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IB DP Biology Study Notes

7.1.3 Base Pairing in DNA

Base pairing, the heart of DNA structure and function, relies on specific interactions between nucleotides. The principles of A-T and G-C pairings are vital to understanding the complexities of genetics. This section delves into complementary base pairing in DNA and its significance in various biological aspects.

Complementary Base Pairing

Definition and Nature of Base Pairing

Complementary base pairing is the precise interaction between bases on opposing strands of DNA:

  • Adenine (A) pairs with Thymine (T), held together by two hydrogen bonds.
  • Guanine (G) pairs with Cytosine (C), held together by three hydrogen bonds.

This base pairing is specific, following Chargaff's rules, where the amount of A equals T and the amount of G equals C in any given DNA molecule.

Mechanism of Hydrogen Bonding in Base Pairing

  • A-T Pairing: The two hydrogen bonds are formed between the N-H group of adenine and the O group of thymine, as well as the N-H group of thymine and the N group of adenine.
  • G-C Pairing: The three hydrogen bonds include connections between the N-H group of cytosine and the O group of guanine, the N-H group of cytosine and the N group of guanine, and the N-H group of guanine and the O group of cytosine.

Importance of Base Pairing

  • Stability: Specific base pairing contributes to the stability of DNA through hydrogen bonding. G-C pairs confer greater stability due to an extra hydrogen bond, providing thermal stability.
  • Structure Integrity: Maintains the double helix structure. Any mismatch can lead to structural deformations.
  • Accuracy in Replication: Enables accurate copying of DNA, ensuring that genetic information is conserved.

Implications of Base Pairing

In DNA Replication

  • Template-guided Synthesis: During replication, each strand acts as a template, and complementary base pairing guides the synthesis of new strands.
  • Replication Fidelity: Specific A-T and G-C pairing ensures accurate duplication, reducing error rates.

In DNA Repair

  • Mismatch Repair Systems: Specific protein complexes can detect and correct errors in base pairing, ensuring genetic integrity.

In DNA Stability

  • Helical Structure Formation: Proper alignment and base pairing are crucial for maintaining the DNA's helical structure.
  • Protection against Mutations: Specific base pairing reduces mismatch chances, protecting against potential mutations.

Watson-Crick Model and Base Pairing

  • Discovery and Insights: Watson and Crick's double helix model of DNA emphasized complementary base pairing. The anti-parallel nature of the DNA strands allows the bases to align properly.
  • Confirmation through X-Ray Diffraction: Rosalind Franklin's x-ray diffraction images confirmed the helical structure and suggested the antiparallel orientation.

Impact of Base Pairing on Biotechnology

  • Genetic Engineering: The principles of base pairing are essential in genetic engineering, allowing for the creation and manipulation of recombinant DNA.
  • DNA Sequencing: Modern sequencing technologies rely on understanding base pairing rules to determine the precise order of nucleotides in DNA.
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): PCR amplification requires knowledge of base pairing to design specific primers for DNA replication.

Impact on Evolution and Genetic Diversity

  • Mutation and Variation: While base pairing ensures accuracy in DNA replication, occasional mismatches lead to mutations, contributing to genetic diversity.
  • Evolutionary Consistency: The universality of base pairing rules across species underscores its essential role in life's evolutionary trajectory.


G-C pairs contribute more to DNA stability because they form three hydrogen bonds between them, whereas A-T pairs form only two. More hydrogen bonds mean stronger binding and higher melting temperatures. This makes regions of DNA with high G-C content more thermally stable, and they require more energy to denature.

Mutations can change the sequence of bases in DNA, leading to incorrect base pairing during replication. A base-pair substitution may cause a mispairing, altering the protein's structure and function that the gene codes for. This can lead to diseases or disorders, or sometimes confer an advantage, depending on the nature of the change.

Base pairing in RNA also follows the principle of complementary pairing but usually involves adenine pairing with uracil (A-U) instead of thymine. In some RNA molecules, such as tRNA, complementary base pairing within the same strand allows it to fold into a specific three-dimensional shape, enabling its function. Unlike the double-helix structure of DNA, RNA's structure is more variable due to this internal base pairing.

The specific pairing of A-T and G-C ensures that the complementary strand is formed with a high degree of accuracy during DNA replication. Enzymes involved in replication can detect mismatches, and if a wrong base is paired, it is recognized and corrected. This error-checking mechanism relies on the hydrogen bonding patterns of the base pairs, ensuring that each new strand is an exact copy of the original, thus preserving genetic information.

Chargaff's Rule states that in a given DNA molecule, the amount of adenine (A) is equal to thymine (T), and the amount of guanine (G) is equal to cytosine (C). This observation laid the foundation for understanding complementary base pairing, wherein A pairs with T and G pairs with C. It helps to explain the consistency of the DNA structure across different organisms.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of complementary base pairing in DNA, focusing on stability and accuracy in replication.

The significance of complementary base pairing in DNA lies in maintaining stability and accuracy during replication. A-T and G-C pairings ensure specificity; A-T pairings are held by two hydrogen bonds, while G-C pairs are held by three. This not only confers structural stability but also adds thermal stability, particularly with G-C pairs. During replication, these specific pairings allow each strand of DNA to serve as an accurate template for the formation of a new strand, ensuring that the genetic information is faithfully transmitted to the next generation.

Describe the role of complementary base pairing in modern biotechnological applications such as DNA sequencing and PCR.

Complementary base pairing plays a vital role in modern biotechnological applications. In DNA sequencing, the knowledge of specific A-T and G-C pairings enables the determination of the precise sequence of nucleotides in a DNA strand. Accurate base pairing is essential to read the correct order of bases. In Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), the understanding of complementary base pairing is crucial for designing specific primers that bind to the target DNA region. This binding guides the accurate amplification of the target DNA sequence, enabling detailed study or manipulation. Both applications underscore the importance of understanding base pairing in contemporary biological technology.

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