The pH curve for a weak acid titrated with a strong base has a more gradual slope, with the equivalence point occurring above pH 7.
  • Example: Imagine titrating acetic acid (CH3COOH) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The curve starts off relatively flat due to the weak acid's resistance to pH change. As more base is added, the pH begins to rise, but not as sharply as with a strong acid-strong base titration.
  • Buffering: Before the equivalence point, the solution acts as a buffer, resisting significant pH changes. This is due to the presence of both the weak acid and its conjugate base.

Strong Acid and Weak Base

  • Characteristics: Titration of a strong acid with a weak base results in a pH curve that rises more gradually, with the equivalence point below pH 7.
  • Example: Consider titrating hydrochloric acid (HCl) with ammonia (NH3). The curve starts with a low pH due to the strong acid. As ammonia is added, the pH increases, but the rise is more gradual compared to a strong acid-strong base titration.
  • Buffering: The solution acts as a buffer before the equivalence point, due to the presence of the weak base and its conjugate acid.

Weak Acid and Weak Base

  • Characteristics: The pH curve for a weak acid and weak base titration lacks sharp changes, making the equivalence point harder to determine.
  • Example: Titration of acetic acid (CH3COOH) with ammonia (NH3) results in a flattened curve. The pH changes are subtle throughout the titration due to the weak nature of both reactants.
  • Buffering: The entire curve essentially represents a buffer region, with the solution resisting significant pH changes.

Identifying Equivalence Points and Buffer Regions

Equivalence Point

  • Definition: The equivalence point is the juncture in a titration where the amount of acid is stoichiometrically equal to the amount of base.
  • Identification: On a pH curve, it's the point where the steepest pH change occurs. The pH at this point depends on the acid and base's nature.

Buffer Region

  • Definition: The buffer region on a pH curve is the relatively flat section where small additions of acid or base result in minimal pH changes.
  • Significance: Buffers are solutions that resist pH changes upon the addition of small amounts of acid or base. They are composed of a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid. In biological systems, buffers maintain pH levels within narrow ranges, ensuring optimal conditions for biochemical reactions.

Applications in Titration Analysis

Determining Concentrations

  • By analysing the pH curve and identifying the equivalence point, chemists can determine the concentration of an unknown solution. Using stoichiometric relationships and the known concentration of the titrant, the unknown's concentration is calculated.

Choosing Indicators

  • Definition: Indicators are compounds that change colour at specific pH values.
  • Application: By studying the pH curve, chemists can select the best indicator for titration. The indicator's colour change should coincide with the steep part of the curve, ensuring accurate determination of the equivalence point.

Quality Control in Industries

  • Titrations, guided by pH curves, are routinely used in industries to ensure product consistency and quality. For instance, in the beverage industry, titrations can assess the acidity of drinks, ensuring they meet quality standards and taste profiles.

Environmental Monitoring

  • pH curves and titrations are tools in environmental science. By determining water samples' alkalinity or acidity, scientists can gauge aquatic ecosystems' health and the potential impact of pollutants or acid rain.


The pH at the equivalence point depends on the nature of the acid and base being titrated. While the equivalence point for a strong acid-strong base titration is typically pH 7, indicating a neutral solution, this isn't always the case for other combinations. For a weak acid-strong base titration, the equivalence point occurs above pH 7 due to the presence of the weak acid's conjugate base in the solution. Similarly, for a strong acid-weak base titration, the equivalence point is below pH 7 because of the presence of the weak base's conjugate acid. These conjugate species can undergo partial dissociation, affecting the pH at the equivalence point.

The choice of indicator is crucial for accurately determining the equivalence point in a titration. Indicators change colour over a specific pH range. For accurate results, the pH range of the indicator's colour change should align with the steep vertical section of the pH curve, which corresponds to the equivalence point. If the indicator's pH range doesn't match the pH change during titration, the observed endpoint (where the indicator changes colour) may not coincide with the true equivalence point, leading to errors in the titration results.

The half-equivalence point is the point in a titration where half of the analyte (acid or base being titrated) has reacted. For a weak acid-strong base titration, it's the point where the pH equals the pKa of the weak acid. The significance of the half-equivalence point lies in its relationship with the buffer region of the pH curve. At this point, the concentration of the weak acid equals that of its conjugate base, resulting in the most effective buffering action. It provides valuable information about the acid's strength and can be used to determine the pKa value directly from the pH curve.

Polyprotic acids can donate more than one proton per molecule. When titrated with a base, they produce pH curves with multiple equivalence points and buffer regions. Each equivalence point corresponds to the donation of one proton. For example, a diprotic acid will have two equivalence points. The pH curve for a polyprotic acid will show multiple steep regions, each indicating an equivalence point. The regions between these points act as buffer regions, where the solution resists significant pH changes. The presence of multiple equivalence points and buffer regions makes the titration of polyprotic acids more complex but also offers richer information about the acid's properties.

The pronounced vertical section in the pH curve for strong acid-strong base titrations is due to the complete dissociation of both the acid and the base. When a strong acid reacts with a strong base, there's a rapid and complete exchange of protons, leading to a swift change in pH. In contrast, for weak acid-strong base titrations, the weak acid does not dissociate completely, resulting in a more gradual pH change. The buffering action of the weak acid and its conjugate base further resists drastic pH shifts, leading to a less pronounced vertical section in the curve.

Practice Questions

Describe the characteristics of a pH curve obtained from the titration of a weak acid with a strong base. How does the equivalence point differ from that of a strong acid-strong base titration?

The pH curve obtained from the titration of a weak acid with a strong base typically starts with a relatively flat section due to the weak acid's resistance to pH change. As the strong base is added, the pH begins to rise, but not as sharply as in a strong acid-strong base titration. The equivalence point, where the amount of acid is stoichiometrically equal to the amount of base, occurs above pH 7. This is in contrast to a strong acid-strong base titration, where the equivalence point is typically at pH 7, indicating a neutral solution.

Why is the buffer region significant in a pH curve, and how does it relate to the behaviour of weak acids and bases in solution?

The buffer region on a pH curve is significant because it represents a section where the solution resists significant changes in pH upon the addition of small amounts of acid or base. This buffering action is due to the presence of both the weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid in the solution. In this region, the ratio of the weak acid to its conjugate base (or vice versa) remains relatively constant, allowing the solution to counteract pH changes. The buffer region showcases the ability of weak acids and bases, along with their conjugates, to maintain a stable pH in a solution.

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