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IB DP Biology Study Notes

7.1.1 Components of DNA

DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic Acid, is the genetic blueprint of life. It carries the information needed for an organism's growth, maintenance, reproduction, and function. In this section, we'll delve into the three primary components of DNA, the formation of nucleotides, and how these nucleotides combine to form a DNA strand.

Basic Components of DNA

1. Phosphate Group

  • Chemical Structure: Comprises one phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. It's highly reactive and negatively charged, contributing to DNA's overall stability.
  • Role in DNA: The phosphate group links the deoxyribose sugars of adjacent nucleotides, constituting the backbone of the DNA strand.
  • Importance in Energy Transfer: Within the cell, phosphate groups play key roles in energy transfer, acting as a component of ATP.

2. Deoxyribose Sugar

  • Chemical Structure: A pentose sugar, deoxyribose is a five-carbon sugar with one fewer oxygen atoms than ribose, the sugar in RNA. Its structure includes a ring of four carbons and one oxygen.
  • Role in DNA: It connects to both the phosphate group and a nitrogenous base, giving rise to a nucleotide.
  • Significance in DNA's Stability: Deoxyribose's lack of oxygen at the 2' position makes DNA more stable and less prone to hydrolysis compared to RNA.

3. Nitrogenous Bases

A. Adenine and Guanine (Purines)

  • Chemical Structure: Purines have a double-ring structure, composed of one six-membered ring fused to one five-membered ring.
  • Role in DNA: Purines pair with specific pyrimidines, with Adenine pairing with Thymine and Guanine with Cytosine.

B. Thymine and Cytosine (Pyrimidines)

  • Chemical Structure: Pyrimidines have a single six-membered ring.
  • Role in DNA: Thymine pairs with Adenine, and Cytosine pairs with Guanine, in accordance with Chargaff's rules.
  • Significance in Genetic Code: The specific sequence of these bases constitutes the genetic code that governs the synthesis of proteins.

Formation of a Nucleotide

A nucleotide is the building block of DNA and consists of the following components:

  • Phosphate Group: Attaches to the 5' carbon of the sugar.
  • Deoxyribose Sugar: Binds to both the phosphate and a nitrogenous base.
  • Nitrogenous Base: Binds with the 1' carbon of the sugar.

Nucleosides, the combination of deoxyribose sugar and a nitrogenous base, become nucleotides upon the addition of a phosphate group.

Polymerization of Nucleotides: Forming a DNA Strand

  • Formation of Phosphodiester Bonds: Covalent bonds form between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the 3' carbon of the next nucleotide's sugar.
  • Directionality: DNA strands are anti-parallel, with a 5' end and a 3' end. This directionality has significant implications in DNA replication.
  • Double Helix Formation: Two DNA strands twist around each other to form a double helix, held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs.
  • Chromosome Formation: These DNA strands coil and supercoil to form chromosomes, the structures that carry genetic information within the cell nucleus.

Additional Insights into DNA Structure

  • Flexibility and Bending: The flexibility of the phosphate-sugar backbone allows DNA to bend into various shapes necessary for functions like replication, transcription, and repair.
  • DNA Replication: The sequence of nucleotides within a DNA strand serves as a template for replication, ensuring the faithful copying of genetic information.
  • Interactions with Proteins: The DNA strand interacts with various proteins that aid in its functions, such as histones, which help in packaging the DNA within the nucleus.


The phosphate group in a DNA nucleotide connects the deoxyribose sugars of adjacent nucleotides through phosphodiester bonds. This connection creates the sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA strand, providing structural support and stability. The negatively charged phosphate groups also contribute to DNA's overall negative charge, affecting its interaction with other molecules.

Hydrogen bonds between complementary bases in DNA play a significant role in maintaining the double helix structure. Adenine forms two hydrogen bonds with thymine, and guanine forms three with cytosine. These bonds hold the two strands together, but because they are weaker than covalent bonds, they allow the strands to separate during replication and transcription, ensuring the DNA's function and integrity.

While DNA is composed of deoxyribose sugar, RNA contains ribose sugar, which has one more oxygen atom. Additionally, DNA uses the nitrogenous base thymine, whereas RNA uses uracil. DNA's double-helix structure contrasts with the typically single-stranded RNA. These differences are essential in their functions; DNA stores genetic information, while various types of RNA play roles in translating this information into proteins.

The 5' and 3' ends refer to the carbons in the deoxyribose sugar to which the phosphate and hydroxyl groups are attached, respectively. The 5' end has a free phosphate group, while the 3' end has a free hydroxyl group. This orientation is crucial for the directionality of DNA and affects how DNA is replicated and transcribed. It ensures that nucleotides are added in the correct orientation during these processes.

The specific pairing of nitrogenous bases in DNA, known as complementary base pairing, is determined by the structure of the bases themselves. The hydrogen bonding between adenine (A) and thymine (T), and between guanine (G) and cytosine (C), is possible due to the specific arrangement of hydrogen donors and acceptors in these molecules. This specific pairing is vital for maintaining the integrity of the genetic code and ensuring accurate replication.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure of a nucleotide and explain how nucleotides polymerise to form a DNA strand.

A nucleotide consists of three components: a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar, and a nitrogenous base. The phosphate group is bonded to the 5' carbon of the sugar, and the nitrogenous base is bonded to the 1' carbon. Nucleotides polymerise to form a DNA strand through the formation of phosphodiester bonds. These covalent bonds connect the phosphate group of one nucleotide to the 3' carbon of the next nucleotide's sugar. This linkage establishes a consistent directionality, with a 5' end and a 3' end, allowing the DNA strands to be anti-parallel, which is vital for DNA's double-helix structure.

Compare and contrast the roles and structures of purines and pyrimidines within the DNA molecule.

Purines (Adenine and Guanine) and Pyrimidines (Thymine and Cytosine) are nitrogenous bases in DNA, differing in their chemical structure. Purines have a double-ring structure, with one six-membered ring fused to one five-membered ring, while pyrimidines have a single six-membered ring. In terms of role, purines form hydrogen bonds with specific pyrimidines; Adenine pairs with Thymine and Guanine with Cytosine. This complementary base pairing is essential for the stability of the DNA double helix and ensures the faithful replication of genetic information. Both purines and pyrimidines contribute to encoding genetic instructions, with their specific sequences forming the basis of the genetic code.

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