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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.7.6 Root and Sap Pressure

The circulatory mechanisms in plants, particularly root and sap pressures, play a fundamental role in ensuring the effective movement of water, minerals, and nutrients throughout the plant body. These processes are not only intricate but also vital for plant health, growth, and reproduction.

Generation of Root Pressure

Root pressure is a unique mechanism that facilitates the upward movement of water in plants.

Active Transport of Mineral Ions

  • Mechanism: The soil surrounding the roots is rich in various mineral ions. Root hair cells, located at the exterior of root tips, actively transport these mineral ions from the soil into the vascular tissues, which primarily consist of xylem vessels.
  • Water Movement: As mineral ions accumulate in the vascular tissues, the water potential decreases. As a result, water from the soil is drawn into the vascular tissues by osmosis, leading to an increase in pressure within the xylem vessels in the root.

Positive Pressure Potential

  • Build-up: The influx of water into the xylem vessels leads to a buildup of pressure, referred to as 'root pressure'. This positive pressure potential provides the force necessary to push water upwards through the plant, especially during times when transpiration is minimal.
  • Guttation: One of the visible effects of root pressure is guttation. On occasions, you might notice tiny droplets on the edges of leaves early in the morning. These droplets are a direct result of root pressure, pushing water up and out of the leaf's hydathodes.

Role of Transpiration

  • Transpiration Pull: During the day, when the rate of transpiration is high, water is pulled upwards from the roots due to the loss of water vapour from the stomata in leaves. This 'pull' complements the root pressure in facilitating water movement.
  • Night-time Dynamics: During night-time or cloudy days when transpiration rates decrease, the root pressure becomes essential to maintain a steady movement of water within the plant.
A diagram showing the process of transpiration in plants.

Image courtesy of brgfx

Adaptations in Phloem for Sap Translocation

The phloem serves as the conduit for transporting organic nutrients, primarily the products of photosynthesis, to various parts of the plant.

Sieve Tubes and Companion Cells

These cellular structures are paramount for the phloem's functioning:

Sieve Tube Elements

  • Sieve Plates: These structures facilitate sap movement between sieve tube elements. Their porous nature ensures the unhindered flow of organic nutrients.
  • Cellular Design: The sieve tube elements have a distinctive design tailored for transport.
A diagram showing the structure of sieve tubes.

Image courtesy of Manvita12345

Companion Cells

  • Role & Function: Companion cells manage the physiological functions of sieve tube elements. The two are closely connected and coordinate for the effective transport of sap.
  • Energy Provision: The abundant mitochondria in companion cells generate the ATP required for active processes, including loading and unloading substances into and out of the sieve tubes.
  • Plasmodesmata Connections: These tiny channels ensure a seamless transfer of information and substances between companion cells and sieve tube elements.

Role in Sap Movement

  • Loading at the Source: Organic nutrients produced during photosynthesis are actively loaded into the sieve tubes by companion cells. These regions of production are known as sources.
  • Unloading at the Sinks: The areas where these organic nutrients are utilised or stored, such as roots, fruits, or growing shoots, are termed sinks. At these sites, nutrients are actively offloaded from the phloem.

Appreciation of Phloem Adaptations

The sophisticated design and functionality of the phloem are worth highlighting:

  • Efficiency & Speed: Thanks to the adaptations of the sieve tube elements, the flow of sap containing essential nutrients can be both rapid and efficient, catering to the plant's diverse needs.
  • Dynamism: Depending on environmental conditions, developmental stage, or even the time of day, different parts of a plant might have varying nutrient demands. The phloem’s dynamic loading and unloading capabilities ensure these demands are met promptly.
  • Survival and Growth: By ensuring a consistent and effective transport system, the phloem plays an integral role in a plant's survival, growth, and reproduction. Whether it's delivering sugars to growing fruits or transporting amino acids to new leaves, the phloem's significance cannot be overstated.

In conclusion, the mechanisms of root pressure and sap translocation are among the many marvels of plant biology. Their nuanced functionalities are a testament to nature's intricate design, ensuring that plants, stationary as they are, can still effectively transport essential substances across considerable distances.


Root pressure, while effective in certain conditions, doesn't generate as strong a force as the transpiration-cohesion-tension mechanism. The positive pressure created by root pressure can move water upwards to a certain extent, but not against the pull of gravity over longer distances, such as in tall trees. Transpiration creates a significant negative pressure, or tension, that is capable of pulling water up through the xylem vessels of even the tallest plants. Moreover, the continuous nature of the water column, thanks to cohesion between water molecules, aids this process. Root pressure primarily acts as a backup system for when transpiration rates are too low.

Yes, guttation is a direct result of root pressure. When the soil is particularly moist, and the transpiration rate is low, root pressure can become substantial. This pressure can force water upwards and out of the leaf margins through special structures called hydathodes. This water, which often contains dissolved minerals, appears as droplets on the tips or edges of leaves in the early morning. It's important not to confuse guttation with dew, which is moisture from the air that condenses on cool surfaces.

Companion cells are packed with mitochondria to support their high metabolic activity. These cells are responsible for the loading and unloading of sap into and out of the sieve tube elements. The process of actively transporting solutes, like sugars, into the phloem requires energy in the form of ATP. Mitochondria are the "powerhouses" of cells, providing the necessary ATP through cellular respiration. Thus, having numerous mitochondria ensures that companion cells have an ample energy supply to fulfil their crucial role in phloem transport.

Sieve plates are essential structures in sieve tube elements, composed of perforated end walls that allow sap to flow between connected sieve tube cells. These plates are covered in a fine mesh of pores, allowing solutes and water to pass through while maintaining cell-to-cell connectivity. The sieve plate's architecture ensures that while cell integrity is preserved, the movement of sap isn't substantially hindered. The balance between flow efficiency and cellular connectivity is critical for the phloem's overall functionality, and sieve plates play an indispensable role in achieving this balance.

While it might seem counterintuitive, sieve tube elements in the phloem lack nuclei in their mature state. The absence of a nucleus, along with the minimal presence of other cellular organelles, maximises the internal space available for transporting sap. However, this doesn't mean the cell cannot function. Each sieve tube element is closely associated with a companion cell. The companion cells, which retain their nuclei and other essential organelles, manage the metabolic and functional requirements of their adjacent sieve tube elements. This specialised relationship allows sieve tube elements to efficiently transport sap without being hindered by their own cellular machinery.

Practice Questions

Discuss the importance of the adaptations of sieve tube elements in the phloem for the efficient transport of sap.

Sieve tube elements have evolved various unique adaptations that make them particularly adept at sap transport. Firstly, the presence of sieve plates allows for unhindered flow of organic nutrients between sieve tube cells. The sieve tube elements also have reduced cytoplasm and few organelles, maximising internal space for sap movement. Additionally, the absence of a nucleus in mature sieve tube elements further optimises this internal space. These cellular designs ensure the phloem can transport nutrients both rapidly and efficiently, meeting the diverse needs of the plant, and thereby playing a critical role in the plant's growth, survival, and reproduction.

Explain the role of root pressure in water movement in plants and how it compensates for low transpiration rates.

Root pressure is a phenomenon where active transport of mineral ions into the xylem vessels of roots causes a decrease in water potential, resulting in water being drawn from the soil into the root by osmosis. This influx creates a positive pressure potential, pushing water upwards. During the day, the transpiration pull, caused by the evaporation of water from the stomata, typically facilitates water movement in plants. However, during the night or on cloudy days when transpiration rates are low, root pressure becomes a vital force to maintain steady water movement. It ensures that the plant's cells remain turgid and essential processes continue even when transpiration is minimal.

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