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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

18.1.1 Lewis Acid-Base Theory

Acid-base reactions form the crux of many chemical processes, both natural and synthetic. The Lewis acid-base theory offers an expansive view of these reactions, centring on electron pairs rather than just proton transfer, broadening our understanding and application of the theory.

Definition of Lewis Acids and Bases

  • Lewis Acid: It is defined as any species that can accept an electron pair. Unlike the traditional concept of an acid, a Lewis acid need not be a hydrogen ion donor. In fact, many Lewis acids are species that are electron-deficient.
    • Characteristics:
      • Electron-deficient: Most Lewis acids have an incomplete octet.
      • They can have a positive charge, but it's not a prerequisite.
      • They possess vacant orbitals that can accommodate electron pairs. Understanding the atomic structure including atomic number and mass number is fundamental in comprehending why certain atoms can act as Lewis acids.
  • Lewis Base: This is a substance that has the capability to donate an electron pair. Such species have lone pairs that are typically used in bond formation.
    • Characteristics:
      • Electron-rich: Lewis bases have lone pairs readily available for donation.
      • They may possess a negative charge, but charge neutrality is also common.
      • They must possess at least one lone pair for bond formation with a Lewis acid. The concept of Hund's rule and the Pauli exclusion principle provides insight into how electron configurations contribute to a molecule's ability to donate or accept electron pairs.

Examples and Significance of Lewis Acids and Bases

  • Examples:
    • Lewis Acids:
      • BF3 (Boron trifluoride): It is electron-deficient as boron has an incomplete octet.
      • Fe3+: The ferric ion can act as a Lewis acid due to its positive charge and vacant orbitals.
      • AlCl3 (Aluminium chloride): Aluminium has an incomplete octet, making it an electron acceptor.
      • CO2 (Carbon dioxide): It can act as a Lewis acid in reactions with strong bases like OH-, where it accepts an electron pair to form bicarbonate.
    • Lewis Bases:
      • NH3 (Ammonia): The nitrogen atom in ammonia has a lone pair that can be shared.
      • F- (Fluoride ion): It has three lone pairs, but one of these can be shared with a Lewis acid.
      • OH- (Hydroxide ion): The oxygen atom possesses a lone pair, allowing it to act as a base.
      • H2O (Water): Water can donate an electron pair from the oxygen atom, enabling it to function as a Lewis base in specific reactions.
  • Significance:
    • Expansive Understanding: The Lewis theory doesn't limit acid-base reactions to aqueous solutions or proton transfer, thereby accommodating a wider range of chemical reactions.
    • Coordination Chemistry: It's pivotal in explaining the formation of complex compounds where central metal ions (usually Lewis acids) bond with ligands (typically Lewis bases). his aspect is significantly elucidated in the study of transition metals.
    • Catalytic Reactions: The alkylation of benzene using AlCl3 is a classic example of a reaction facilitated by Lewis acid-base interactions.
    • Descriptive Efficacy: This theory can elegantly describe non-aqueous reactions, especially where clear electron pair donors and acceptors are present, without the need for proton transfer. An understanding of simple molecular structures can enhance comprehension of how these interactions take place.

Comparison with Brønsted-Lowry Theory

  • Brønsted-Lowry Perspective:
    • Acid: Proton (H+) donor.
    • Base: Proton (H+) acceptor.
    • Application: The theory is mainly applicable to aqueous solutions, focusing on proton transfers between species. However, it's interesting to compare it with the strength of acids and bases under the Brønsted-Lowry perspective.
  • Key Differences:
    • Scope and Application: Brønsted-Lowry's theory has a narrower focus on proton transfer reactions, mainly in aqueous media. Lewis theory, however, encompasses a broader spectrum, delving into reactions involving electron pair transfer irrespective of the medium.
    • Electron Pair Dynamics: The Lewis perspective highlights the pivotal role of electron pairs in chemical reactions, even when protons are not explicitly transferred, providing an expansive understanding of reactions.
    • All-encompassing Nature: Every Brønsted-Lowry acid or base is also a Lewis acid or base, respectively. However, not all Lewis acids and bases can be classified as Brønsted-Lowry acids or bases. An instance is BF3, a Lewis acid, but not a Brønsted-Lowry acid, as it doesn't donate H+.
  • Similarities:
    • Donor-Acceptor Framework: Both theories revolve around a donor-acceptor paradigm, albeit concerning different entities – proton for Brønsted-Lowry and electron pair for Lewis.
    • Dynamic Equilibrium: Just as reactions involving Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases can establish equilibria, Lewis acid-base reactions too can achieve a state of dynamic equilibrium. This concept of equilibrium is further explored in the context of Le Châtelier's Principle, providing a bridge between the theoretical and practical aspects of chemical reactions.


While there's a similarity between Lewis acids and electrophiles in their tendency to accept electron pairs, their applicability varies. Electrophiles are primarily used in organic chemistry contexts. These are species that actively seek electron-rich sites in other molecules, resulting in the formation of new covalent bonds. On the other hand, the term 'Lewis acid' is a broader, more universal classification. It refers to any species that can accept an electron pair, irrespective of the specific chemical environment or context. This distinction ensures clarity in discussions and avoids confusion when analysing reactions.

Coordinate covalent bonds are unique due to their origins in Lewis acid-base interactions. They're formed when a Lewis base donates an electron pair to a Lewis acid, and notably, both electrons in the bond originate from the Lewis base. This differentiates it from typical covalent bonds where each atom contributes one electron. Once established, however, the coordinate bond doesn't behave differently from regular covalent bonds in terms of its physical or chemical properties. This form of bonding is especially crucial when analysing complexes in inorganic chemistry or reactions where a vacant orbital of one species is filled by the electron pair from another.

Indeed, certain species can display the dual characteristics of both Lewis acids and bases, a phenomenon termed 'amphoteric' behaviour. Water (H2O) is a classic example of this duality. In interactions with electron-deficient species, water can donate an electron pair, thereby showcasing Lewis base properties. Conversely, it can also accept an electron pair due to its hydrogen atoms, demonstrating its Lewis acid nature. The capability of a single species to oscillate between these roles underscores the fluidity and adaptability of chemical species in various reactions.

The significance of the Lewis acid-base theory lies in its ability to provide a more encompassing perspective on acid-base interactions compared to the Brønsted-Lowry theory. While Brønsted-Lowry focuses on proton (H+) transfer, the Lewis theory delves into the essence of acid-base reactions as being about electron pair exchanges. It captures reactions beyond proton transfers, like those involving metal ions or molecules with incomplete octets. This versatility allows chemists to classify and understand reactions which are outside the scope of the Brønsted-Lowry model, especially in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. This broad applicability ensures that reactions not typically viewed as acid-base in nature can still be understood within this framework.

While the Brønsted-Lowry and Lewis theories differ in their fundamental definitions of acids and bases, there's an overlap. All Brønsted-Lowry acids (proton donors) inherently accept an electron pair during the reaction, fitting the Lewis definition of acids. Conversely, Brønsted-Lowry bases (proton acceptors) donate an electron pair, aligning with the Lewis base definition. However, the reverse isn't universally true. There are many Lewis acids and bases that don't involve proton transfer and, thus, don't fit the Brønsted-Lowry mould. This illustrates the comprehensive nature of the Lewis theory in capturing a broader range of acid-base interactions.

Practice Questions

Given that AlCl3 can act as a Lewis acid and NH3 as a Lewis base, describe the interaction between them according to the Lewis acid-base theory. What type of bond will be formed and why?

In the context of the Lewis acid-base theory, AlCl3 acts as a Lewis acid because aluminium has an incomplete octet, making it electron-deficient and willing to accept electron pairs. NH3, on the other hand, acts as a Lewis base due to the lone pair of electrons present on the nitrogen atom. When AlCl3 and NH3 interact, the electron-deficient aluminium atom accepts the electron pair from nitrogen, leading to the formation of a coordinate covalent bond, also known as a dative bond. This bond formation is indicative of Lewis acid-base interactions, where an electron pair donor (base) shares its electron pair with an electron pair acceptor (acid).

The Brønsted-Lowry and Lewis acid-base theories are both pivotal in understanding acid-base chemistry. Highlight a fundamental difference between them and provide an example where only the Lewis theory is applicable.

The primary distinction between the Brønsted-Lowry and Lewis acid-base theories lies in their definitions: the former defines acids as proton (H+) donors and bases as proton acceptors, focusing on proton transfer, whereas the latter identifies acids as electron pair acceptors and bases as electron pair donors, emphasizing electron pair interactions. A classic example exclusive to the Lewis theory is the interaction between BF3 (boron trifluoride) and F- (fluoride ion). In this reaction, BF3, which cannot donate a proton, acts as a Lewis acid by accepting an electron pair from the fluoride ion. This interaction cannot be described by the Brønsted-Lowry theory since no proton transfer occurs.

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