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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

1.3.1 Stoichiometry

Stoichiometry, a cornerstone of chemistry, offers a quantitative lens through which we can examine the relationships between reactants and products in chemical reactions. This mathematical approach is indispensable for predicting product yields, ensuring reaction efficiency, and understanding the intricate dance of atoms and molecules during a reaction.

Definition of Stoichiometry

Stoichiometry, derived from the Greek words "stoicheion" (element) and "metron" (measure), is the branch of chemistry that deals with the quantitative relationships between the reactants and products in chemical reactions. It provides a mathematical framework that connects the macroscopic world we observe with the microscopic realm of atoms and molecules.

The Central Role in Predicting Product Yields

  • Predictive Power: One of the primary utilities of stoichiometry is its ability to forecast the amount of product that will form from given reactants. Conversely, it can determine the quantity of reactant needed to yield a specific product amount. For a deeper understanding, exploring mole calculations can enhance one's ability to predict product yields accurately.
  • Maximising Efficiency: With a solid grasp of stoichiometry, reactions can be tailored to achieve the highest possible yields. This optimisation is crucial in industries where material waste can translate to significant financial losses. Understanding the concept of limiting reactants is key to maximising efficiency in chemical reactions.
  • Safety Implications: Especially in large-scale industrial reactions, precise stoichiometric calculations can prevent the formation of hazardous by-products, ensuring both environmental and human safety.
IB Chemistry Tutor Tip: Mastering stoichiometry enhances your problem-solving skills, enabling you to tackle complex chemical equations and predict reaction outcomes, vital for both exams and real-world applications.

Balancing Chemical Equations: The Foundation of Stoichiometry

A balanced chemical equation is the starting point for all stoichiometric calculations. It ensures adherence to the law of conservation of mass, which states that atoms cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. The process of balancing redox reactions serves as a crucial skill within this foundational concept.

Steps to Balance Chemical Equations:

1. Identify All Elements: Begin by enumerating all elements in the unbalanced equation.

2. Count Atoms: Tally the atoms of each element on the reactant and product sides.

3. Balance Singular Elements First: Prioritise elements that appear in only one reactant and one product. Adjust coefficients to ensure atom balance.

4. Tackle Hydrogen and Oxygen Later: Given their frequent appearance in multiple compounds, it's strategic to balance them after other elements.

5. Verification: Double-check that both sides of the equation have an equal number of each atom.

Delving into Stoichiometric Calculations

Harnessing the coefficients from balanced chemical equations, stoichiometric calculations determine the quantity of reactants or products in a reaction. The crux of these calculations is the mole-to-mole ratio. The factors affecting the rate of reaction also play a significant role in the practical application of these calculations.

Key Pillars of Stoichiometric Calculations:

  • Mole-to-Mole Ratios: These ratios are extracted directly from the balanced equation's coefficients. For instance, in the reaction 2A → B, it's deduced that two moles of A yield one mole of B.
  • Mass-to-Mass Conversions: By integrating mole-to-mole ratios with molar masses (from the periodic table), one can transition from the mass of one substance to the mass of another in a reaction.
  • Reactant-Product Relationship: Beyond mere calculations, stoichiometry elucidates the interplay between reactants and products. Recognising which reactant is entirely consumed can pinpoint the amount of product generated.
IB Tutor Advice: Practice with a variety of chemical equations to become adept at balancing them and performing stoichiometric calculations, essential for acing questions on reaction yields and reactant ratios.

Practical Implications of Stoichiometry

Stoichiometry's reach extends far beyond theoretical chemistry; its practical ramifications permeate various sectors:

  • Medicine: In drug formulation, maintaining precise stoichiometric ratios is paramount. Even minor deviations can transform a therapeutic compound into a toxic one.
  • Environmental Science: Stoichiometry aids in deciphering pollutant dispersion patterns in ecosystems, facilitating timely interventions.
  • Food Chemistry: From determining nutritional content to refining food processing conditions, stoichiometry plays a pivotal role.
  • Industrial Manufacturing: Whether it's producing plastics, refining petroleum, or synthesising chemicals, stoichiometry ensures optimal reactant use and maximum product yield. The achievement of optimal yields and understanding percentage yield are crucial in these industries.
  • Research & Development: In labs worldwide, stoichiometry guides researchers in experimental design, ensuring that reactions proceed as anticipated.


While stoichiometry predicts product yields under ideal conditions, real-world reactions often have inefficiencies. Factors like impure reactants, side reactions, or incomplete reactions can reduce the actual yield. Additionally, some product may be lost during the isolation process.

Stoichiometry embodies the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. In chemical reactions, the total mass of reactants always equals the total mass of products. Stoichiometric coefficients in balanced equations ensure that this law is upheld.

Stoichiometry is crucial in real-world applications because it allows chemists to predict the amounts of reactants needed and products formed in a chemical reaction. This is vital in industries where precise quantities of chemicals are required to produce desired products, ensuring efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and minimising waste.

Absolutely. Stoichiometry can be applied to reactions in solution using molarity and volume to determine the number of moles of reactants and products. This is especially useful in titration experiments where the concentration of an unknown solution is determined.

No, not all reactions proceed to completion with 100% efficiency. Some reactions may not use up all of the reactants, or there might be side reactions that consume some of the reactants. External factors like temperature, pressure, and catalyst presence can also influence the extent and rate of reactions.

Practice Questions

A chemical reaction is given as: 2A + 3B → C + 4D If 8 moles of A react with 12 moles of B, which will be the limiting reactant and how many moles of C will be produced?

Given the balanced chemical equation, 2 moles of A react with 3 moles of B. For 8 moles of A, the required amount of B would be (8/2) x 3 = 12 moles. Since we have exactly 12 moles of B, neither A nor B is in excess. Therefore, neither is the limiting reactant. For every 2 moles of A, 1 mole of C is produced. Thus, for 8 moles of A, 8/2 = 4 moles of C will be produced.

Given the balanced equation: N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3 Calculate the mass of ammonia (NH3) produced when 28g of nitrogen (N2) reacts with an excess of hydrogen (H2). (Given: Molar mass of N = 14g/mol, H = 1g/mol)

First, we determine the moles of N2: 28g N2 * (1 mole N2/28g N2) = 1 mole of N2. From the balanced equation, 1 mole of N2 produces 2 moles of NH3. Therefore, 1 mole of N2 will produce 2 moles of NH3. The molar mass of NH3 = 14 + (3x1) = 17g/mol. Thus, 2 moles of NH3 have a mass of 2 x 17g = 34g. So, 28g of N2 will produce 34g of NH3 when reacted with an excess of H2.

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