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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

1.3.3 Percentage Yield

The world of chemical reactions is intricate and fascinating. One of the pivotal concepts in this domain is the percentage yield, which offers a quantitative insight into the efficiency of a chemical reaction. This measure is particularly crucial when comparing the actual yield of a reaction to its theoretical potential. Before diving into the specifics of percentage yield, it's essential to have a solid understanding of stoichiometry, as it lays the foundation for calculating theoretical yields. Let's embark on a comprehensive exploration of its calculation, the factors that influence it, and its broader implications.

Formula and Calculation

Percentage Yield is a crucial metric in chemistry, offering insights into the efficiency of a chemical reaction by comparing the actual yield of a product to its theoretical potential.

Formula: Percentage Yield = (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) x 100%

  • Actual Yield: This is the amount of product that is genuinely obtained from the reaction. It's typically provided in experimental setups or deduced from laboratory results. The actual yield can vary due to numerous factors, including the purity of reactants, reaction conditions, and practical losses during the process.
  • Theoretical Yield: This represents the maximum amount of product that could be formed from the reactants. It's deduced from stoichiometric calculations based on the balanced chemical equation. For a more in-depth understanding of how to perform these calculations, consider reviewing mole calculations. The theoretical yield assumes a perfect scenario where every molecule of the reactant produces a molecule of the product, which is rarely the case in real-world scenarios.

Example Calculation: Imagine a chemical reaction where the theoretical yield of a product is expected to be 60 grams. However, after conducting the reaction, only 48 grams of the product are obtained. The percentage yield would be:

Percentage Yield = (48g / 60g) x 100% = 80%

This indicates that the reaction was 80% efficient in converting the reactants to the desired product.

Factors Affecting Percentage Yield

Real-world reactions rarely achieve 100% efficiency. Several factors can influence the percentage yield:

1. Purity of Reactants: The presence of impurities can significantly affect the outcome. Impure reactants can lead to side reactions, which can reduce the yield of the desired product. For instance, impurities might react with the primary reactant, leading to different products or inhibiting the reaction altogether.

2. Reaction Conditions: The conditions under which a reaction occurs, such as temperature, pressure, and the presence or absence of a catalyst, can greatly influence its rate and direction. For instance, some reactions might require a specific temperature range to achieve optimal yield. For instance, some reactions might require a specific temperature range to achieve optimal yield. Understanding the factors affecting the rate of reaction can provide further insight into how reaction conditions impact percentage yield.

3. Incomplete Reactions: Not all reactions proceed to completion. Some might be reversible, meaning they can proceed in both forward and reverse directions. In such cases, an equilibrium is established, preventing all reactants from being converted to products. The concept of Le Chatelier's Principle is relevant here, as it explains how dynamic equilibrium can affect reaction yields.

4. Practical Losses: During various stages like separation, purification, or transfer, there's always a potential for product loss. For instance, some products might adhere to the walls of a container or get lost during filtration.

5. Side Reactions: Often, reactants can undergo multiple reactions simultaneously. When this happens, the desired product competes with other side products, leading to a reduced yield.

6. Duration of the Reaction: The time allowed for a reaction can influence the yield. Some reactions might require longer durations to achieve maximum yield, while others might produce optimal results in a shorter time frame. The rate equations page offers a mathematical framework to understand how reaction rates can be quantified and optimised.

Implications of Percentage Yield in Real-world Reactions

The concept of percentage yield isn't just a theoretical one; it has profound real-world implications:

  • Economic Implications: For industries, a higher percentage yield means more product generation for the same amount of reactants, leading to significant cost savings. In large-scale productions, even a small percentage increase in yield can translate to substantial economic benefits.
  • Environmental Concerns: Inefficient reactions might produce unwanted by-products, which could be environmentally harmful. By optimising reactions for higher yields, industries can reduce waste and the environmental footprint of their operations.
  • Research and Development: In sectors like pharmaceuticals, achieving a high percentage yield is vital. The synthesis of new compounds or drugs often hinges on the efficiency of underlying reactions. A low yield might render a potential production process unfeasible.
  • Resource Management: Some reactions involve rare or expensive reactants. In such cases, maximising the percentage yield is paramount to ensure that resources are used optimally.
  • Safety: Reactions with low yields might produce hazardous by-products. By optimising for higher yields, the production of such harmful by-products can be minimised, ensuring safer industrial processes.


The presence of impurities can decrease the percentage yield. Impurities might react with the reactants or the products, leading to side reactions. This can reduce the amount of desired product formed. Additionally, impurities can hinder the progress of the main reaction, making it less efficient.

Reaction conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and concentration, can significantly impact the percentage yield. Optimal conditions can drive a reaction to completion, increasing the yield. However, if conditions are not ideal, the reaction might not proceed fully, or side reactions might dominate, leading to a reduced yield.

No, the percentage yield cannot exceed 100%. A percentage yield greater than 100% indicates an error in the experiment, such as inaccuracies in measurements. The theoretical yield represents the maximum amount of product that can be formed, so obtaining more than this is not feasible.

For industries, maximising the percentage yield is crucial for economic reasons. A higher yield means more product is obtained from a given amount of reactants, reducing waste and costs. It also ensures efficient use of resources, which is both economically beneficial and environmentally responsible.

In real-world reactions, achieving a 100% percentage yield is uncommon due to various reasons. Some reactions may not go to completion, there might be side reactions producing other products, or there could be losses during the purification and separation processes. Additionally, some reactants might not react fully, or there could be experimental errors during the procedure.

Practice Questions

A student conducted a reaction that had a theoretical yield of 150 grams. After performing the experiment, she obtained 120 grams of the product. Calculate the percentage yield of the reaction.

To calculate the percentage yield, we use the formula: Percentage Yield = (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) x 100%. Plugging in the given values: Percentage Yield = (120g / 150g) x 100% = 80%. Thus, the reaction had a percentage yield of 80%. This means that 80% of the maximum possible amount of product (based on the reactants used) was obtained from the reaction.

In chemical synthesis, the percentage yield was found to be 85%. If the actual yield of the product was 102 grams, determine the theoretical yield.

Using the formula for percentage yield: Percentage Yield = (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) x 100%. Rearranging for theoretical yield gives: Theoretical Yield = Actual Yield / (Percentage Yield/100). Plugging in the given values: Theoretical Yield = 102g / (85/100) = 120g. Therefore, the theoretical yield for the reaction was 120 grams. This represents the maximum amount of product that could have been formed from the reactants under perfect conditions.

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