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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

11.3.3 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

NMR spectroscopy stands as a paramount technique in organic chemistry, allowing scientists to delve into molecular structures using the magnetic properties of certain nuclei.

Basic Principles of NMR Spectroscopy

The underlying principles of NMR are intertwined with the magnetic properties of certain nuclei. These nuclei, possessing what is termed as 'spin', can interact with magnetic fields in a measurable manner.

  • Nuclear Spin: Only nuclei with either a positive or negative half-integer spin value are receptive to NMR investigations. Examples include 1H (protons) and 13C. The spin property originates from the nuclear particles – protons and neutrons – and results in magnetic moments.
  • Alignment in Magnetic Field: When introduced to an external magnetic field, these nuclei align themselves either with (low energy) or against (high energy) the field. The energy difference between these two states is what's exploited in NMR.
  • Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation: The transition between the two energy states can be instigated by RF radiation. When the radiation matches the energy gap, resonance occurs, causing the nucleus to flip its orientation.
  • Relaxation: After the RF pulse is switched off, nuclei revert back to their original orientation, emitting signals in the process. This relaxation and its intricacies are what's measured in NMR.

Instrumentation and Its Role

An NMR spectrometer is an intricate assembly of several components, each playing a distinct role in facilitating the measurements:

  • Superconducting Magnet: The backbone of any NMR machine, this magnet is essential to create a powerful, stable magnetic field. The stronger the magnetic field, the higher the resolution of the resulting spectrum.
  • Sample Holder and RF Coils: Situated within the magnet, this cylindrical probe holds the sample, typically dissolved in a deuterated solvent, and houses coils that both send and receive RF pulses.
  • Pulse Generator and Detector: The pulse generator sends precise bursts of RF radiation, triggering resonance. The detector, on the other hand, meticulously picks up the emitted signals from the nuclei during relaxation.
  • Fourier Transformation and Spectrum: The received signals, termed Free Induction Decay (FID), are time-domain data. Using Fourier transformation, this is converted into frequency-domain data, which is what we recognise as the NMR spectrum.

Chemical Shift – A Window to Molecular Environments

The chemical shift provides keen insight into the molecular environment surrounding a particular nucleus:

  • Reference and Delta Scale: Tetramethylsilane (TMS) serves as the universal reference due to its non-reactivity and distinct molecular environment. The difference in resonance frequency between a sample and TMS, when scaled to the operating frequency of the spectrometer, gives the chemical shift, usually represented in parts per million (ppm).
  • Electron Shielding and Deshielding: Protons in an electron-rich environment are said to be shielded and resonate at higher frequencies (upfield). Conversely, protons near electron-withdrawing groups are deshielded and resonate downfield.
  • Influence of Electronegative Atoms: Protons adjacent to electronegative elements like oxygen or halogens experience deshielding due to reduced electron density, leading to downfield shifts.

Decoding the Structure of Organic Compounds

NMR's prowess in structural elucidation is second to none:

  • Functional Groups and Peaks: Distinct functional groups resonate in specific regions. For instance, aldehyde protons typically show downfield peaks due to the electron-withdrawing carbonyl group.
  • Multiplicity and Coupling: Neighbouring protons can split the NMR signal of a proton into multiple peaks, revealing their number. For example, a triplet is often indicative of two neighbouring protons.
  • Carbon-13 NMR: Offering a complementary perspective to proton NMR, 13C NMR gives information about distinct carbon environments, albeit with broader peaks due to lower natural abundance and sensitivity.

Two-Dimensional (2D) NMR

Advancements in NMR led to 2D techniques like COSY (Correlation Spectroscopy) and HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence). These provide correlations between different types of nuclei, offering a more comprehensive view of molecular connectivity.


NMR spectroscopy, while powerful, has its limitations. It cannot detect all types of nuclei. For a nucleus to be "NMR-active", it must have a non-zero nuclear spin, implying it possesses a magnetic moment. For example, while 1H, 13C, and 31P are NMR-active, nuclei like 12C and 16O, having a nuclear spin of zero, remain elusive to NMR. Different nuclei offer varying sensitivities and present diverse information. The choice of which nucleus to study is often determined by the specific details one aims to extract from the sample.

Temperature wields a direct influence over NMR spectra in multiple ways. Molecular motions and dynamics, pivotal for determining chemical shifts and relaxation times, are inherently temperature-dependent. As temperature varies, the equilibrium among various conformers or isomers might shift. This dynamic leads to variations in the observed chemical shifts. At cooler temperatures, molecular motions are slower, causing broader NMR lines because of slower spin relaxation. It's imperative for scientists to either maintain a consistent temperature when contrasting NMR data or to account for temperature fluctuations when drawing conclusions from disparate sources.

The external magnetic field is the very foundation upon which NMR spectroscopy rests. It serves to align the magnetic nuclei either with or against this applied field. When these aligned nuclei encounter radiofrequency (RF) radiation, they can transition between their alignment states, absorbing specific energy quanta during this process. The strength of this external field determines the energy differential between these nuclear states. Consequently, this dictates the RF radiation frequency that will be absorbed by the nuclei. In essence, the strength and consistency of this magnetic field play a pivotal role in the resonance frequency witnessed, ensuring accurate and reproducible NMR data.

Deuterated solvents, like D2O or CDCl3, have become instrumental in NMR due to their ability to minimise background interference. Common solvents possess protons that can convolute the spectrum with unwanted signals. However, deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, doesn't resonate at the same frequency as typical protons in proton NMR. This means that the solvent itself doesn't interfere with the spectrum of the sample. This clarity is paramount for the accurate identification and quantification of signals. Also, many deuterated solvents come with a tiny trace of the non-deuterated form to provide an internal reference.

Tetramethylsilane (TMS) holds a distinctive role in NMR spectroscopy predominantly due to its favourable chemical properties. Every proton in TMS is chemically equivalent, leading to one single, sharp peak in the spectrum. This singularity allows for easy identification and differentiation from the compound of interest. Additionally, TMS exhibits a chemical environment in which its protons produce signals at the extreme right of the spectrum (low field), providing a clear reference point. Most organic compounds will resonate downfield from this, preventing overlap. Besides its beneficial spectroscopic characteristics, TMS is non-reactive, which ensures that it doesn't alter the sample's properties. Lastly, due to its volatile nature, post-analysis, it's easily removable from the mixture, ensuring sample integrity.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of chemical shifts in NMR spectroscopy. How does the presence of electronegative atoms nearby influence the chemical shift?

The chemical shift in NMR spectroscopy is a relative measure indicating the resonance frequency of a nucleus compared to the resonance frequency of a standard reference, typically Tetramethylsilane (TMS). It provides insight into the electronic environment surrounding the nucleus in question. Electronegative atoms, when present near the resonating nucleus, decrease electron density around that nucleus. This reduced electron shielding leads to a deshielded environment, causing the nucleus to resonate at a frequency further downfield. Therefore, the presence of electronegative atoms often results in a higher ppm value for the chemical shift in NMR spectra.

Briefly explain how multiplicity in proton NMR aids in the structural elucidation of organic compounds.

Multiplicity in proton NMR refers to the splitting of signals due to the coupling between adjacent protons. This splitting unveils the number of neighbouring protons to the observed nucleus. For instance, a proton with two adjacent protons would exhibit a triplet in the spectrum. By analysing the multiplicity of signals, chemists can deduce the relative positioning of protons in a molecule. This information, when combined with other NMR data like chemical shifts and integration, forms a comprehensive picture of the molecular structure, allowing chemists to deduce or confirm the identity of organic compounds.

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