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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.7.3 Plant Transport Systems

Plants, much like animals, have evolved intricate systems to transport essential materials between their various parts. Central to this is the movement of water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant, which hinges on the process of transpiration and the special adaptations of transport tissues.

Transport of Water: Transpiration

Transpiration serves as the primary mechanism by which water is moved through a plant. Though it might seem like a mere loss of water, it's vital for several interconnected reasons.

Why Transpiration is Important:

  • Cooling: During photosynthesis, plants can get heated up. The loss of water through transpiration offers a cooling effect, much like sweating in animals.
  • Mineral Transport: Water from the soil isn't pure; it carries with it essential minerals. Transpiration ensures these minerals are distributed throughout the plant.
  • Water Movement: The negative pressure generated by transpiration helps pull water up from the roots to the leaves, countering the gravitational pull.

Mechanism of Transpiration

Understanding the mechanism of transpiration helps illustrate the intricacies of plant biology.

  • Loss of water: Tiny pores called stomata, found mostly on the undersides of leaves, allow for water to evaporate into the atmosphere. This process is passive, driven by the humidity differential between the leaf's internal structures and the external environment.
  • Tension generation: As water molecules escape, they pull on the chain of water molecules behind them. This action is due to the cohesive nature of water and results in tension within the xylem vessels.
  • Cohesion and Adhesion: Cohesion refers to water molecules' tendency to stick together, while adhesion pertains to their ability to attach to the walls of the xylem vessels. These properties ensure a continuous movement and column of water from the roots upwards.
A diagram showing transpiration in plant leaves through stomata.

Image courtesy of blueringmedia

Xylem Vessels: Specialised Features

The xylem, a complex vascular tissue, exhibits features tailored for its water transport role. Each of these features has evolved to maximise efficiency and ensure the plant's survival.

  • Lack of cell contents: As xylem cells mature, they lose their protoplast, ensuring that there's nothing obstructing the passage of water.
  • Incomplete or absent end walls: Initially, xylem cells have end walls called ‘end plates’. However, as they mature, these become perforated or disappear altogether, allowing for columns of uninterrupted tubes which facilitate fluid flow.
  • Lignified walls: Lignin deposition provides both rigidity and waterproofing. The walls' reinforcement prevents them from collapsing under the tension created by transpiration. Additionally, the waterproof nature ensures that water remains within the vessels, travelling upwards.
  • Pits: These non-lignified regions are pathways where water can move laterally between adjacent xylem vessels, aiding in efficient distribution and providing a means to bypass any blockages.
Diagram showing a detailed structure of the xylem.

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong

Tissue Organisation in Dicotyledonous Plants

Dicotyledonous plants exhibit a characteristic pattern in their vascular tissue organisation. These tissues, primarily xylem and phloem, are arranged distinctly in the stem and root.


  • Vascular bundles: These bundles are typically found arranged in a ring in the stem's periphery. The 'bundle' comprises both xylem (inwards) and phloem (outwards) tissues.
  • Cortex: This tissue region lies between the epidermis and vascular bundles. Made up predominantly of parenchyma cells, it often stores starch and assists in transport between the root and the shoot.
  • Epidermis: A protective barrier, this outermost layer of cells guards the plant against water loss, physical damage, and pathogenic attack.
Diagram of Monocot and dicot stem structure.

Image courtesy of 54 Design


  • Xylem and phloem: In a cross-section of the root, the xylem often appears star-shaped (or an 'X' shape) with phloem pockets nestled between its arms.
  • Cortex: This region surrounds the vascular tissues. Cells here may be modified for storage or can aid in the symplastic movement of water and dissolved nutrients.
  • Epidermis: The plant's interface with the soil. It is here that root hairs, extensions of epidermal cells, increase surface area, enhancing water and nutrient uptake.
Diagram of Monocot and dicot root structure.

Image courtesy of 54 Design

  • Plan Diagrams and Micrographs: Familiarising oneself with plan diagrams and micrographs offers a tangible understanding of these tissue arrangements. Through these visuals, students can not only identify the mentioned structures but also appreciate their relative positions and interconnected functions.


Root hairs are thin, tubular extensions from the epidermal cells of plant roots. They play a critical role in water uptake by drastically increasing the root's surface area in contact with the soil. This larger surface area enhances the plant's ability to absorb water and dissolved minerals from the soil. Root hairs penetrate between soil particles and are bathed in soil water. They establish a concentration gradient, where the water and mineral ion concentration inside the root hair is lower than in the surrounding soil solution. This gradient drives the osmotic movement of water and minerals into the root hairs and subsequently into the plant.

Temperature has a direct correlation with transpiration rates. As temperature increases, the evaporation rate of water from the leaf surface also rises, leading to increased transpiration. This is because warmer temperatures provide the energy necessary for water molecules to break free from the surface of leaves and evaporate. Additionally, higher temperatures make the air less saturated with water vapour, creating a steeper gradient between the leaf's internal humidity and the external environment, which further accelerates water vapour loss. However, in extremely high temperatures, plants may close their stomata to prevent excessive water loss, thereby temporarily reducing transpiration.

Xylem vessels being dead and devoid of protoplast is a strategic adaptation for their primary role: the efficient transportation of water and minerals from roots to aerial parts of the plant. If they were living cells with protoplast, their internal cellular content would obstruct water flow. Furthermore, the metabolic demands of living cells might consume some of the transported materials. By being dead, xylem vessels essentially act as hollow tubes, ensuring a continuous, unimpeded flow of water. This structure also ensures that there is no resistance or backflow due to cellular activities.

No, not all vascular bundles in dicotyledonous plants are identical. While the general arrangement in dicots often sees xylem on the inside and phloem on the outside of the vascular bundle, their specific arrangement can vary between the stem and the root. In the stem, vascular bundles are typically arranged in a ring around the pith, with the xylem facing the pith and phloem towards the cortex. In contrast, in the root, the xylem often takes on a star-shaped arrangement in the centre, with phloem located in between the arms of the xylem. This variation in arrangement supports the plant's distinct needs in these two parts.

Different plants have evolved specific mechanisms to manage water loss, especially in arid or water-scarce environments. Such plants, called xerophytes, have adaptations like thickened cuticles, sunken stomata, or fewer stomata per unit area to minimise water loss. They may also have leaves that are modified into spines or scales to reduce surface area. Some, like cacti, store water in their tissues, and many desert plants have deep roots to tap into underground water reserves. All these adaptations collectively reduce the transpiration rate, allowing these plants to conserve water and survive in environments where water is a limiting factor.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of transpiration in plants and explain its significance in the transport of water from roots to leaves.

Transpiration is the passive evaporation of water from the aerial parts of plants, primarily through stomata on leaf surfaces. This evaporation creates a tension or negative pressure in the xylem vessels, pulling water upwards from the roots. The cohesive and adhesive properties of water molecules ensure a continuous column of water is maintained from the roots to the leaves. Transpiration is crucial as it facilitates the upward movement of water against gravity, bringing essential minerals dissolved in it. Moreover, the evaporative loss of water provides a cooling effect to the plant, which can be especially beneficial during intense photosynthesis periods.

Highlight the main adaptations of xylem vessels that make them efficient for the transport of water in plants.

Xylem vessels are specialised structures in plants, tailored for efficient water transport. Firstly, as they mature, xylem cells lose their protoplast, creating unobstructed tubes. Secondly, their end walls, initially present as 'end plates', become perforated or disappear entirely, ensuring a continuous, unhindered flow. The walls of the xylem are reinforced with lignin, providing the rigidity needed to prevent vessel collapse under the tension created by transpiration. Moreover, this lignification offers waterproofing, ensuring water is channelled upwards. Finally, pits in the xylem walls allow for lateral water movement between vessels, ensuring even water distribution and offering pathways to bypass potential blockages.

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