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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

1.3.2 Limiting Reactants

In the vast realm of chemical reactions, it's common to find that not all reactants are utilised entirely. One reactant might be consumed before another, thereby determining the quantity of product formed. This reactant is termed the 'limiting reactant'. Grasping this concept is pivotal for chemists, as it aids in predicting product yields and refining chemical processes.

Deep Dive into Limiting and Excess Reactants

  • Limiting Reactant: This is the reactant that is entirely consumed first in any chemical reaction. It sets the bar for the maximum amount of product that can be generated. Once this reactant is exhausted, the reaction halts, irrespective of the presence of other reactants.
  • Excess Reactant:This is the reactant that remains after the limiting reactant has been fully used up. It's available in a quantity that surpasses what's needed to react wholly with the limiting reactant. This is the reactant that remains after the limiting reactant has been fully used up. It's available in a quantity that surpasses what's needed to react wholly with the limiting reactant.

To further understand the concept of limiting reactants, it's helpful to have a solid grounding in stoichiometry, which is the calculation of reactants and products in chemical reactions.

Why is Identifying the Limiting Reactant Crucial?

  • Predicting Product Yield: Recognising the limiting reactant allows chemists to forecast the maximum product amount that can be produced in a reaction. This foresight is indispensable for industrial processes where yield and efficiency are paramount.

Understanding mole calculations is essential in this step to ensure accurate predictions of product yield.

  • Resource Management: In large-scale industrial reactions, understanding which reactant is limiting can be instrumental in resource allocation. This ensures minimal wastage and optimal utilisation of resources.
  • Safety Protocols: Some reactions might have an excess reactant that can be potentially hazardous. By identifying and controlling the quantity of the excess reactant, potential risks can be mitigated. Knowledge of factors affecting the rate of reaction is crucial here to manage reactions safely and effectively.

Mastering Calculations: Determining the Limiting Reactant and Product Yield

  • Balancing Act with Chemical Equations: Before diving into calculations, it's imperative to ensure that the chemical equation for the reaction is balanced. This gives the stoichiometric ratios, which are the ratios in which reactants combine to give products.

For more on balancing chemical equations, especially in redox reactions, see balancing redox reactions.

  • Mole Conversion: Transform the provided masses of the reactants into moles using their molar masses. This standardisation facilitates easier comparison and calculations.
  • Reactant Ratios and Their Significance: With the balanced chemical equation in hand, determine the stoichiometric ratio or the ideal ratio in which the reactants should combine.
  • Spotting the Limiting Reactant: Contrast the mole ratio of the provided reactants with the stoichiometric ratio. The reactant that yields the least amount of product is your limiting reactant.
  • Product Yield Calculations: Utilising the moles of the limiting reactant and the stoichiometric ratio, compute the moles of the product. This can then be converted to mass using the product's molar mass.

Assessing percentage yield is vital in evaluating the efficiency of the reaction and the accuracy of your yield predictions.

Example Calculation for Better Clarity

Consider the synthesis of ammonia (NH3) from nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen (H2):

N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3

If we start with 5 moles of N2 and 14 moles of H2, which one limits the reaction?

  • For every mole of N2, 3 moles of H2 are required. For 5 moles of N2, 15 moles of H2 would be needed. Since we only have 14 moles of H2, hydrogen is the limiting reactant.

Factors Influencing the Limiting Reactant

Several elements can dictate which reactant becomes limiting:

  • Initial Quantities: The starting amounts of reactants are pivotal. A reactant might be required in smaller stoichiometric ratios, but if its initial amount is considerably smaller, it can still emerge as the limiting reactant.
  • Reaction Conditions: External factors like temperature, pressure, and catalyst presence can sway reaction rates and, occasionally, the consumption rate of reactants. Understanding the basics of collision theory can provide insight into how these conditions affect the reaction and consequently, which reactant becomes limiting.
  • Reactant Purity: The presence of impurities or contaminants can alter the reaction pathway, affecting the consumption rate of reactants.


The actual yield might be less than the theoretical yield due to various reasons: side reactions producing other products, incomplete reactions where not all the limiting reactant reacts, loss of product during purification or transfer processes, or conditions not being optimal for the reaction to go to completion.

The concept of limiting reactants is analogous to real-world scenarios. For instance, if you're making sandwiches and run out of bread but still have plenty of fillings left, the bread is the limiting "reactant". Similarly, in manufacturing, production can be limited by the availability of a particular resource, just as reactions are limited by a specific reactant.

Yes, the excess reactant that remains unreacted can often be recovered after the reaction. This is especially important in industrial processes where recovering and recycling reactants can lead to cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

Identifying the limiting reactant is crucial because it determines the maximum amount of product that can be formed in a reaction. Once the limiting reactant is completely consumed, the reaction stops, regardless of the quantity of other reactants present. By knowing the limiting reactant, chemists can predict the yield of a reaction, optimise reaction conditions, and reduce waste in industrial processes.

Once the limiting reactant is identified, increasing its concentration can increase the yield, up to a point. Additionally, optimising reaction conditions such as temperature, pressure, or using a catalyst can also enhance the yield. In industrial settings, the continuous addition of the limiting reactant can be employed to maintain its concentration and maximise product formation.

Practice Questions

Given the balanced equation for the synthesis of water: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O. If 4 moles of hydrogen gas (H2) and 3 moles of oxygen gas (O2) are reacted together, which is the limiting reactant and how many moles of water (H2O) can be produced?

From the balanced equation, 2 moles of hydrogen gas react with 1 mole of oxygen gas to produce 2 moles of water. If we have 4 moles of H2, theoretically, we would need 2 moles of O2 to react completely. However, since only 3 moles of O2 are provided, there is an excess of O2. Thus, H2 is the limiting reactant. Using the 4 moles of H2, 4 moles of water can be produced.

Ammonia is synthesised from nitrogen and hydrogen gases according to the equation: N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3. If 10 moles of nitrogen gas and 25 moles of hydrogen gas are combined, determine the limiting reactant and calculate the number of moles of ammonia that can be formed.

For every mole of N2, 3 moles of H2 are required. For 10 moles of N2, 30 moles of H2 would be needed. Since only 25 moles of H2 are available, hydrogen is the limiting reactant. Using the stoichiometric ratios from the balanced equation, 25 moles of H2 would produce (2/3) x 25 = 16.67 moles of NH3. Therefore, 16.67 moles of ammonia can be formed.

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