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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.6.5 Cyclins

Cyclins are a family of proteins that control the progression of cells through the cell cycle by activating cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) enzymes. This set of notes will delve into their role in cell cycle regulation, their interaction with CDKs, and the control of cell cycle checkpoints.

Role in Cell Cycle Regulation

Cyclins are pivotal to the cell cycle. They dictate the progression and order of cell cycle events, ensuring that the processes of the cell cycle occur in an orderly and regulated manner. They achieve this through their unique ability to activate CDKs, which in turn phosphorylate various proteins essential for the cell cycle.

Cyclins are classified into four main types based on their function in the cell cycle - G1 cyclins, G1/S cyclins, S cyclins, and M cyclins. The concentration of these cyclins rises and falls as the cell progresses through the cycle, and the different cyclins peak in concentration at different times. This cyclical pattern is responsible for their name - cyclins.

  • G1 Cyclins - These cyclins accumulate in late G1 and promote the cell's progression into the S phase. Their role is to ensure the cell is ready to commit to DNA replication.
  • G1/S Cyclins - These cyclins build up in the G1 phase and commit the cell to DNA synthesis in the S phase. They help to trigger the processes necessary for the synthesis phase.
  • S Cyclins - The S cyclins bind to CDKs during the S phase and oversee the replication of DNA. They remain associated with the replication origins to prevent re-initiation of replication.
  • M Cyclins - These cyclins promote the initiation of mitosis. They are degraded by the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), a ubiquitin ligase, towards the end of mitosis, allowing for the exit from mitosis and the initiation of the next cell cycle.

The production and destruction of cyclins is a tightly regulated process. As the cell progresses into a new phase, new cyclins are synthesised and existing ones are destroyed. The degradation of cyclins is carried out by the proteasome, the cell's protein degradation machinery, which ensures that cyclins don't linger in the cell once their job is done.

Interaction with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs)

Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs) are a group of protein kinases first discovered for their role in regulating the cell cycle. They are dependent on the binding of cyclin to be active, hence the name.

CDKs are always present within the cell but remain inactive until they bind with the appropriate cyclin. This binding changes the shape of the CDK in a way that activates the enzyme. Once active, the cyclin-CDK complexes can phosphorylate specific proteins, thereby controlling their activity and the progression of the cell cycle.

Phosphorylation changes the target protein's structure, altering its interaction with other proteins, its stability, and its activity. The specific effect on the target protein depends on which amino acid residue is phosphorylated, the number of phosphates added, and the 3D context in which the phosphorylation occurs.

For instance, the active cyclin E-CDK2 complex phosphorylates a set of proteins required for DNA synthesis, thereby initiating the S phase. Likewise, cyclin B-CDK1 phosphorylates various proteins involved in nuclear envelope breakdown, chromosomal condensation, and spindle pole assembly, thereby initiating the M phase.

In this way, cyclins and CDKs regulate each phase's timing and progression, ensuring that each process is completed before the next one begins. In essence, the CDK-cyclin complexes act as the cell cycle's 'clock', telling the cell when it is time to progress to the next phase.

Control of Cell Cycle Checkpoints

Cell cycle checkpoints are surveillance mechanisms that monitor the order, integrity, and fidelity of the major events of the cell cycle. These checkpoints verify whether the processes at each phase of the cell cycle have been accurately completed before progressing into the next phase.

Cyclins and CDKs are essential in these checkpoint controls. They work to ensure that the cell only progresses to the next phase of the cell cycle when it is ready. If damage or error is detected at any checkpoint, cell cycle progression is halted, and the error is repaired. If the error is irreparable, the cell may undergo programmed cell death or apoptosis.

  • G1 Checkpoint - This checkpoint, also known as the 'restriction point', is where the cell verifies the DNA's integrity before committing to S phase. This is considered a point of no return as the cell usually completes the cell cycle and divides once it passes this checkpoint unless a halt is called at a later checkpoint due to DNA damage. The CDK4/6-cyclin D and CDK2-cyclin E complexes are key in passing this checkpoint.
  • S Phase Checkpoint - This ensures that all the DNA has been correctly replicated without any errors. This checkpoint also prevents the replication of damaged DNA. CDK2-cyclin A complex plays an essential role here.
  • G2 Checkpoint - Here, the cell confirms it has correctly replicated the DNA and is ready for mitosis. CDK1-cyclin B complex is vital for passing this checkpoint.
  • M Phase Checkpoint - This checkpoint ensures that all chromosomes are properly attached to the spindle before anaphase. This prevents the segregation of chromosomes until they are properly aligned, thus ensuring that each daughter cell receives a full set of chromosomes. CDK1-cyclin B complex again plays a significant role.


Dysregulation of cyclins and CDKs can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation, often observed in cancer. Overactive cyclin-CDK complexes may override cell cycle checkpoints, leading to unchecked cell division despite errors in DNA replication or chromosome segregation. This can ultimately contribute to tumour development and progression.

Cyclins are degraded by a complex called the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), which is an E3 ubiquitin ligase. It tags cyclins with ubiquitin, signalling them for degradation by the proteasome, the cell's protein-degrading machinery. This degradation is crucial in ensuring the unidirectionality of the cell cycle.

Cyclins and CDKs can also influence the process of apoptosis or programmed cell death. If a cell's damage is irreparable, the cell cycle machinery, including cyclin-CDK complexes, can trigger apoptosis, effectively removing the faulty cell. This ability to induce apoptosis is an essential protective mechanism against uncontrolled cell growth and cancer.

While the basic framework of cyclin and CDK function is conserved across all eukaryotic cells, different cell types may express different cyclin-CDK complexes. These differences are often due to cell type-specific requirements for proliferation, differentiation, and other cell functions. Therefore, while all cells contain cyclins, the specific types of cyclins may vary.

Cyclins are termed 'cycling' proteins due to their cyclical nature of synthesis and degradation in each cell cycle. The concentration of different cyclins increases and decreases at specific points in the cell cycle, in line with the various stages (G1, S, G2, M). This fluctuation in cyclin levels enables the sequential activation and deactivation of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs), which regulate cell cycle progression.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of cyclins in the cell cycle and how they interact with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs) to regulate cell cycle progression.

Cyclins are proteins that control the cell cycle progression by activating Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs). Each phase of the cell cycle is associated with a specific cyclin, which peaks in concentration during its relevant phase (G1, G1/S, S, M). Upon binding with CDKs, cyclins change the CDKs' shape, activating them. These activated CDK-cyclin complexes can then phosphorylate specific proteins, controlling their activity and, thus, the progression of the cell cycle. This ensures that the events of the cell cycle occur in the correct sequence and at the appropriate time.

Describe the role of cyclins in the regulation of cell cycle checkpoints.

Cyclins, in tandem with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs), are essential in the control of cell cycle checkpoints, which are mechanisms that monitor the integrity of the cell cycle's major events. At each checkpoint (G1, S, G2, M), cyclins and CDKs ensure the accurate completion of the cell cycle processes before moving on to the next phase. If errors or damage are detected, cell cycle progression is halted for repair. In irreparable situations, the cell may undergo apoptosis. This checkpoint control, driven by cyclins and CDKs, ensures the fidelity of DNA replication and the orderly progression of the cell cycle.

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