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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.4.5 Sound Characteristics

1. Introduction to Sound Characteristics

Sound, an integral part of our world, is produced and perceived through its key characteristics: amplitude, frequency, and the phenomenon of echo. These elements define our auditory experience, influencing everything from music to communication.

2. Amplitude and Loudness

2.1 Understanding Amplitude

  • Amplitude of a sound wave is the height of the wave from its mean position.

  • It's a measure of the energy of the wave; greater amplitude means more energy.

  • The amplitude of a sound wave affects the loudness or volume of the sound we hear.

2.2 Impact of Amplitude on Loudness

  • Higher amplitude results in a sound being perceived as louder. For instance, a shout has a higher amplitude than a whisper.

  • The energy of a sound wave is proportional to the square of its amplitude. This relation implies that doubling the amplitude of a wave increases its energy by a factor of four.

  • Loudness, measured in decibels (dB), is a subjective measure and can vary between individuals. It's influenced not only by amplitude but also by the listener's hearing sensitivity.

  • The threshold of hearing is typically around 0 dB, and sound becomes painful or potentially damaging around 120 dB.

3. Frequency and Pitch

3.1 Understanding Frequency

  • Frequency is the number of complete oscillations that a wave undergoes per unit time. It is measured in hertz (Hz).

  • Frequency determines the pitch of a sound - how high or low the sound seems to a listener.

3.2 Relationship between Frequency and Pitch

  • Higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch. For example, a bird's chirp is high-pitched due to its high frequency, while a drum beat is low-pitched due to its low frequency.

  • Humans can generally hear frequencies from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Sounds with frequencies below 20 Hz are called infrasound, and those above 20,000 Hz are ultrasound.

  • The pitch is not only determined by frequency but also by the harmonic content and loudness of the sound.

4. The Concept of Echo

4.1 What is an Echo?

  • An echo is the reflection of sound that arrives at the listener later than the direct sound, creating a distinct repetition.

4.2 How Echoes Form

  • For an echo to be heard, the sound must be reflected from a surface and return to the listener after a sufficient time delay - typically at least 0.1 seconds.

  • The distance of the reflecting surface plays a crucial role in the time delay of an echo. The farther the surface, the longer it takes for the echo to return.

  • Echoes can be affected by various factors, including the texture and angle of the reflecting surface and environmental conditions like temperature and wind.

4.3 Significance and Applications of Echo

  • Echoes are not just a natural curiosity but have practical applications in various fields.

  • In sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging), echoes are used to map the ocean floor or locate objects underwater.

  • Architectural acoustics utilizes the concept of echoes to design spaces with optimal sound quality, such as concert halls and theatres.

  • Echoes also aid in the study of animal behaviour, especially in species like bats and dolphins, which use echolocation to navigate and hunt.

5. Combined Effects of Amplitude and Frequency

  • The interplay of amplitude and frequency gives sound its unique characteristics.

  • For instance, a loudspeaker playing music at a high volume (amplitude) can have varying pitches (frequencies) within the same piece.

  • Changes in both amplitude and frequency can affect the emotional and physiological responses to sound, evident in how different genres of music evoke different feelings.

6. Real-world Examples

  • In musical instruments, these principles are clearly observable. The loudness of a guitar string (amplitude) can be changed by strumming it harder, and its pitch (frequency) can be altered by tightening or loosening the string.

  • Everyday experiences, like listening to a passing car, illustrate how frequency and amplitude work together. As the car approaches and passes, the pitch of its sound appears to change due to the Doppler effect – a change in frequency due to the movement of the sound source.

  • The human voice also exemplifies these characteristics. Variations in pitch and loudness are essential for conveying emotions and nuances in speech.

Understanding sound characteristics is fundamental in physics, providing insights into the nature of waves and energy. The study of amplitude, frequency, and echo not only enhances our comprehension of acoustics but also enriches our perception of the world. The intriguing qualities of sound, from the dynamics of a symphony to the simple pleasure of hearing an echo in a valley, are rooted in these fundamental properties.


Different musical instruments produce distinct pitches for the same note due to variations in their construction, which affects the way sound waves are produced and modified. Each instrument has its unique method of generating vibrations – strings in a guitar, air columns in a flute, or membranes in a drum. These vibrations create sound waves with specific frequencies. Additionally, the size, shape, and material of the instrument influence the harmonics (overtones) produced alongside the fundamental frequency. These harmonics are crucial in giving each instrument its characteristic timbre or tone quality. For example, a middle 'C' played on a piano will have different harmonic content compared to the same note played on a violin, leading to a different pitch perception despite having the same fundamental frequency.

The amplitude of a sound wave can indeed change as it travels through a medium. This change is primarily due to the energy losses that occur during the propagation of sound. As sound waves travel, they expend energy in overcoming the resistance of the medium, whether it be air, water, or any solid material. This resistance, which can be due to factors like viscosity and friction at a molecular level, converts part of the sound wave's energy into heat, thus reducing its amplitude. Additionally, the spreading out of the sound wave over a larger area as it travels (known as the spreading loss) can also lead to a decrease in amplitude. This is why a sound becomes fainter as the distance from the source increases.

The human ear perceives changes in pitch and loudness through complex processes involving the ear's anatomy. Pitch is primarily discerned in the cochlea, a spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear. Sound waves are converted into mechanical vibrations by the eardrum and transmitted through the middle ear to the cochlea. Inside the cochlea, these vibrations displace tiny hair cells at different locations depending on the frequency of the sound. High-frequency sounds displace hair cells near the base of the cochlea, while low-frequency sounds affect cells near the apex. The displacement of these hair cells sends electrical signals to the brain, which interprets them as different pitches.

Loudness perception is influenced by the amplitude of the sound wave. Larger vibrations of the eardrum due to higher amplitude result in stronger signals from the hair cells. The brain interprets these stronger signals as louder sounds. However, loudness perception also depends on factors such as frequency, duration of the sound, and an individual's hearing sensitivity.

The speed of sound varies in different mediums due to the differences in their density and elasticity. Sound travels faster in mediums that are more elastic and less dense. In solids, the molecules are closely packed and interact strongly with each other, making them highly elastic in terms of transmitting vibrations. This results in a higher speed of sound in solids compared to gases and liquids. In water, the molecules are less tightly packed than in solids but are more densely packed than in air, leading to a faster speed of sound in water than in air. The elasticity and density of the medium determine how quickly the molecules can transmit the vibration from one to another, directly affecting the speed at which sound travels through the medium.

The Doppler effect is a phenomenon observed when there is relative motion between a sound source and an observer. It causes a change in the frequency and consequently the pitch of the sound as perceived by the observer. When the sound source moves towards the observer, each successive sound wave is emitted from a position closer to the observer than the previous wave. This results in the waves being 'squashed' together, leading to an increase in frequency and a higher perceived pitch. Conversely, when the sound source moves away from the observer, the waves are 'stretched out', resulting in a lower frequency and a lower perceived pitch. This effect is commonly experienced with the changing pitch of a passing siren or a moving train's whistle. The Doppler effect is important in various applications, including radar and medical ultrasound imaging, where it is used to measure the speed and direction of moving objects.

Practice Questions

Explain how the frequency of a sound wave affects its pitch. Provide an example to illustrate your explanation.

The frequency of a sound wave directly influences its pitch: a higher frequency results in a higher pitch, and a lower frequency leads to a lower pitch. Pitch is essentially how high or low a sound appears to the listener. For instance, a whistle produces a high-pitched sound because it has a high frequency, often above 2000 Hz. On the other hand, a drumbeat typically has a lower frequency, below 250 Hz, resulting in a low pitch. This relationship between frequency and pitch is fundamental in acoustics and is key in differentiating sounds in music and speech.

Describe what an echo is and explain how it is formed. Include in your answer how different factors can affect an echo.

An echo is a sound heard after it has been reflected off a surface, such as a building or a mountain. It forms when a sound wave travels to a surface, reflects off it, and then travels back to the listener. For an echo to be perceptible, there must be a sufficient distance between the sound source and the reflecting surface, allowing a delay of at least 0.1 seconds. Factors affecting an echo include the distance of the reflecting surface, the nature of the surface (smooth or rough), and environmental conditions like temperature and wind. Smooth, hard surfaces reflect sound better, creating clearer echoes, while rough surfaces scatter sound waves, diminishing the echo effect. Environmental conditions can alter the speed of sound, influencing the time delay of an echo.

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