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IB DP Biology Study Notes

7.1.2 Double Helix Model

Understanding the double helix structure of DNA is fundamental in grasping how genetic information is stored and transmitted within cells. This in-depth look at the double helix structure delves into the intricate details of its discovery, characteristics, and significance, including the crucial contributions of Rosalind Franklin's x-ray diffraction images.

Watson and Crick's Double Helix Model

Discovery and Description

  • James Watson and Francis Crick: In 1953, these two scientists proposed the double helix model of DNA.
  • Visual Structure: It is described as two antiparallel strands coiling around a common axis, resembling a twisted ladder or spiral staircase.
  • Base Pairing: Nitrogenous bases form the rungs, pairing adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine, held together by hydrogen bonds.
  • Backbone Structure: The sides of the ladder are made of alternating phosphate and deoxyribose sugar groups, linked by phosphodiester bonds.

Anti-Parallel Nature of DNA Strands

  • Orientation: The two strands run in opposite directions; one in 5' to 3' and the other in 3' to 5', known as being antiparallel.
  • Importance: This ensures proper alignment and pairing of bases and plays a vital role in the mechanisms of DNA replication and repair.

Implications for Replication and Transcription

  • Replication Process: During DNA replication, the double helix must unwind, and the antiparallel strands allow precise and complementary copying.
  • Transcription: The double helix structure enables RNA polymerase to read one strand (template strand) to synthesize RNA during transcription.

Rosalind Franklin's Contribution

X-ray Diffraction Images

  • Methodology: Franklin used X-ray diffraction techniques on crystallised DNA fibres to understand their 3D structure.
  • Photograph 51: This famous image was instrumental in deducing the helical structure of DNA.
  • Collaboration with Maurice Wilkins: Though she worked independently, her colleague Maurice Wilkins showed her photograph to Watson and Crick, leading to controversy.

Impact on the Model

  • Helical Structure Confirmation: The diffraction pattern in her photographs confirmed DNA's helical nature, aligning with Watson and Crick's model.
  • Dimensional Insights: Her precise measurements guided the detailed construction of the model.
  • Recognition: Despite her vital contributions, Franklin's role remained underappreciated during her lifetime.

Significance of the Double Helix Model

Revolution in Biology

  • Unravelling Genetic Code: The double helix model explained how genetic information could be copied and stored.
  • Foundation for Modern Genetics: It laid the groundwork for genetic engineering, gene editing, and personalized medicine.

Practical Applications and Advancements

  • Medicine: Understanding the DNA structure enabled genetic testing, targeted therapies, and innovations in medical treatments.
  • Forensics: DNA fingerprinting and profiling became possible.
  • Agriculture: Genetic engineering in plants led to genetically modified crops with improved traits.

Philosophical and Ethical Considerations

  • Debates and Dilemmas: The understanding of DNA's structure has led to ongoing debates about genetic privacy, cloning, and ethical considerations in genetic research.


Maurice Wilkins also played a significant role in the discovery of DNA's structure. He was Rosalind Franklin's colleague and worked on x-ray diffraction studies of DNA. His sharing of Franklin's Photograph 51 with Watson and Crick greatly aided their development of the double helix model.

The double helix structure contributes to DNA stability through hydrogen bonding between complementary base pairs and the stacking of base pairs, which gives rise to van der Waals forces. The helical shape also allows the hydrophobic bases to be tucked away inside the structure, protecting them from aqueous environments.

The double helix structure is vital for DNA replication because it allows the two strands to be separated and serve as templates for building two new complementary strands. The anti-parallel orientation ensures that the enzymes involved in replication can read and copy the strands accurately, maintaining the integrity of genetic information.

James Watson and Francis Crick were responsible for proposing the double helix model of DNA structure. They used existing data, including Rosalind Franklin's x-ray diffraction images, to hypothesise the anti-parallel strands and specific base pairing. Their model has been foundational in the field of molecular biology.

The strands of DNA are referred to as 'anti-parallel' because they run in opposite directions to each other. One strand is oriented from the 5' (five prime) end to the 3' (three prime) end, while the other strand is oriented from the 3' end to the 5' end. This opposing orientation ensures that the complementary bases align correctly, allowing for stable hydrogen bonding between the base pairs.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of Rosalind Franklin's x-ray diffraction images in elucidating the double helix structure of DNA. How did her work influence Watson and Crick's model?

Rosalind Franklin's x-ray diffraction images were instrumental in understanding the double helix structure of DNA. Her Photograph 51 provided clear evidence of the helical nature of DNA and allowed for precise measurement of the helix's dimensions. This information was crucial for Watson and Crick's development of the double helix model. Although she worked independently, her colleague Maurice Wilkins showed her photograph to Watson and Crick, which directly led to their confirmation of the model. Franklin's work is a seminal example of how scientific collaboration, intentionally or not, can lead to groundbreaking discoveries.

Describe the anti-parallel nature of the DNA strands in the double helix structure. Why is this aspect important for the biological function of DNA?

The anti-parallel nature of DNA strands refers to the orientation of the two strands running in opposite directions, one from 5' to 3' and the other from 3' to 5'. This ensures proper alignment and specific base pairing, with adenine pairing with thymine and guanine with cytosine. This orientation is essential for the biological function of DNA, as it allows the precise and complementary copying of genetic information during DNA replication. It also facilitates the reading of one strand (the template strand) to synthesize RNA during transcription, thus playing a crucial role in gene expression.

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