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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

11.3.1 Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry offers a nuanced insight into the structural intricacies of compounds by analysing their masses and atomic compositions. A pivotal technique in the realm of organic chemistry, its principles, instrumental details, and applications warrant in-depth exploration.

Basic Principles

Ionisation Process

  • Atoms or Molecules are Ionised: This foundational step involves turning neutral atoms or molecules into ions. Ionisation ensures that the particles can be manipulated using magnetic or electric fields. Electron impact and chemical ionisation are primary methods to achieve this.
  • Measurement of Mass-to-Charge Ratio (m/z): Following ionisation, the ions are categorised and detected according to their m/z. Remember, this ratio details the actual value on the spectrum rather than a direct mass.

Ion Acceleration

  • Ions Get Accelerated: Post ionisation, ions are accelerated by an electric field. This acceleration ensures that all ions have the same kinetic energy when they enter the mass analyser.

Ion Detection

  • Ion Detection Post Deflection: As ions navigate through a magnetic field, their paths diverge based on their m/z. As a result, distinct ions land at different detectors or different parts of a single detector.


Sample Introduction

  • Inlet System: Before analysis, the sample, often in liquid or gas form, is introduced to the mass spectrometer. This introduction typically happens through inlets like the direct insertion probe or a gas chromatograph, which separates compounds in a mixture before MS analysis.

Ion Source

  • Electron Impact (EI): An extensively used ionisation method for organic compounds. In this process, an electron beam strikes the sample molecule, ejecting an electron and forming a positively charged ion.
  • Chemical Ionisation (CI): Here, the sample is ionised by bombarding it with ions produced from a reagent gas, like methane or ammonia. This soft ionisation technique often results in less fragmentation than EI.

Mass Analyzer

  • Quadrupole: A quadrupole mass analyser utilises oscillating electric fields to filter ions of a particular m/z.
  • Time-of-Flight (TOF): An analyser where ions get accelerated by an electric field and then fly towards a detector. Their 'time of flight' is measured, which correlates with their mass.
  • Ion Trap: It traps ions and then ejects them based on their m/z. This sequential ejection produces a mass spectrum.


  • Electron Multiplier: A sensitive device that converts ions into an electric current by generating a cascade of secondary electrons when an ion strikes its surface.
  • Faraday Cup: A metal cup that captures ions and measures the resulting current, which is then proportional to the number of ions.

Fragmentation Patterns and Their Interpretation

Understanding Fragmentation

  • The act of fragmentation arises due to the ionisation energy. When a molecule undergoes ionisation, it can fragment into smaller pieces, each carrying a charge.
  • Base Peak: The most intense peak in the spectrum, representing the ion with the highest relative abundance. It's not necessarily related to the original molecule but is instrumental in its identification.
  • Molecular Ion Peak: Reflecting the original molecule’s weight, it's often the highest m/z value in the spectrum.

Interpreting the Spectrum

  • Deducing Molecular Weight: The molecular ion peak facilitates the direct calculation of the compound's molecular weight.
  • Identifying Fragment Ions: Recognising fragments and their patterns can provide insights into the molecule's structure. For instance, a loss of 15 m/z can indicate the detachment of a CH₃ group.
  • Functional Group Detection: Characteristic fragmentation patterns can hint at the presence of specific functional groups, aiding structural elucidation.

Applications in Determining Molecular Weight and Structure

Molecular Weight Determination

  • The molecular ion peak's presence offers direct insight into a compound's molecular weight. If it's weak or absent, other techniques, including chemical ionisation, can accentuate its appearance.

Structural Analysis

  • Functional Group Identification: Fragment ions, due to their distinct patterns, can indicate the presence of specific functional groups in the compound.
  • Isotope Analysis: The ability of mass spectrometry to discern different isotopes is invaluable. Not only does it identify elements in the compound, but it also pinpoints isotopic purity or the presence of certain isotopic labels.
  • Compound Identification: In tandem with extensive spectral databases, mass spectrometry offers a robust platform for matching unknown spectra with known compounds, thus elucidating identities.

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Alongside the identification of compounds and structural interpretation, mass spectrometry is adept at quantifying specific compounds in mixtures. By juxtaposing the intensity of the sample's spectrum with calibrated standards, it’s feasible to deduce the sample's concentration meticulously.


Absolutely, mass spectrometry is often combined with other analytical techniques to augment its capabilities. A classic example is Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). In GC-MS, the gas chromatograph first separates compounds in a mixture. Each separated compound then enters the mass spectrometer for detailed analysis. This tandem approach allows for both the separation of complex mixtures and in-depth analysis of each component. Another combination is with Liquid Chromatography (LC-MS), where compounds separated by liquid chromatography are analysed using mass spectrometry. These combinations harness the strengths of both techniques, offering richer insights and more comprehensive data.

Time-of-Flight (TOF) analysis is particularly beneficial for larger molecules because of its high mass range and swift processing capabilities. The TOF mass analyser measures the time ions take to travel a fixed distance after being accelerated by an electric field. Larger ions will inherently have a slower velocity than smaller ions when they possess the same kinetic energy. Thus, TOF can differentiate between ions of varying sizes efficiently. For large molecules, especially biopolymers like proteins, this means that TOF can detect and analyse them without the need for excessive fragmentation, preserving a more holistic view of the molecule in the analysis.

The inlet system in mass spectrometry is where the sample first enters the spectrometer. Before analysis, the sample, which could be in liquid, gas, or even solid form, must be introduced into the spectrometer to be ionised. The inlet system ensures that the sample is properly and efficiently introduced in a form conducive for ionisation. For instance, with a gas chromatograph inlet, compounds in a mixture can be separated and then introduced sequentially into the spectrometer, allowing for individual analysis. Efficient introduction of the sample is critical because any inconsistency at this initial stage could lead to inaccurate results.

Chemical Ionisation (CI) is often preferred over Electron Impact (EI) for specific samples due to its 'softer' ionisation process. In EI, an electron beam is used to ionise the sample, which can lead to extensive fragmentation of the sample molecule. While this fragmentation can provide valuable structural information, it may make it challenging to detect the original molecular ion. CI, on the other hand, involves ionising the sample with ions generated from a reagent gas, resulting in less fragmentation. This method is especially useful when one aims to preserve the molecule's integrity and gain a clearer molecular ion peak, thus making it easier to deduce molecular weight.

The Electron Multiplier is an innovative tool utilised as a detector in mass spectrometry. Essentially, it's a dynode chain in a tube form. When ions, generated from the sample and having traversed through the mass analyser, impinge upon the first dynode of this chain, they cause it to emit several secondary electrons. These secondary electrons are then accelerated to the next dynode, resulting in the emission of even more electrons. This cascading process amplifies the initial signal exponentially, converting the ion impact into a measurable current. The magnitude of this current is directly proportional to the number of ions striking the first dynode, allowing for accurate detection and quantification of ions in the sample.

Practice Questions

Describe the basic principles behind mass spectrometry, focusing on the ionisation process and how the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) is utilised.

Mass spectrometry primarily hinges on the ionisation of neutral atoms or molecules to produce ions. This is foundational because only charged particles can be manoeuvred using electric or magnetic fields. Various methods like electron impact or chemical ionisation are employed for this. Following ionisation, these ions are differentiated and detected based on their mass-to-charge ratio, or m/z. This ratio is not a direct reflection of the particle's exact mass but rather a representation of its mass in relation to its charge. The detected m/z ratios are then presented on a spectrum, forming the basis for analysis and interpretation.

In the context of mass spectrometry instrumentation, elucidate the roles of a Quadrupole and a Time-of-Flight (TOF) mass analyser.

A Quadrupole in mass spectrometry acts as a mass analyser. It utilises oscillating electric fields to filter ions selectively based on their mass-to-charge ratio. By adjusting the frequencies and voltages of the electric fields, only ions of a particular m/z are allowed to pass through, enabling detailed analysis of the sample's ionic components. On the other hand, a Time-of-Flight (TOF) mass analyser works on a different principle. Here, ions are accelerated by an electric field and then set to traverse towards a detector. The 'time of flight', which the ions take to reach the detector, is meticulously measured and directly correlates with their mass, thus providing insights into their m/z values.

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