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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.6.6 Mutagens, Oncogenes, and Metastasis

Understanding the biological mechanisms that lead to cancer is paramount to the advancement of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies. Key elements in this complex process are mutagens, oncogenes, and the phenomenon of metastasis. These components interplay to disrupt the finely-tuned orchestration of cell division, leading to uncontrolled growth and the potential spread of cancer throughout the body.

Mutagens and Their Sources

Mutagens are physical, chemical, or biological agents capable of inducing genetic mutations, altering the DNA sequence, and potentially leading to various diseases, including cancer.

Physical Mutagens

Physical mutagens include ionising and non-ionising radiation sources, both of which can inflict direct damage on DNA.

  • Ionising radiation: High-energy particles or waves, such as X-rays and gamma rays, have the potential to ionise atoms by stripping away their electrons. This ionisation can break both strands of DNA, resulting in mutations during the repair process. Prolonged exposure to ionising radiation is linked to various cancers, including leukaemia and thyroid cancer.
  • Non-ionising radiation: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, a form of non-ionising radiation, is less energetic but no less harmful. UV radiation, particularly UV-B, can induce the formation of pyrimidine dimers between adjacent thymine or cytosine bases. If not corrected, these distortions can lead to permanent mutations and skin cancers.

Chemical Mutagens

Chemical mutagens encompass a wide range of substances that induce DNA modifications, resulting in mispairing or deletion during DNA replication.

  • Direct-acting chemical mutagens: These compounds can directly interact with DNA without metabolic activation. Alkylating agents, such as ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and nitrosamines, can add alkyl groups to DNA bases, leading to incorrect base pairing during replication and consequently, mutation.
  • Indirect-acting chemical mutagens: These require metabolic activation to become reactive and mutagenic. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), found in tobacco smoke and charred foods, are notable examples. Once metabolically activated, PAHs can form DNA adducts that interfere with accurate DNA replication, increasing the risk of mutations.

Biological Mutagens

Biological mutagens include certain bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can introduce mutations in host DNA.

  • Bacteria: Some bacteria produce toxins that can lead to DNA damage. For instance, the colibactin toxin produced by certain E. coli strains can cause DNA crosslinks and double-strand breaks, inducing mutations that may lead to colorectal cancer.
  • Viruses: Certain viruses, known as oncoviruses, are associated with cancer development. The human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can all lead to DNA damage and oncogenic transformation either directly, by integration into the host genome, or indirectly, by inducing chronic inflammation.


Oncogenes are mutated forms of normal genes, or proto-oncogenes, that, when altered, can lead to excessive cell proliferation and cancer.

RAS Family

The RAS family, consisting of H-RAS, K-RAS, and N-RAS, is among the most commonly mutated oncogene families in human cancers. RAS proteins are involved in cell signalling pathways that regulate cell growth and differentiation. When mutated, they can get locked in an activated state, leading to continuous cell proliferation.

MYC Oncogene

The MYC gene, another common oncogene, encodes a transcription factor that regulates the expression of several genes involved in cell cycle progression, metabolism, and apoptosis. Overexpression or amplification of MYC can lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation, contributing to the development of numerous cancers.


HER2/neu, an example of a receptor tyrosine kinase oncogene, is amplified in around 20% of breast cancers. This amplification results in overexpression of the HER2 protein, causing continuous growth signal transduction, leading to unchecked cell proliferation.

Metastasis: The Process of Cancer Spread

Metastasis, the spread of cancer from its primary site to distant locations in the body, is a multi-step process and is responsible for the majority of cancer-related deaths. The process can be broken down into several stages:

Local Invasion

Initially, the cancer cells gain invasive properties and breach the boundaries of the original tissue, aided by proteolytic enzymes like matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that degrade the extracellular matrix.


Following local invasion, the cancer cells intravasate into nearby blood or lymphatic vessels, facilitated by interaction with host cells in the tumour microenvironment, including fibroblasts and immune cells.

Transportation and Survival

Within the circulatory system, the disseminating cancer cells, now referred to as circulating tumour cells (CTCs), must resist shear stress and evade immune attack. Some CTCs may travel as single cells, while others move as clusters, potentially increasing their metastatic efficiency.


Upon reaching a capillary bed of a distant tissue or organ, CTCs extravasate into the surrounding tissue. This process is similar to the intravasation step and also depends on proteolytic enzymes.


The most complex step is the establishment of new tumour growths at distant sites. The CTCs need to adapt to the new environment, a process often assisted by the reciprocal interaction between the cancer cells and the cells in the new microenvironment. This process is heavily influenced by the "seed and soil" hypothesis, which suggests that the 'seed' (the cancer cell) must find a compatible 'soil' (the microenvironment) to thrive.


One common misconception about metastasis is that it's a late-stage process in cancer. In fact, cancer cells can begin to disseminate early in tumour development. Another misconception is that all cancers metastasise in the same way. However, the metastatic process can vary greatly depending on the cancer type and the individual patient.

No, all oncogenes are not harmful. Oncogenes are actually normal genes (proto-oncogenes) that can lead to cancer when mutated or overexpressed. Proto-oncogenes play essential roles in normal cell growth and division. However, a mutation can make a proto-oncogene overly active, converting it into an oncogene and potentially leading to uncontrolled cell division, characteristic of cancer.

Antioxidants are believed to protect cells from damage by mutagens. They neutralise reactive oxygen species (ROS), reducing oxidative stress and potential DNA damage, thus lowering mutation rates. However, excessive antioxidant intake can have a pro-oxidant effect and potentially contribute to mutagenesis. So, while antioxidants can have protective effects, the relationship between antioxidants, mutagens, and cancer is complex and requires more research.

Certain viruses, like the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), can be considered mutagens as they can integrate their DNA into the host cell's genome. This integration can disrupt host genes or regulatory regions, leading to uncontrolled cell division and, potentially, cancer. For instance, HPV can lead to cervical cancer when it integrates near an oncogene, promoting its overexpression.

A mutational hotspot is a DNA sequence with a higher likelihood of mutation. These regions often contain genes crucial for cell division, DNA repair, or apoptosis. A mutation in such genes can drive uncontrolled cell growth, leading to cancer. However, not all mutations in these hotspots result in cancer as the body has repair mechanisms to fix these errors. But when these mechanisms fail, mutations can accumulate and possibly trigger cancerous growth.

Practice Questions

How do physical and chemical mutagens lead to mutations, and what are some examples of each?

Physical mutagens, such as ionising radiation (X-rays, gamma rays), directly damage DNA by breaking both DNA strands, which can lead to mutations during repair. Non-ionising radiation, like UV light, can cause pyrimidine dimers, leading to mutations if not corrected. Chemical mutagens alter DNA through direct or indirect interaction. Direct-acting mutagens, like alkylating agents, directly interact with DNA, adding alkyl groups to DNA bases. Indirect-acting mutagens, like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, require metabolic activation, forming DNA adducts that interfere with DNA replication.

Discuss the process of metastasis and highlight the importance of the 'seed and soil' hypothesis in cancer spread.

Metastasis is a multi-step process that begins with the local invasion of cancer cells into surrounding tissues, aided by proteolytic enzymes. Cancer cells then intravasate into blood or lymph vessels and travel to distant sites. Upon reaching a suitable site, the cancer cells extravasate into the surrounding tissue and establish new tumour growths. The 'seed and soil' hypothesis posits that the 'seed' (cancer cell) must find a compatible 'soil' (microenvironment) to thrive. This highlights the importance of the interaction between the cancer cells and the host environment in successful colonisation.

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