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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

19.1.1 Voltaic Cells

Voltaic cells, commonly referred to as galvanic cells, are fascinating devices that seamlessly convert chemical energy into electrical energy. This is achieved through spontaneous redox reactions. In this section, we'll embark on a detailed journey exploring their construction, functioning, notation, and the underlying principles that allow us to predict their spontaneity.

For a deeper understanding of the principles of galvanic cells and their applications, explore our detailed notes on Galvanic Cells.

Construction and Functioning of Voltaic Cells

Basic Components

  • Anode: This is the electrode where the oxidation process occurs. Typically, it's made of a metal that has a natural propensity to lose electrons. As it undergoes oxidation, it releases electrons into the external circuit.
  • Cathode: This is the electrode where the reduction process takes place. It's often composed of a metal that has a natural tendency to gain electrons. As it undergoes reduction, it accepts electrons from the external circuit.
  • Electrolyte: This is a solution, often aqueous, that facilitates the movement of ions. It plays a pivotal role in completing the circuit, ensuring the cell functions optimally.
  • Salt Bridge: This is a U-shaped tube filled with a salt solution that connects the two half-cells. Its primary role is to maintain electrical neutrality within the cell by allowing ions to move between the half-cells.

Understanding the Standard Hydrogen Electrode is crucial for grasping how cell potentials are measured.


1. Oxidation at the Anode: At the anode, the metal loses electrons, a process known as oxidation. These electrons then flow through the external circuit, heading towards the cathode.

2. Reduction at the Cathode: The cathode, on the other hand, gains these electrons, undergoing a process called reduction.

3. Ion Movement: As the anode releases electrons, it simultaneously releases cations into the electrolyte. To balance this, anions from the electrolyte move towards the anode. Similarly, as the cathode gains electrons, it attracts cations from the electrolyte. To counteract this, anions move from the cathode into the electrolyte.

4. Role of the Salt Bridge: The salt bridge is not just a passive component. It actively allows ions to move between the half-cells. This movement ensures that the solutions in both half-cells remain electrically neutral, preventing the buildup of charge that would otherwise halt the cell's operation.

Cell Notation and Standard Cell Potentials

Cell Notation

Cell notation is a concise way to represent the redox reaction taking place in a voltaic cell. It's structured as:

Anode | Anode Electrolyte || Cathode Electrolyte | Cathode

For instance, if we consider a zinc-copper cell, the notation would be:

Zn(s) | Zn2+(aq) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s)

To accurately represent and balance the reactions within voltaic cells, one must master Balancing Redox Reactions.

Standard Cell Potentials

  • Definition: The standard cell potential, often denoted as Eo cell, represents the voltage difference between the cathode and anode when both are under standard conditions. These conditions are a concentration of 1 M, a pressure of 1 atm, and a temperature of 25°C.
  • Calculation: The standard cell potential is calculated by subtracting the standard reduction potential of the anode from that of the cathode: Eo cell = Eo cathode - Eo anode.
  • Significance: The value of Eo cell is a direct indicator of the spontaneity of the redox reaction. A positive Eo cell suggests a spontaneous reaction, while a negative value indicates non-spontaneity.

Predicting Spontaneity of Redox Reactions

Relationship between Gibbs Free Energy and Cell Potential

The change in Gibbs free energy, denoted as ΔGo, and the standard cell potential are intrinsically linked. The relationship between them is:

ΔGo = -nFEo cell


  • n represents the number of moles of electrons transferred during the reaction.
  • F stands for the Faraday constant, which is approximately 96485 C/mol.

The Electron Affinity in Periodic Trends section provides insight into how electron affinity impacts redox reactions and cell potentials.

Determining Spontaneity

  • Positive Eo cell: A positive value indicates that the reaction is spontaneous, implying that ΔGo is less than 0.
  • Negative Eo cell: A negative value suggests that the reaction is non-spontaneous, meaning that ΔGo is greater than 0.
  • Eo cell equals 0: When Eo cell is zero, it means the reaction is at equilibrium, and ΔGo is also 0.

Understanding the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction is essential. Our notes on Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction delve into this in more detail, providing a comprehensive overview of how these factors influence the spontaneity and efficiency of voltaic cells.

Factors Affecting Spontaneity

1. Concentration: Any changes in the concentration of ions can shift the cell potential. This shift can either promote or hinder the spontaneity of the reaction.

2. Temperature: Temperature fluctuations can influence the equilibrium constant. This, in turn, can impact the cell potential, affecting the spontaneity of the reaction.

3. Pressure: For reactions involving gaseous reactants or products, changes in pressure can have a significant impact on the cell potential.


Changing the concentration of the electrolyte can significantly impact the cell potential due to the Nernst equation. As the concentration of the reactants or products in a half-cell changes, the equilibrium position of the redox reaction shifts, leading to a change in cell potential. If the concentration of the reactants increases, the cell potential typically becomes more positive, making the reaction more spontaneous. Conversely, if the concentration of the products increases, the cell potential may become less positive or even negative, making the reaction less spontaneous or even non-spontaneous.

A voltaic cell and an electrolytic cell serve opposite functions. A voltaic cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy through spontaneous redox reactions. In contrast, an electrolytic cell uses electrical energy to drive a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. In a voltaic cell, the anode is the site of oxidation and is negative, while the cathode is the site of reduction and is positive. In an electrolytic cell, the anode is positive and the site of oxidation, while the cathode is negative and the site of reduction.

The choice of metals for the anode and cathode in a voltaic cell is crucial because different metals have different tendencies to lose or gain electrons. This tendency is quantified by the metal's reduction potential. For a voltaic cell to produce electricity, there needs to be a significant difference in reduction potentials between the two metals. If both metals have similar tendencies to lose or gain electrons, the cell potential would be close to zero, and the cell wouldn't produce much, if any, electricity. Therefore, metals are chosen based on their ability to facilitate the desired redox reaction and produce a significant cell potential.

Temperature can have a significant impact on the functioning of a voltaic cell. According to the Nernst equation, cell potential is directly related to temperature. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the particles in the cell also increases, potentially speeding up the redox reactions. However, an increase in temperature can also shift the equilibrium position of the redox reactions, which might decrease the cell potential. It's also worth noting that extreme temperatures can damage the cell's components or cause the electrolyte to evaporate, both of which would hinder the cell's operation.

Maintaining electrical neutrality in a voltaic cell is paramount for its continuous operation. If neutrality isn't maintained, a charge buildup will occur in the half-cells. This buildup would create an internal resistance, opposing the flow of electrons in the external circuit. As a result, the cell's potential would decrease, and the cell would eventually stop producing electricity. Electrical neutrality ensures that there's a balance between the positive and negative charges in the cell, allowing for the continuous and efficient flow of electrons and ions, which in turn ensures sustained production of electrical energy.

Practice Questions

Describe the primary components and functioning of a voltaic cell. How does a salt bridge contribute to the functioning of the cell?

A voltaic cell, also known as a galvanic cell, consists of two main components: the anode, where oxidation occurs, and the cathode, where reduction takes place. The anode typically loses electrons, which then flow through an external circuit to the cathode, which gains these electrons. Accompanying this electron flow is the movement of ions in the electrolyte solution. The salt bridge plays a crucial role in maintaining electrical neutrality within the cell. It allows ions to move between the half-cells, preventing charge buildup and ensuring the continuous flow of current. Without the salt bridge, the cell would quickly reach a state where it could no longer function due to the accumulation of charge.

Explain the significance of a positive standard cell potential (E^o cell) in a voltaic cell. How does it relate to the spontaneity of the redox reaction?

A positive standard cell potential (Eo cell) in a voltaic cell indicates that the redox reaction is spontaneous. This is because the standard cell potential is a measure of the tendency of the cell's reaction to occur spontaneously under standard conditions. When the Eo cell is positive, it suggests that the reaction will release energy, making it favourable and spontaneous. This is further supported by the relationship between Gibbs free energy (ΔGo) and Eo cell. A positive Eo cell means that ΔGo is negative, which is a direct indicator of a spontaneous reaction. In essence, a positive Eo cell is a hallmark of a voltaic cell's ability to produce electrical energy from a spontaneous chemical reaction.

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