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IB DP Biology Study Notes

3.5.1 Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is a branch of biotechnology allowing scientists to alter genetic material to produce specific biological effects. With applications ranging from medicine to agriculture, it has led to remarkable innovations.

Process of Genetic Engineering

Creation of Recombinant DNA

Recombinant DNA technology combines DNA from different organisms, leading to new genetic sequences. The steps are as follows:

  1. Isolation of Genetic Material: DNA is extracted from cells using chemical methods.
  2. Cutting of DNA at Specific Locations: Restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA at specific sequences.
  3. Amplification of the Gene of Interest: Techniques like PCR amplify the desired gene.
  4. Insertion of Isolated DNA into the Vector: The DNA is inserted into a vector such as a plasmid.
  5. Transformation: The recombinant DNA is introduced into host cells.
  6. Identification of Recombinant: Techniques like antibiotic resistance are used to identify transformed cells.
  7. Multiplication/Expression: The host cells multiply, leading to the expression of the gene of interest.

Use of Plasmids as Vectors

  • What Are Plasmids? Plasmids are circular DNA found in bacteria. They can replicate independently of chromosomal DNA.
  • Role in Genetic Engineering: As vectors, they carry foreign genes into host cells.
  • Types of Plasmids: Different types are used based on characteristics like replicon type, compatibility group, and host range.
  • Selection of Plasmids: Factors considered include the size of the insert, copy number, and antibiotic resistance.

Applications of Genetic Engineering

Insulin Production in Bacteria

  • Human Insulin Gene Isolation: Using restriction enzymes, the insulin gene is isolated from human DNA.
  • Insertion into Bacterial Plasmid: The insulin gene is inserted into a plasmid with specific markers.
  • Transformation into Bacteria: The recombinant plasmid is introduced into E. coli bacteria.
  • Culturing of Transformed Bacteria: The bacteria are cultured, leading to insulin production.
  • Insulin Extraction and Purification: Specific methods are used to extract and purify the insulin.
  • Advantages over Animal Insulin: Identical to human insulin, leading to fewer allergic reactions.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for Agriculture

  • Enhancing Crop Resistance: Genes providing resistance to pests or harsh conditions can be introduced.
  • Improving Nutritional Content: Modification can increase vitamins, minerals, or proteins in crops.
  • Faster Growth and Higher Yields: Specific alterations can make crops grow faster and yield more.
  • Controversies and Ethical Considerations: Issues involve environmental impact, health concerns, and social and ethical debates.

Genetic Engineering in Other Fields


  • Production of Medicines: Genetic engineering enables the production of complex medicines like monoclonal antibodies.
  • Targeted Therapy: Tailoring treatments for individual genetic profiles, leading to personalized medicine.

Animal Husbandry

  • Transgenic Animals: Producing animals with specific traits through genetic modification.
  • Enhancing Production: Increasing milk production, growth rates, and resistance to diseases in livestock.

Environmental Management

  • Cleaning Oil Spills: Engineering bacteria to consume oil, aiding in cleaning spills.
  • Absorbing Heavy Metals: Creating plants that absorb heavy metals from contaminated soils.

Industrial Production

  • Enzymes and Chemicals: Using microbes to produce industrial enzymes and chemicals.
  • Biofuels: Engineering organisms to produce biofuels, providing renewable energy sources.

Regulation and Ethical Considerations

  • Government Oversight: Regulation of genetic engineering practices by government bodies.
  • Ethical Guidelines: Consideration of ethical implications, including potential harm to the environment or human health.
  • Public Perception and Debate: Ongoing public discussions and debates about the safety, ethics, and societal implications of genetic engineering.


Potential risks of GMOs in agriculture include environmental concerns like unintended harm to non-target organisms and the development of resistant pests or superweeds. There could be potential health effects on consumers, though research is inconclusive. Additionally, economic and social concerns arise, including the monopolisation of seed supply by large corporations, potentially negatively affecting small farmers and biodiversity.

Scientists use selectable markers in genetic engineering to confirm the successful incorporation of the desired gene. These markers may include genes that confer resistance to certain antibiotics. Only the host organisms that have taken up the desired gene, along with the selectable marker, will survive in a medium containing the specific antibiotic, ensuring that only the successfully transformed organisms are cultured.

Plasmids are used as vectors in genetic engineering because of their ability to replicate independently within a bacterial cell. They are small, circular DNA molecules, easy to manipulate, and can carry foreign genes. By inserting a desired gene into a plasmid and introducing it into a bacterial host, scientists can utilize the bacteria's natural replication machinery to amplify the gene.

Recombinant insulin production is an improvement over previous methods that extracted insulin from animal pancreases. Animal insulin differs slightly in structure from human insulin, leading to potential allergic reactions. Recombinant technology enables the production of human insulin that is structurally identical to the natural form, eliminating allergic reactions, ensuring higher purity, and allowing for scalable and more ethical production.

Recombinant DNA is a form of artificial DNA constructed by combining genetic material from multiple sources. Regular DNA is found naturally within organisms and contains genes specific to that organism. In contrast, recombinant DNA might contain genes from several different organisms, allowing scientists to harness desired traits or functions, such as producing human proteins in bacterial cells.

Practice Questions

Discuss the ethical considerations associated with Genetic Engineering, specifically in the context of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for agriculture.

The use of Genetic Engineering in agriculture brings several ethical considerations. Some argue that GMOs can enhance crop resistance, nutritional content, and yield, which could combat food scarcity. However, opponents raise concerns over potential environmental impacts, such as harming non-target organisms or creating superweeds. Health concerns regarding the long-term consumption of GMOs are also debated. Ethical considerations extend to the societal level, including the monopolisation of seed supply by large corporations, impacting small farmers. There's an ongoing need for transparent research, regulation, and open public dialogue to balance the benefits and potential risks of GMOs in agriculture.

Explain the process of creating recombinant DNA using plasmids as vectors, and describe how this technique is applied in the production of insulin in bacteria.

Recombinant DNA is created by isolating the human insulin gene using restriction enzymes, and then it's inserted into a bacterial plasmid vector. The vector is transformed into a host bacterium, such as E. coli, using heat shock or electroporation. The host cells are cultured, expressing the insulin gene. This recombinant DNA technology allows for the production of human insulin, which is extracted and purified. Compared to animal insulin, human insulin produced this way is identical in structure to natural human insulin, thus reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

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