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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

18.2.1 Dissociation Constants

Dissociation constants are fundamental in acid-base chemistry, offering a quantitative measure of acid and base strengths in aqueous solutions. For IB Chemistry students, mastering these constants is key to understanding the nuanced behaviour of various acidic and basic compounds.

Definition and Calculation of Ka and Kb

Ka: Acid Dissociation Constant

  • Definition: The acid dissociation constant, Ka, measures how an acid (HA) dissociates in water, producing a proton (H+) and its conjugate base (A-).HA -> H+ + A-The formula for Ka is:Ka = [H+][A-] / [HA]
  • Significance:
    • A larger Ka value indicates a stronger acid, as it dissociates more, leading to more H+ ions.
    • A smaller Ka value suggests a weaker acid.
  • Calculating Ka: To find Ka experimentally, measure the H+ ion concentration at equilibrium for a known concentration of the undissociated acid. Using these equilibrium concentrations in the formula gives the Ka value.

Understanding the difference between strong and weak acids and bases is crucial, and more information on this can be found in our notes on Strong vs. Weak Acids and Bases.

Kb: Base Dissociation Constant

  • Definition: The base dissociation constant, Kb, measures how a base (B) dissociates in water, producing a hydroxide ion (OH-) and its conjugate acid (HB+).B + H2O -> HB+ + OH-The formula for Kb is:Kb = [HB+][OH-] / [B]
  • Significance:
    • A larger Kb value indicates a stronger base, as it dissociates more, leading to more OH- ions.
    • A smaller Kb value suggests a weaker base.
  • Calculating Kb: Like Ka, Kb can be found experimentally by measuring the OH- ion concentration at equilibrium for a known concentration of the undissociated base.

Relation between Ka, Kb, and Kw

Kw: Ion Product Constant for Water

  • Definition: Kw, or the ion product constant for water, is the equilibrium constant for water's auto-ionisation. At 25°C, Kw is always 1.0 x 10-14.H2O + H2O -> H3O+ + OH-The formula for Kw is:Kw = [H3O+][OH-]
  • Relation:
    • The product of an acid's and its conjugate base's dissociation constants is always equal to Kw.
  • Ka x Kb = KwThis relationship is foundational in acid-base chemistry, allowing the strength of a conjugate acid or base to be determined when the strength of its counterpart is known.

Predicting the Strength of Acids and Bases from Dissociation Constants

  • Comparing Ka and Kb Values:
    • If Ka > Kb, the species is more acidic.
    • If Ka < Kb, the species is more basic.
  • Using pKa and pKb:
    • pKa and pKb are derived from Ka and Kb, respectively. They are defined as:
  • pKa = -log(Ka) pKb = -log(Kb)
    • A smaller pKa indicates a stronger acid, while a smaller pKb indicates a stronger base. These scales are useful because they make the exponential nature of Ka and Kb more linear and intuitive. For a deeper understanding of these concepts, explore our notes on Calculating pH, pOH, pKa, and pKb.
  • Strength vs. Concentration:
    • It's vital to differentiate between an acid or base's strength and its concentration. Strength is an inherent property determined by Ka or Kb. Concentration refers to the acid or base amount in a solution volume.
  • Practical Implications:
    • Understanding dissociation constants has real-world implications, from industrial processes to biology. For instance, in medicine, an acid or base's strength can affect drug absorption and distribution. The relevance of dissociation constants extends to other areas of chemistry, such as in the formation of buffer solutions, which are essential in maintaining the pH of biological systems and industrial processes.

To further appreciate the breadth of acid-base chemistry, including Lewis definitions, our section on Lewis Acid-Base Theory provides insights beyond the traditional Brønsted-Lowry theory, enriching your understanding of chemical reactions.


Differentiating between strength and concentration is vital because they represent distinct properties of acids and bases. Strength is an intrinsic property, indicating the acid or base's ability to donate or accept protons. It's determined by the dissociation constant (Ka or Kb) and remains constant for a particular acid or base. Concentration, however, refers to the amount of acid or base in a given volume of solution. Two solutions can have the same concentration but different strengths. For instance, a concentrated weak acid might have the same number of acid molecules as a dilute strong acid, but their behaviours, especially in reactions, will differ due to their inherent strengths.

pKa and pKb values, being the negative logarithms of Ka and Kb, respectively, provide a more intuitive and linear scale to gauge the strength of acids and bases. In practical applications, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, pKa values are crucial. They help in predicting the ionisation state of drugs in various body compartments, influencing drug absorption, distribution, and elimination. A drug's ionisation state can affect its solubility, permeability, and interaction with biological molecules. By knowing the pKa value, chemists can predict how a drug will behave in different pH environments, enabling them to design more effective and safer drugs.

A conjugate acid-base pair consists of two species that differ by a single proton. When an acid donates a proton, it forms its conjugate base. Similarly, when a base accepts a proton, it forms its conjugate acid. The strength of an acid and its conjugate base are inversely related. If an acid is strong and dissociates readily, its conjugate base will be weak and less likely to accept a proton. This relationship is quantitatively expressed through the dissociation constants. The product of the dissociation constants of an acid and its conjugate base always equals Kw. Thus, if we know the Ka of acid, we can determine the Kb of its conjugate base, and vice versa.

Strong acids and weak acids differ significantly in their behaviour when dissolved in water. A strong acid will dissociate completely in water, releasing all its H⁺ ions. This means that, in a solution of a strong acid, nearly all the acid molecules break apart. As a result, the concentration of H⁺ ions is high, leading to a low pH value. On the other hand, a weak acid only partially dissociates in water, meaning only a fraction of the acid molecules release their H⁺ ions. Consequently, the concentration of H⁺ ions in a weak acid solution is lower than in a strong acid solution, resulting in a pH value closer to 7.

The value of Kw, the ion product constant for water, remains constant at a specific temperature because it represents the equilibrium constant for the auto-ionisation of water. This equilibrium is influenced by temperature. As temperature increases, the rate of auto-ionisation also increases, leading to a higher concentration of both H₃O⁺ and OH⁻ ions in the solution. Consequently, the value of Kw increases with rising temperature. Conversely, a decrease in temperature will reduce the rate of auto-ionisation, leading to a lower Kw value. It's essential to note that while Kw changes with temperature, the ratio of H₃O⁺ to OH⁻ ions in pure water remains constant, ensuring the solution remains neutral.

Practice Questions

Explain the relationship between Ka, Kb, and Kw for an acid and its conjugate base. How can this relationship be used to determine the strength of a conjugate acid or base when the strength of its counterpart is known?

The relationship between Ka, Kb, and Kw is fundamental in acid-base chemistry. Ka represents the acid dissociation constant, while Kb represents the base dissociation constant. Kw, known as the ion product constant for water, is a constant value at a given temperature (e.g., 1.0 x 10-14 at 25°C). The product of Ka and Kb for an acid and its conjugate base always equals Kw. This means that if we know the value of Ka for an acid, we can calculate Kb for its conjugate base using the relationship Ka x Kb = Kw. Similarly, if we know Kb for a base, we can determine Ka for its conjugate acid. This relationship allows chemists to predict the strength of a conjugate acid or base based on the known strength of its counterpart.

Differentiate between the strength and concentration of an acid. How does the value of Ka help in determining the strength of an acid?

Strength and concentration are two distinct properties when discussing acids. Strength refers to the acid's inherent ability to donate protons (H+ ions) and is determined by its dissociation constant, Ka. A higher Ka value indicates a stronger acid, as it suggests the acid dissociates more readily in solution, producing more H+ ions. On the other hand, concentration pertains to the amount of acid present in a given volume of solution and does not directly relate to the acid's ability to donate protons. In essence, while concentration tells us how much acid is in a solution, Ka tells us how potent or strong that acid is in terms of its proton-donating capability.

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