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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.6.3 Cytokinesis

Cytokinesis is the vital process whereby a cell, at the end of mitosis, splits into two distinct daughter cells. In this section, we'll explore how this fascinating process works, shedding light on the mechanisms that animate both animal and plant cells. We will focus on the formation of the cleavage furrow and the cell plate, as they contribute to the creation of two new entities from a single parent cell.

Cytokinesis in Animal Cells: An In-Depth Analysis

In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs via a process that involves the formation of a cleavage furrow. This furrow is a shallow groove that appears on the cell surface at the location where the cell will eventually divide.

The Role of Actin and Myosin

The development and deepening of the cleavage furrow are facilitated by a contractile ring, a band of actin and myosin filaments, that forms under the plasma membrane. Actin and myosin are proteins that interact to cause contraction. In muscle cells, these proteins are responsible for muscle contractions, but in dividing cells, they play a critical role in forming the cleavage furrow.

During the late stages of mitosis (anaphase to telophase), this ring of actin and myosin filaments contracts much like a purse string. This action pulls the plasma membrane progressively inward, causing the furrow to deepen and narrow the connection between the two daughter cells.

The Role of Vesicles

Simultaneously, vesicles originating from the Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum are directed towards the furrow, where they fuse with the plasma membrane, ensuring that the cell membrane area remains constant as the furrow deepens.

This two-pronged mechanism ensures that the cleavage furrow continues to deepen until it reaches the cell's centre, effectively splitting the parent cell into two daughter cells.

Cytokinesis in Plant Cells: A Detailed Breakdown

Plant cells, with their rigid cell walls, follow a different mechanism for cytokinesis. They do not form a cleavage furrow; instead, they create a cell plate that eventually becomes a new cell wall separating the two daughter cells.

Cell Plate Formation

The cell plate arises from vesicles produced by the Golgi apparatus. These vesicles, filled with components of the cell wall, are transported to the centre of the cell, where they coalesce to form the cell plate.

Role of Phragmoplast

An intriguing structure known as the phragmoplast, composed of microtubules, actin filaments, and endoplasmic reticulum, guides these vesicles. As more vesicles join, the cell plate enlarges until it merges with the existing cell wall at the periphery of the cell.

Creation of New Cells

Once the cell plate has fused with the existing cell wall, it forms a new cell wall between the two daughter cells. The process of cytokinesis in plant cells is thus completed, and two new cells have been formed, each surrounded by its own plasma membrane and cell wall.

Significance of Cytokinesis

The role of cytokinesis extends beyond the simple division of a parent cell into two daughter cells. It plays a fundamental role in various biological processes and has far-reaching implications in the broader context of life.

In Growth and Development

In multicellular organisms, cytokinesis is pivotal for growth and development. As an organism grows, more cells are required. These additional cells are supplied through the process of cell division, including cytokinesis. Without cytokinesis, an organism would not be able to develop beyond a single cell.

In Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration

Cytokinesis also has a role in wound healing and tissue regeneration. When an injury occurs, the body needs to produce new cells to replace those that have been damaged or lost. This production of new cells occurs through cell division and cytokinesis.

In Reproduction

For unicellular organisms, cytokinesis is also a mode of asexual reproduction. The parent cell divides into two daughter cells, each of which can then grow and divide further. This process allows unicellular organisms to multiply rapidly under favourable conditions.

In Maintaining Genome Stability

The correct distribution of the replicated chromosomes to the daughter cells during cell division is vital for maintaining genome stability. Errors during this process could lead to daughter cells with an incorrect number of chromosomes, a condition associated with various diseases, including cancer. Therefore, cytokinesis is crucial for preserving genome stability and preventing the onset of disease.


If cytokinesis does not occur properly, it may result in cells with multiple nuclei. This can lead to problems with subsequent cell divisions and can contribute to diseases such as cancer. For example, if the cleavage furrow does not form correctly in animal cells, or if the cell plate does not develop properly in plant cells, the cell might not divide fully, leading to a multinucleated cell.

Yes, several cellular structures assist in the process of cytokinesis. In animal cells, a contractile ring made up of actin and myosin filaments plays a vital role in forming the cleavage furrow. In plant cells, vesicles from the Golgi apparatus carry components of the cell wall and fuse at the centre of the cell to form the cell plate. Microtubules and motor proteins are also involved in moving and positioning these vesicles.

Cytokinesis is critical as it is the physical process of cell division. After the nucleus has divided through mitosis, cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm and the rest of the cell, producing two separate cells. It plays an essential role in growth, development, and repair in multicellular organisms.

Typically, cytokinesis does not occur without mitosis. They are two parts of the cell cycle, and they usually work together to ensure cells divide correctly. However, under certain conditions, such as during the formation of multi-nucleated muscle cells or certain types of cancer, cytokinesis might not follow mitosis, leading to cells with multiple nuclei.

No, cytokinesis is not the same in all types of cells. It differs significantly in plant cells and animal cells. Animal cells undergo cytokinesis through the process of cleavage, forming a cleavage furrow which pinches the cell into two. In contrast, plant cells form a cell plate due to the presence of rigid cell walls. This plate eventually becomes the cell wall, separating the two new daughter cells.

Practice Questions

Compare and contrast the process of cytokinesis in animal and plant cells.

In animal cells, cytokinesis begins with the formation of a cleavage furrow. This furrow forms due to the contraction of a band of actin and myosin filaments beneath the plasma membrane. The cleavage furrow progressively deepens until the cell is pinched into two daughter cells. In contrast, plant cells undergo cytokinesis by forming a cell plate due to their rigid cell walls. Vesicles from the Golgi apparatus, filled with components of the cell wall, fuse at the metaphase plate, enlarging to eventually merge with the existing cell wall, thus forming two separate daughter cells.

Discuss the significance of cytokinesis in growth and development, wound healing and tissue regeneration, and reproduction.

Cytokinesis is pivotal for growth and development in multicellular organisms, facilitating an increase in cell number that allows for the organism's growth. In wound healing and tissue regeneration, cytokinesis aids in replacing cells that have been damaged or lost, promoting tissue repair. For unicellular organisms, cytokinesis serves as a method of asexual reproduction, where the parent cell divides into two daughter cells, each of which can grow and divide further. This process allows for the rapid multiplication of unicellular organisms under favourable conditions.

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