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IB DP Biology Study Notes

3.4.3 Polygenic Inheritance

Polygenic inheritance describes the inheritance pattern for traits controlled by multiple genes, leading to a continuous range of phenotypes. This complex interaction often incorporates environmental factors, as seen in examples like skin colour and height.

Understanding Polygenic Inheritance

Multiple Genes

  • Several Genes Collaborate: Multiple genes, sometimes on different chromosomes, collectively determine a trait.
  • Additive Effect: The collective impact of these genes creates a wide array of phenotypes.
  • Allelic Variation: Different alleles for each gene contribute to varying degrees, leading to further complexity.

Environmental Influence

  • Gene-Environment Interaction: Environmental factors can modify the phenotypic expression.
  • Nutrition, Climate, Lifestyle: These are examples of environmental influences that might alter the trait's expression.

Continuous Variation

Definition and Causes

  • Smooth Gradient: Continuous variation results in a smooth range of phenotypes, unlike the distinct categories seen in monogenic traits.
  • Multifactorial Causes: The interaction of many genes and the environment often causes this continuum.

Bell Curve Distribution

  • Normal Distribution: Many polygenic traits follow a bell curve distribution.
  • Mean Value: Most individuals will be near the average phenotype.
  • Extremes: Fewer individuals will be at the extreme ends of the distribution.

Examples of Polygenic Traits

Skin Colour

  • Genes Involved: Several genes that influence melanin production.
  • Range of Phenotypes: Creates a variety of skin tones from very light to very dark.
  • Environmental Factors: Sunlight and nutrition can alter the expression of these genes.


  • Multiple Genetic Factors: Genes controlling bone growth, hormone production, and other aspects affect height.
  • Environmental Influence: Nutrition, health, and physical activity during growth years can have a substantial impact.

Other Examples

  • Eye Colour, Body Shape, Intelligence: These traits are also influenced by multiple genes and often environmental factors.

Comparison with Other Forms of Inheritance

Polygenic vs. Mendelian Inheritance

  • Number of Genes: Polygenic involves multiple genes; Mendelian involves one.
  • Phenotype Variation: Continuous in polygenic; discrete in Mendelian.
  • Environmental Influence: Often significant in polygenic; usually minimal in Mendelian.

Interaction with Other Genetic Phenomena

  • Co-dominance, Epistasis: Polygenic traits may interact with these phenomena, adding complexity.

Importance in Various Fields


  • Complex Diseases: Understanding polygenic inheritance helps study diseases like diabetes, obesity, mental disorders, which involve many genes.
  • Personalised Treatment: Tailoring medical treatment based on genetic makeup.


Crop Breeding: Enables the combination of desired traits in crops, improving yield, disease resistance, and quality.

Anthropology and Sociology

Human Diversity Understanding: Helps in comprehending human variation and cultural perceptions.

Challenges, Limitations, and Ethical Considerations

  • Genetic Complexity: Difficult to study due to numerous interacting genes.
  • Unexpected Phenotypes: Interactions between genes can lead to unexpected results.
  • Ethical Concerns: Research into traits like intelligence may lead to contentious debates or potential discrimination.


A single mutation in one gene within a polygenic system might have some effect on the trait, but it's usually minor. Since polygenic traits are controlled by multiple genes, a change in one gene is typically diluted by the effects of the other contributing genes.

Polygenic traits are inheritable but more complex than single-gene traits. The inheritance patterns don't follow simple Mendelian laws because multiple genes with additive effects control the traits. The presence of environmental influences adds further complexity to the inheritance, making predictions about offspring phenotypes more intricate compared to single-gene traits.

Predicting an individual's phenotype for a polygenic trait is complex due to the involvement of multiple genes and environmental influences. Genetic tools and models can provide an approximate prediction, but complete accuracy is often unattainable. The interactions among genes and between genes and the environment make precise predictions challenging.

Polygenic traits are represented by a bell curve due to the additive effects of multiple genes. Most individuals will have an intermediate combination of alleles, leading to average phenotypes, while extreme phenotypes will be less common. This distribution of phenotypes forms a typical bell-shaped curve.

Polygenic inheritance enables a continuous range of phenotypes. In a changing environment, natural selection can act on these variations more gradually and adaptively, providing the population with a smoother transition. This allows a more nuanced response to environmental pressures, and the population can evolve without abrupt shifts that might cause instability.

Practice Questions

Explain the concept of polygenic inheritance and how it leads to continuous variation in a population, using skin colour as an example.

Polygenic inheritance involves the interaction of multiple genes, each having a small additive effect on a particular trait. In the case of skin colour, several genes influence melanin production, contributing to a range of phenotypes from very light to very dark. The alleles for each gene can have varying effects, and their cumulative influence creates a smooth gradient of skin tones. Environmental factors like sunlight exposure can also alter gene expression, adding to the continuum. This continuous variation is often reflected in a bell curve distribution in the population, where most individuals exhibit an average phenotype.

Compare and contrast polygenic inheritance with Mendelian inheritance, highlighting at least three main differences.

Polygenic inheritance and Mendelian inheritance differ fundamentally in the following ways:

  • Number of Genes: Polygenic inheritance involves multiple genes working together to control a trait, whereas Mendelian inheritance usually concerns a single gene.
  • Phenotype Variation: Polygenic inheritance leads to a continuous range of phenotypes, whereas Mendelian inheritance results in distinct and clearly separated phenotypic categories.
  • Environmental Influence: Environmental factors often significantly modify the phenotypic expression in polygenic inheritance, whereas, in Mendelian inheritance, environmental influence is usually minimal or non-existent. This leads to a more complex and multifaceted understanding of traits in polygenic inheritance compared to the more straightforward patterns seen in Mendelian genetics.

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