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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.7.4 Tissue Fluid and Lymphatic System

The interplay between tissue fluid and the lymphatic system is a testament to the body's intricate design. This dynamic ensures that cells are nourished, waste products are removed, and fluid balance is maintained.

Formation of Tissue Fluid

  • Pressure Filtration of Plasma: Blood, upon reaching capillaries, encounters different pressures. The hydrostatic pressure, which is the force exerted by blood against the walls of the capillaries, pushes plasma out. This outward movement of plasma is what forms tissue fluid.
    • Role of Arterioles: Arterioles, the smaller branches of arteries leading into capillaries, play a pivotal role in this process. Their muscular walls can constrict or dilate to adjust the blood flow into the capillaries. When they dilate, they increase the hydrostatic pressure, promoting the formation of tissue fluid.
  • Composition: Tissue fluid isn't just 'water'. While it is predominantly made up of water, it contains a myriad of dissolved substances:
    • Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and calcium ions which play roles in cellular processes.
    • Nutrients such as glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids, providing energy and materials for cellular functions.
    • However, large proteins, typically found in plasma, are absent or in lower concentrations in tissue fluid. This is due to the selective permeability of capillary walls.
A diagram showing capillary fluid exchange.

Image courtesy  of Alila Medical Media

Reuptake of Tissue Fluid

  • Role of Venules: Venules are small vessels that gather blood from capillaries and channel it into veins. The hydrostatic pressure within venules is considerably less than in arterioles, due to resistance and distance from the pumping heart. This reduction in pressure facilitates the absorption or reuptake of tissue fluid back into the bloodstream.
    • Osmotic Pressure: It's also important to mention the osmotic pressure exerted by plasma proteins. These proteins, which are more concentrated inside the capillaries than in tissue fluid, exert a 'pulling' force, drawing water back into the capillaries, aiding reabsorption.
    • Lymphatic System's Role: However, it's noteworthy that not all tissue fluid is reabsorbed by the capillaries. A fraction, about 10%, is taken up by the lymphatic vessels and becomes lymph.

Exchange of Substances

  • Between Tissue Fluid and Cells: For cells to function, there needs to be a continuous exchange of materials. The tissue fluid serves as a medium for this:
    • Supplying Nutrients: Oxygen and glucose are among the critical nutrients that cells extract from tissue fluid for energy production and other metabolic activities.
    • Removing Waste: Cells offload waste products like carbon dioxide and urea into the tissue fluid, which then gets transported away for excretion.
    • Composition Analysis: Highlighting the differences and similarities:
      • Plasma is the 'mother liquid' of blood and is richer in proteins. It also carries hormones, enzymes, and other signalling molecules.
      • Tissue Fluid is a diluted version of plasma. While it has many of the same electrolytes and nutrients, it's significantly deficient in proteins.
  • Importance of Exchange: This interaction is not mere happenstance. Cells, being the fundamental units of life, need a consistent environment. The constant exchange with tissue fluid ensures metabolic processes occur unhindered, safeguarding cell health and, by extension, organismal health.
Diagram showing the exchange of substances between capillary and body tissues.

Image courtesy of Julia222t

The Lymphatic System and Tissue Fluid

  • Function: Often shadowed by the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is equally vital. Its primary role is maintaining fluid balance, but it also plays a part in immunity and nutrient absorption.
    • Lymph Ducts: These vessels carry lymph, a clear-to-white fluid containing white blood cells, especially lymphocytes. Key features of these ducts include:
      • Valves: Essential for maintaining a one-way flow, ensuring lymph doesn't regress.
      • Thin Walls with Gaps: These walls facilitate the uptake of tissue fluid, converting it to lymph. The gaps or interstitial spaces allow larger molecules and cells, like bacteria, to enter, which can then be dealt with by the lymphatic system’s immune functions.
    • Lymph Nodes: As lymph travels through the lymphatic system, it passes through these bean-shaped structures. They serve as filtering stations, trapping foreign particles, bacteria, and cancer cells. They also house lymphocytes, which can mount an immune response when necessary.
    • Return of Lymph: The journey of lymph concludes when it's returned to the bloodstream. Lymphatic vessels converge to form two main ducts: the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct. These drain into the right and left subclavian veins, respectively, near the heart.
    • Significance: Beyond fluid balance, the lymphatic system is a sentinel of the immune system. It filters and screens lymph for pathogens, making it integral to the body's defence mechanisms.
A diagram showing the lymphatic system and tissue fluid exchange.

Image courtesy of Sunshineconnelly at English Wikibooks.


The lymphatic system is intrinsically tied to the immune system due to its role in filtering and screening lymph fluid. As lymph, which is essentially tissue fluid, travels through the lymphatic vessels, it gets filtered by lymph nodes. These nodes contain a high concentration of immune cells like B-cells, T-cells, and macrophages. These cells actively screen the lymph for pathogens or foreign substances and can initiate immune responses when threats are detected. Moreover, the lymphatic system helps in the transportation of immune cells throughout the body. Thus, it not only aids in detecting and neutralising threats but also helps in distributing immune cells where they are needed.

Oedema, or swelling due to the accumulation of excessive tissue fluid, can be caused by a number of factors. One of the primary reasons is an imbalance between hydrostatic and osmotic pressures in the capillaries. This can be due to increased capillary hydrostatic pressure from conditions like congestive heart failure or venous obstruction. Reduced plasma osmotic pressure, perhaps due to decreased plasma protein levels (as seen in malnutrition or liver diseases), can also lead to oedema. Another cause can be increased capillary permeability, which might occur during inflammatory responses. Lastly, blockages in the lymphatic system, preventing the proper drainage of lymph, can also cause oedema, termed as lymphoedema.

Lymphatic capillaries and blood capillaries, while similar in many aspects, have notable differences. Structurally, lymphatic capillaries have a unique one-way system formed by overlapping endothelial cells, which act like valves. This ensures that tissue fluid can enter the capillary but cannot exit back into the interstitial space. Blood capillaries, in contrast, allow bidirectional exchange. Functionally, blood capillaries are involved in the exchange of nutrients, gases, and waste between blood and cells, while lymphatic capillaries are primarily responsible for collecting excess tissue fluid and returning it to the bloodstream. Additionally, the lymphatic capillaries play a role in absorbing dietary fats from the intestines and transporting them to the bloodstream.

Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures that play a crucial role in the lymphatic system, primarily in immune functions. As lymph fluid travels through the lymphatic vessels, it passes through a series of lymph nodes. Within these nodes are a variety of immune cells, such as lymphocytes and macrophages, which actively screen the lymph for foreign substances like pathogens. If harmful entities are detected, these immune cells can initiate an immune response, producing antibodies to neutralise the threat. Additionally, lymph nodes also serve as a site for the maturation and proliferation of immune cells, ensuring that the body remains equipped to tackle infections.

Tissue fluid and lymph, though originating from the same source—plasma—have slightly different compositions. Tissue fluid is the result of plasma being filtered through the capillary walls, containing nutrients, gases, and waste products, but it lacks most of the larger plasma proteins because they cannot pass through the capillary wall. On the other hand, as tissue fluid enters the lymphatic vessels, it is termed as 'lymph'. While travelling through the lymphatic system, the fluid passes through lymph nodes where it encounters various immune cells. These cells can add antibodies and other immune proteins, giving lymph a distinct composition with a higher concentration of white blood cells and immune proteins compared to tissue fluid.

Practice Questions

Explain the importance of hydrostatic and osmotic pressures in the formation and reabsorption of tissue fluid in capillaries.

The hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries, primarily influenced by arterioles, pushes plasma out into the surrounding tissue spaces, leading to the formation of tissue fluid. This pressure ensures that nutrients, oxygen, and other essential substances are delivered to the cells. On the other hand, osmotic pressure, created by the higher concentration of plasma proteins inside the capillaries, exerts a 'pulling' force. This draws water, along with waste products from cells, back into the capillaries. The balance between hydrostatic pressure, promoting fluid release, and osmotic pressure, encouraging reabsorption, is vital for maintaining fluid equilibrium and ensuring effective exchange of substances at the cellular level.

Describe the features of lymph ducts that enable the drainage of excess tissue fluid and the return of lymph to the blood circulation.

Lymph ducts are specially designed to collect and transport excess tissue fluid back to the circulatory system. These vessels possess thin walls with gaps or interstitial spaces, allowing them to efficiently absorb tissue fluid and convert it into lymph. Another crucial feature of lymph ducts is the presence of valves, which ensure a one-way flow of lymph, preventing any backflow. As lymph progresses through the system, it is screened and filtered by lymph nodes. Eventually, the lymphatic vessels converge to form two primary ducts, the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct, which return the lymph to the bloodstream by draining into the subclavian veins near the heart. This system not only maintains fluid balance but also plays a significant role in immune surveillance and response.

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