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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.8.1 Movement in Organisms

Muscular movement is central to life. As we delve into the intricacies of biological movement, we uncover layers of complexity and elegance.

Adaptations for Movement in Organisms

Motile Species

Motile organisms have evolved in myriad ways, adapting to diverse environments for efficient movement.

Terrestrial Species:

  • Legged Locomotion:
    • Insects: Often have six legs, providing stability and dexterity. The structure of insect legs, coupled with jointed appendages, enables them to walk, jump, and climb.
A picture showing different insects.

Image courtesy of Kókay Szabolcs

  • Mammals: Limbs have evolved differently; hoofed for running (horses), padded for stealth (cats), or opposable for grasping (primates).
  • Birds: Two-legged locomotion with claws adapted for perching, wading, or grasping.
  • Undulating Movement:
    • Snakes: Use a combination of lateral undulation and concertina movement. By contracting muscles in sequences, they create wave-like motions that push against the ground or narrow spaces to propel forward.

Aquatic Species:

  • Fins and Tails:
    • Fish: Pectoral and pelvic fins help in steering and maintaining equilibrium, while the caudal fin provides the main propulsion.
    • Whales and Dolphins: Their flukes move up and down, contrasting with side-to-side fish movement.
  • Jet Propulsion:
    • Squids and Octopuses: Expel water through their siphon, creating a thrust that propels them backward.
Diagram showing jet propulsion in jellyfish.

Image courtesy of Oceanbites

Aerial Species:

  • Winged Flight:
    • Birds: Possess lightweight, strong bones and powerful breast muscles. The wing's shape can denote its function – e.g., falcons for speed, eagles for soaring.
    • Bats: The only mammals capable of sustained flight, their wings are modified limbs with skin stretched between elongated fingers.
    • Insects: Possess either one or two pairs of wings, with different designs like the delicate wings of butterflies or hard coverings of beetles.
  • Gliding and Soaring:
    • Flying Squirrels and Draco Lizards: Have skin flaps extending between limbs, enabling them to glide from tree to tree.

Sessile Species

While primarily stationary, sessile organisms often have specialised movements to interact with their environment.

  • Plants:
    • Tropism: Directional growth responses to stimuli. Phototropism (light), gravitropism (gravity), and thigmotropism (touch) are examples.
    • Rapid Movements: Mimosa plants fold their leaves when touched, while Venus flytraps snap shut to trap prey.
A diagram showing Phototropism: A plant moving towards the sunlight.

Image courtesy of MacKhayman

 A diagram showing positive and negative Geotropism.

Image courtesy of Pepermpron

  • Marine Invertebrates:
    • Tentacles: Anemones use tentacles to capture prey, and corals use them to feed.
    • Tube Feet: Starfish and sea urchins possess hundreds of tiny tube feet which help in locomotion and capturing food.
A picture of sun star tube feet.

Sun Star tube feet

Image courtesy of Jerry Kirkhart

The Sliding Filament Model of Muscle Contraction

Muscle contraction is orchestrated by an intricate dance of proteins within sarcomeres.

Sarcomere Structure

  • Actin: These thin filaments contain binding sites for myosin.
  • Myosin: Thick filaments have 'heads' that can attach to actin during muscle contraction.

Contraction Process

  • Cross-bridge Formation: When a muscle is signalled to contract, myosin heads attach to actin's binding sites.
  • Power Stroke: ATP is hydrolysed, releasing energy. The myosin heads pivot, dragging actin filaments towards the sarcomere's centre.
  • Detachment and Resetting: A new ATP molecule binds, causing myosin to detach from actin. ATP is hydrolysed again, and the myosin head returns to its original position.

The repetitive actions of many sarcomeres result in the visible contraction of a muscle.

A diagram showing the sliding filament model of muscle contraction.

Image courtesy of Database Center for Life Sciense

Role of the Protein Titin

Titin's role is pivotal in the muscle's elasticity and structure.

  • Elastic Recoil: Post contraction, titin allows the muscle to return to its original length.
  • Stabilisation: By binding to actin and myosin, titin keeps the myosin filaments centred in the sarcomere, ensuring uniform contraction.

Antagonistic Muscles

Most movements require muscles to work in harmonious opposition.

Working Principle

  • When one muscle in the pair contracts, its partner relaxes, allowing a full range of motion.


  • Precision: Opposing actions fine-tune movements.
  • Safety: By restricting extreme motions, antagonistic muscles prevent potential injuries.


  • Quadriceps and Hamstrings: In the human leg, quadriceps straighten the knee while hamstrings bend it.
  • Flexors and Extensors: In the forearm, flexors close the hand, while extensors open it.


Muscle atrophy is the decrease in muscle mass and strength. It can be caused by various factors:

  • Disuse Atrophy: Prolonged inactivity, like being bedridden or not using a limb due to injury, can lead to muscle wastage.
  • Neurogenic Atrophy: This results from nerve damage. Diseases like polio or conditions that damage motor neurons can lead to rapid muscle atrophy.
  • Malnutrition: Inadequate nutrient intake, especially protein, can cause muscle loss.
  • Ageing: With age, muscle mass naturally decreases, leading to a condition known as sarcopenia.

To prevent or reverse atrophy, it's essential to maintain physical activity, ensure adequate nutrient intake, and address underlying medical conditions.

Muscle hypertrophy refers to the increase in size of muscle cells. When muscles undergo resistance training, such as weightlifting, the fibres experience microtears. In response to these microtears, the body repairs and rebuilds the muscle fibres, making them thicker and stronger. This process is facilitated by an influx of nutrients, especially amino acids, that aid in the repair and building of muscle proteins. As one continues with strength training, the repeated cycle of damage and repair leads to muscle hypertrophy. Alongside the increase in muscle size, there's an enhancement in muscle strength and endurance.

Muscle cramps are sudden, involuntary contractions of one or more muscles, often painful. They can be caused by:

  • Dehydration: Reduced water levels can imbalance electrolytes (like sodium, potassium, and calcium) essential for muscle function.
  • Muscle Overuse: Vigorous or prolonged exercise can lead to muscle fatigue, making it susceptible to cramping.
  • Insufficient Stretching: Before and after exercise, not stretching can predispose muscles to cramps.
  • Mineral Deficiency: Low levels of minerals like potassium, calcium, or magnesium can trigger cramps.
  • Medications: Some drugs list muscle cramps as a side effect.

Staying hydrated, ensuring adequate mineral intake, stretching regularly, and addressing any medication-related issues can help prevent muscle cramps.

Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles found in the walls of hollow internal structures like blood vessels, the digestive tract, and the respiratory tract. They control actions like constriction of blood vessels or the propulsion of food through the digestive system. Smooth muscles have spindle-shaped cells with a single nucleus and no striations. Contrarily, skeletal muscles, which are voluntary, are attached to bones and facilitate movement. They have a striated appearance, with long, multi-nucleated cells. While smooth muscles contract more slowly than skeletal muscles, they can remain contracted for a longer period without getting fatigued.

Cardiac muscles, which make up the heart, have unique adaptations that prevent them from tiring. Firstly, they have a high density of mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, ensuring a continuous supply of ATP for contraction. Secondly, cardiac muscles have a rich supply of oxygen through an extensive network of capillaries, which aids in the efficient production of energy. Furthermore, these muscles utilise a higher percentage of energy from aerobic respiration compared to skeletal muscles, reducing the buildup of lactic acid, which can lead to muscle fatigue. Lastly, the heart muscle's rhythmic contractions are regulated by the sinoatrial node, ensuring steady, optimal pacing.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of muscle contraction according to the sliding filament model and explain the role of actin and myosin in this process.

The sliding filament model depicts the mechanism of muscle contraction, where the actin (thin) and myosin (thick) filaments slide past each other, causing the muscle to contract. Upon receiving a signal, myosin heads attach to the binding sites on actin, forming cross-bridges. With the hydrolysis of ATP, these myosin heads pivot, pulling the actin filaments towards the centre of the sarcomere. This action reduces the sarcomere's length, leading to muscle contraction. Once contraction is completed, a new ATP molecule binds to the myosin head, causing its detachment from actin. The ATP is again hydrolysed, resetting the myosin head to its original position, awaiting the next contraction signal.

Differentiate between motile and sessile species in terms of their adaptations for movement and provide an example for each.

Motile species are adapted to move freely in their environment, possessing structures like legs, wings, or fins to aid locomotion. For instance, birds have evolved wings and strong breast muscles allowing them to fly. On the other hand, sessile species remain fixed in one place but may show specialised movements. Plants, a primary example of sessile organisms, exhibit tropisms - directional growth responses to environmental stimuli like light (phototropism) or gravity (gravitropism). Another example includes marine invertebrates like anemones which, while stationary, use their tentacles to capture prey. This differentiation highlights the broad spectrum of movement adaptations in the living world.

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