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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

11.3.2 Infrared Spectroscopy

Infrared spectroscopy offers an illuminating gaze into the universe of molecular structures. By utilising the principles of infrared radiation, chemists can glean insights into compound identification and bond presence. Let's dive into its underpinnings and applications.

Basic Principles

Nature of Infrared Radiation

  • The electromagnetic spectrum comprises varying wavelengths of energy, with Infrared (IR) radiation residing just beyond visible light, specifically between approximately 700 nm to 1 mm.
  • Each photon in IR radiation carries a quantum of energy. The energy level is determined by its frequency.
  • When molecules absorb this energy, it's transformed into vibrational energy, causing the molecules to move and rotate.

Vibration Modes and Their Significance

  • Stretching Vibrations: This involves the alternating compression and elongation of bond lengths. It can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
  • Bending Vibrations: This type results in a change of bond angles. Bending can occur in several modes, such as scissoring, rocking, wagging, and twisting.
  • However, not all molecular vibrations induce an absorption of IR radiation. For a vibration to be IR-active, it must cause a change in the molecule’s dipole moment. Hence, symmetrical molecules like O2 show no IR absorption.

Frequency and Molecular Structure

  • The frequency at which a molecule vibrates and subsequently absorbs IR radiation offers direct insights into its structure.
  • Factors affecting absorption frequency include bond strength (stronger bonds vibrate at higher frequencies) and the mass of the atoms involved (heavier atoms vibrate at lower frequencies).


IR Spectrometer Components

  • Source: Often a ceramic type, this generates the necessary infrared radiation.
  • Monochromator/Interferometer: This component segregates the wide-ranging IR radiation into individual frequencies, allowing for detailed spectral analysis.
  • Sample Holder: Samples can be in solid, liquid, or gaseous form. Common methods involve creating a pellet with potassium bromide or using a liquid cell with sodium chloride plates.
  • Detector: This crucial component measures the radiation passing through the sample. Any decrease in radiation intensity at a particular frequency suggests absorption at that frequency.
  • Computer System: In modern spectrometers, computers play an instrumental role in processing, plotting, and storing the resultant spectra.

Evolution of IR Spectroscopy

From the traditional Dispersive IR (DIR) that measures one frequency of IR radiation at a given time, the field has gravitated towards Fourier Transform IR (FTIR). The latter boasts simultaneous measurement capabilities across all frequencies, offering a more comprehensive, sensitive, and rapid analysis.

Identification of Functional Groups

Understanding functional groups is crucial for interpreting IR spectra. A foundational knowledge on functional groups enhances the ability to identify compounds accurately.

Decoding Absorption Peaks

  • Each peak on an IR spectrum signifies a specific molecular vibration, which can be traced back to a particular type of bond or functional group.
  • The location (wavenumber), intensity, and shape of peaks provide a plethora of information regarding the molecule's nature.

Characteristic Peaks and Their Meaning

  • Broad O-H peak: Seen around 3200-3600 cm-1, this peak suggests the presence of alcohols or carboxylic acids. This is especially relevant when studying alcohols and their properties.
  • Sharp C=O peak: Located around 1650-1750 cm-1, this peak is indicative of carbonyl groups found in ketones, aldehydes, esters, and carboxylic acids.
  • C-H stretch: Peaks between 2800-3000 cm-1 suggest the existence of alkanes.
  • N-H stretch: A sharp peak around 3300 cm-1 is a hallmark of amines or amides.

Applications in Chemistry

Qualitative and Structural Analysis

  • The unique nature of IR spectra, akin to molecular fingerprints, allows chemists to identify unknown compounds by juxtaposing their spectra with reference spectra. The process of identifying compounds complements the study of structural isomerism, where different arrangements of atoms can significantly affect a molecule's physical and chemical properties.
  • Structural elucidation is further enhanced as the presence or absence of specific peaks can validate or debunk a proposed molecular formula. Moreover, techniques like mass spectrometry often accompany IR spectroscopy in comprehensive molecular analysis.

Quantitative Insight

While primarily qualitative, IR spectroscopy isn't limited to identifying compounds. The intensity of specific absorption peaks can be calibrated to quantify the concentration of the absorbing species in a sample.

Real-time Reaction Monitoring

IR spectroscopy shines as a tool in research environments, especially when observing real-time chemical reactions. The emergence or disappearance of specific peaks enables chemists to track reactants turning into products, facilitating a better understanding of reaction dynamics.

Material and Environmental Science

Beyond pure chemistry, IR spectroscopy finds relevance in material science to decipher the compositions of complex materials. In environmental studies, it helps in detecting pollutants or monitoring air quality. It also plays a crucial role in understanding hydrogen bonding interactions, which are vital in numerous biological and chemical processes.


Sodium chloride (NaCl) plates are ideal for holding liquid samples in IR spectroscopy because NaCl is transparent to a wide range of IR wavelengths, similar to KBr in solid samples. When a liquid sample is placed between two NaCl plates, it forms a thin film that IR radiation can pass through. The liquid sample can then be analysed without interference from the NaCl plates. Another advantage is that NaCl does not have a strong IR absorption in regions of interest, ensuring the sample's spectrum remains uncontaminated by peaks from the plates.

While IR spectroscopy is brilliant for determining functional groups and certain bonding environments, it is less adept at differentiating between isomers, especially if the isomers have the same functional groups. Isomers have the same molecular formula but a different arrangement of atoms. If the different arrangement doesn't result in a change in functional groups or introduce new polar environments, the IR spectrum may look very similar or even identical for these compounds. More detailed structural information, such as that from NMR spectroscopy, would be needed to differentiate between isomers.

Yes, IR spectroscopy can be utilised for quantitative analysis, although it is primarily used for qualitative identification. The intensity of specific absorption peaks can be proportional to the concentration of the absorbing species in a sample. By creating a calibration curve using samples of known concentrations, one can determine the concentration of unknown samples based on their absorbance. However, several factors, like sample thickness and instrument sensitivity, can affect the reliability. For absolute quantitative analysis, one must ensure consistent sample preparation and conditions, and it may not be as accurate as other quantitative methods like titration or gravimetry.

In IR spectroscopy, transmittance and absorbance are two ways of presenting the data acquired. Transmittance (T) is the ratio of the intensity of light that passes through the sample (I) to the intensity of the incoming light (I0). It is expressed as a percentage. Absorbance (A) is the logarithm (base 10) of the reciprocal of transmittance: A = log(1/T). Absorbance directly correlates with the amount of energy absorbed by the sample. While transmittance spectra show peaks where the sample doesn't absorb, absorbance spectra display peaks where the sample absorbs energy.

Potassium bromide (KBr) is commonly used in IR spectroscopy because it is transparent to a broad range of IR wavelengths. When a solid sample is finely ground with KBr and then pressed into a disc, the resultant pellet allows the IR radiation to pass through without any significant absorption from the KBr. This means that any peaks observed in the IR spectrum can be attributed to the sample compound and not the KBr. Additionally, KBr is non-hygroscopic, meaning it doesn't absorb water from the air, ensuring that the spectrum isn't contaminated by water absorption peaks.

Practice Questions

An infrared spectrum of an unknown compound shows a broad peak at around 3400 cm^-1and a sharp peak at approximately 1700 cm^-1. Based on this information, identify the likely functional groups present and suggest a possible compound.

The broad peak at around 3400 cm-1 is indicative of an O-H stretch, suggesting the presence of either an alcohol or a carboxylic acid functional group. The sharp peak at approximately 1700 cm-1 is characteristic of a C=O stretch, denoting the presence of a carbonyl group. Considering both peaks, it is likely that the compound contains a carboxylic acid functional group. A possible compound could be ethanoic acid, which contains both the O-H and C=O functional groups.

Describe how the presence of symmetrical molecules affects the interpretation of an IR spectrum. Also, explain why a change in dipole moment is essential for a vibration to be IR-active

Symmetrical molecules, such as O2 or N2, do not show any IR absorption. This is because their vibrations do not cause a change in the dipole moment of the molecule. For a vibration to be IR-active, it must cause a change in the molecule’s dipole moment. Infrared radiation interacts with molecular vibrations through dipole moment changes. If there's no change in the dipole moment during vibration, the molecule won't absorb IR radiation at that frequency. Hence, the spectrum will not show any peaks corresponding to the vibrational frequencies of symmetrical molecules.

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