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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.8.3 Joint Movement and Function

Joint Movement is central to our day-to-day activities and is enabled by a harmonious interplay of various anatomical components. The synovial joint stands out in this respect, and for a detailed exploration, we'll focus on the human hip joint.

Movement at a Synovial Joint

A synovial joint, commonly referred to as a diarthrosis, is predominant and the most movable type of joint in our body. Comprehending its movement necessitates a detailed understanding of its individual components:


  • These provide the foundational structure of the joint.
  • At the hip: The rounded head of the femur (thigh bone) articulates with a cup-shaped depression in the pelvis known as the acetabulum. This ball-and-socket configuration permits a wide range of movement.
A diagram of the ball-and-socket hip joint.

Image courtesy of Stowell, Charles H(enry) 1850- (from old catalog)


  • Spongy tissue, less rigid than bone, which absorbs pressure and shock stemming from movements like running and jumping.
  • Minimises friction, ensuring bones don't grind directly against each other.
  • At the hip: A layer of hyaline (articular) cartilage covers the head of the femur and the acetabulum, allowing for smoother motion and acting as a shock absorber.

Knee femur cartilage

A diagram showing knee femur cartilage.

Image courtesy of Harrygouvas

Synovial Fluid

  • A viscous, egg-white consistency fluid that lubricates the joint.
  • Ensures the joint can move without friction and wear, prolonging its functional life.
  • It nourishes the cartilage by transporting nutrients as direct blood supply to cartilage is absent.
  • At the hip: Synovial membrane lining the joint capsule produces this fluid. The capsule seals the joint, ensuring the fluid stays within the joint space.
A diagram showing synovial fluid.

Image courtesy of Sunshineconnelly at English Wikibooks.


  • Tough fibrous tissues, slightly elastic in nature.
  • They maintain joint stability by limiting certain types of movement, which, if unchecked, could damage the joint or result in dislocation.
  • At the hip: The hip joint is enveloped by several ligaments. The strong iliofemoral ligament restricts hyperextension, while the ischiofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments limit excessive rotation and abduction respectively.


  • Soft tissues which contract in response to nerve signals, causing movement.
  • Provide the required force for movement and offer additional stability to the joint.
  • At the hip: Various muscles play distinct roles. For instance, the gluteus maximus facilitates hip extension, while the iliopsoas is responsible for flexion. The hip joint also has other muscles like adductors, abductors, and rotator muscles, each with its specific function.


  • Connect muscles to bones, allowing force transmission from muscle contraction to instigate skeletal movement.
  • Tendons have high tensile strength and are less elastic than ligaments.
  • At the hip: The iliopsoas muscle's tendon, for instance, attaches to the lesser trochanter of the femur, enabling the muscle to exert pull and move the femur.
A diagram showing muscles and tendons.

Image courtesy of injurymap

Range of Motion of a Joint

The term 'Range of Motion' (ROM) refers to the full potential movement of a specific joint, often determined by its anatomical structure and the flexibility of associated tissues.

Influencing Factors

  • Joint structure: Different joints allow varied movements. For instance, hinge joints (like elbows) primarily allow flexion and extension, while ball-and-socket joints (like the hip) permit a broader range of movements.
  • Age: As one ages, the ROM typically decreases due to wear and tear, reduced elasticity, and possible ailments like arthritis.
  • Injuries: Past joint injuries or surgeries can lead to scar tissues, limiting the ROM.
  • Activity Level: Regular physical activity or exercises that maintain joint flexibility can help in preserving or even enhancing ROM.

Methods to Measure ROM

Computer Analysis of Images

  • Uses sophisticated software tools to analyse joint angles from various images.
  • The digital approach provides precise and consistent measurements.
  • Often used in research and advanced clinical settings.


  • A widely-used manual instrument in clinics.
  • Consists of a central protractor with two extending arms.
  • The joint is positioned in its maximum range of a specific movement, and the angle is then measured.
  • It's practical, cost-effective, and provides reasonably accurate readings.

Hip Joint ROM

Given the ball-and-socket nature of the hip joint, it supports a diverse range of movements:

  • Flexion and Extension: This involves moving the leg forward (flexion) and then returning it backward (extension).
  • Abduction and Adduction: Abduction entails moving the leg laterally away from the body, while adduction involves drawing it back toward the body's midline.
  • Internal and External Rotation: This refers to the rotation of the femur either toward (internal) or away (external) from the body's centre.
Diagram showing a hip range of motion

Image courtesy of OrthoFixar

For measurement:

  • For Flexion: While lying supine, one arm of the goniometer is aligned with the torso, and the other with the thigh as it's elevated.
  • For Abduction: In the same supine position, one arm remains aligned with the torso, while the other tracks the thigh as it's moved outwards.

Accuracy hinges on precise placement, ensuring the goniometer aligns perfectly with the joint's movement axis.


A healthy range of motion (ROM) allows joints to move freely and efficiently, facilitating daily activities and preventing strain or injury. Restricted ROM can lead to stiffness, pain, and limitations in performing routine tasks. Over time, this can result in muscle imbalances, altered biomechanics, and increased susceptibility to injuries. To improve or maintain ROM, regular flexibility exercises, such as stretching, yoga, or pilates, are recommended. Engaging in full-body strength training also helps by ensuring muscles surrounding the joints are strong and balanced. Additionally, managing body weight and seeking timely medical intervention for joint issues can aid in maintaining healthy joint mobility.

The hip joint is a major weight-bearing joint in the body, subjected to significant stress and strain during activities such as walking, running, or even standing. Over time, this consistent load can lead to wear and tear, especially on the articular cartilage covering the bones' surfaces in the joint. As this cartilage deteriorates, bones can begin to rub against each other, leading to osteoarthritis. The condition is characterised by pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Contributing factors like age, obesity, genetics, previous injuries, or congenital hip abnormalities can increase susceptibility to hip osteoarthritis.

The diversity of muscles surrounding the hip joint reflects its versatile range of movements. Each muscle or muscle group has a specific role in facilitating a particular movement. For instance, the iliopsoas is crucial for flexion, allowing us to lift our leg. Gluteus maximus aids in extension, helping in actions like climbing stairs. Adductors bring the leg towards the body's midline, and abductors move it away. Rotator muscles allow the femur to twist within the hip socket. This wide array of muscles ensures precise control, stability, and fluidity in the hip's movement, underlining its importance in locomotion.

The synovial membrane, also known as the synovium, is a soft tissue lining the inner surface of capsules in synovial joints. This membrane plays a crucial role in producing synovial fluid. Composed of connective tissue cells, the synovial membrane contains specialised cells called synoviocytes. These cells produce the components of synovial fluid, ensuring a consistent lubrication of the joint. The fluid produced not only lubricates but also nourishes the cartilage. In certain conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis, the synovial membrane can become inflamed, leading to pain and joint damage.

Synovial fluid is unique in its composition and function compared to other bodily fluids. While blood carries nutrients, oxygen, and waste products around the body and lymph acts as part of the immune system, synovial fluid serves primarily as a lubricant within synovial joints. It's viscous, with an egg-white consistency, produced by the synovial membrane lining the joint capsule. Unlike blood, synovial fluid lacks cells but contains hyaluronic acid and lubricin, proteins essential for reducing friction between articular cartilages during movement. Additionally, synovial fluid nourishes the cartilage, providing nutrients in the absence of direct blood supply.

Practice Questions

Describe the functions and roles of ligaments and tendons in a synovial joint, using the human hip joint as an example.

Ligaments are strong, slightly elastic fibrous tissues that connect bones to bones within a joint. In the context of the human hip joint, ligaments such as the iliofemoral, ischiofemoral, and pubofemoral provide stability by restricting movements that could harm the joint. For instance, the iliofemoral ligament prevents hyperextension. On the other hand, tendons are tissues connecting muscles to bones, transmitting the force generated by muscle contraction to produce movement. In the hip joint, the tendon of the iliopsoas muscle attaches to the lesser trochanter of the femur, allowing the muscle's contraction to move the femur. Thus, while ligaments provide joint stability, tendons facilitate movement.

How does the structure of the hip joint enable a broad range of movement and what methods can be employed to measure this range?

The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint formed by the articulation of the rounded head of the femur with the acetabulum of the pelvis. This structure allows multi-directional movement including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and both internal and external rotation. The inherent mobility of ball-and-socket joints, combined with the elasticity of surrounding tissues, bestows the hip with a wide range of motion. To measure this range, methods like computer analysis of images can be employed for precise digital measurements. Alternatively, a goniometer, a manual instrument consisting of a protractor with two arms, is commonly used in clinical settings to measure specific joint angles during movements.

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