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IB DP Biology Study Notes

3.4.2 Co-dominance and Multiple Alleles

Understanding inheritance patterns and genetic diversity is central to the study of biology. Co-dominance and multiple alleles provide a rich landscape for exploring this complexity. These notes will delve into these topics, focusing on the ABO blood group system and the genetic control of the Rh factor.


Co-dominance occurs when two different alleles for a specific trait are simultaneously expressed in a heterozygote. Unlike complete dominance, where one allele masks the effect of another, co-dominance allows both alleles to show their effects.

Examples of Co-dominance

Roan Cattle

  • Genotype and Phenotype: In roan cattle, a mixture of red and white hairs is seen.
  • Genes Involved: Two alleles (R for red and W for white) are co-dominant, leading to the RW genotype and both colours being expressed.
  • Importance in Breeding: Co-dominance in roan cattle is utilised in animal breeding programs to achieve desirable coat colours.

AB Blood Type

  • Genes Involved: IA and IB alleles are co-dominant, leading to the AB blood type.
  • Medical Significance: Understanding co-dominance is vital in blood transfusion and organ transplantation.

Multiple Alleles

Multiple alleles exist when three or more alternative forms of a gene (alleles) occupy a particular locus. However, an individual can only inherit two of the alleles.

Human Blood Group System

Multiple alleles are well-illustrated in the ABO blood group system.

ABO Blood Group System

  • Alleles Involved: IA, IB, and i. IA and IB are co-dominant, while i is recessive.
  • Possible Genotypes and Phenotypes:
    • Type A: IAIA or IAi, produces antigen A
    • Type B: IBIB or IBi, produces antigen B
    • Type AB: IAIB, produces both antigens
    • Type O: ii, produces neither antigen
  • Transfusion Compatibility: The ABO system is critical for determining blood transfusion compatibility. Mixing incompatible blood types can lead to a severe immune response.

Genetics of ABO Blood Group

  • Parental Combinations: By knowing the parental genotypes or phenotypes, one can predict the possible blood types of offspring.
  • Punnett Squares: Using Punnett squares, probabilities of specific offspring genotypes can be calculated.

Rh Factor

The Rh factor, another critical aspect of blood grouping, depends on the presence or absence of the D antigen.

  • Rh+ and Rh- Explained: Rh+ means the D antigen is present, while Rh- means it's absent.
  • Rh Incompatibility in Pregnancy: If an Rh- mother has an Rh+ child, she may produce antibodies that could affect future Rh+ pregnancies.
  • Prevention of Incompatibility: Rh immune globulin can be administered to prevent the harmful effects of Rh incompatibility.

Co-dominance Vs. Incomplete Dominance

These two concepts are often confused:

  • Co-dominance: Both alleles are fully expressed (e.g., AB blood type).
  • Incomplete Dominance: The phenotype is a blend of both alleles (e.g., pink flowers from red and white parents).

Importance of Understanding Co-dominance and Multiple Alleles

Medical Field

  • Blood Transfusions: Ensures compatibility and safety.
  • Pregnancy Management: Proper handling of Rh factor.
  • Organ Transplants: Matching donor and recipient.

Agricultural Applications

  • Animal Breeding: Achieving specific characteristics in livestock.
  • Crop Improvement: Creating hybrid plants with desired traits.

Genetic Counseling and Research

  • Genetic Prediction: Assessing the likelihood of specific genetic conditions.
  • Research: Understanding human diseases and developing treatments.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Ethical Considerations: Genetic information must be handled with care and confidentiality.
  • Environmental Influence: Environmental factors can affect the expression of traits, complicating predictions.


In blood transfusion, individuals with O- blood are considered ‘universal donors’ because their blood lacks ABO and Rh antigens, reducing the risk of an immune reaction. Conversely, AB+ individuals are ‘universal recipients’ because they possess all the ABO and Rh antigens, allowing them to receive blood from any group without adverse reactions.

Co-dominance aids our understanding of genetic diseases by illustrating how different alleles can be simultaneously expressed. In certain conditions, such as sickle cell disease, understanding co-dominance allows scientists to predict disease phenotypes, tailor treatments, and provide genetic counselling.

Understanding the ABO blood group system is essential in organ transplantation, forensic science, and paternity testing. The compatibility of donor and recipient blood types can significantly affect transplant success, while blood type matching aids in criminal investigations and establishing biological relationships.

The genetic control of the Rh factor involves the RHD gene, which determines the presence (Rh+) or absence (Rh-) of the Rh antigen on red blood cells. Unlike the ABO system with three alleles, the Rh factor typically involves one gene with two alleles. Rh+ is dominant, so an individual with one or two Rh+ alleles will be Rh+, while an individual with two Rh- alleles will be Rh-.

Multiple alleles refer to having more than two alleles for a specific gene within a population. In the case of the ABO blood group system, three alleles (IA, IB, and i) control the blood type. This creates more complexity and variability in phenotypes compared to having just two alleles for a trait, leading to more diverse genetic outcomes.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between co-dominance and incomplete dominance using the ABO blood group system and the example of pink flowers from red and white parents. How do these concepts reflect variations in genetic inheritance?

Co-dominance occurs when two alleles for a trait are simultaneously expressed without blending, such as in the ABO blood group system, where IA and IB alleles are co-dominant, resulting in the AB blood type. Incomplete dominance, on the other hand, leads to an intermediate phenotype where the alleles blend, as seen in the pink flowers produced from red and white parents. Co-dominance reflects a situation where both alleles are equally strong and neither is masked, whereas incomplete dominance shows a blending of two alleles, demonstrating the diverse ways that genes can interact to produce different phenotypes.

Discuss the significance of the Rh factor in blood typing, especially in pregnancy, and describe how Rh incompatibility can be prevented. How does this knowledge contribute to medical practices?

The Rh factor is a critical aspect of blood typing, especially in pregnancy. If an Rh- mother has an Rh+ child, she may develop antibodies against the Rh antigen, potentially affecting future Rh+ pregnancies. This incompatibility can lead to haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), where the mother's antibodies attack the baby's red blood cells. Prevention includes administering Rh immune globulin to the Rh- mother during and after pregnancy, inhibiting her immune response to Rh+ cells. Understanding and managing Rh incompatibility is vital for the safety of both the mother and child and exemplifies how genetic knowledge is applied in medical practice to save lives.

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