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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.4.1 Production and Nature of Sound

Sound Production: The Role of Vibrations

Sound originates from the vibration of objects. These vibrations create waves in the medium around them, which we perceive as sound.

Key Aspects of Sound Production

  • Vibration Source: This is the initial cause of sound. For instance, when a drum is beaten, the skin vibrates; when we talk, our vocal cords vibrate.

  • Energy Transmission: These vibrations transfer energy to the surrounding medium, typically air, creating sound waves.

  • Frequency and Pitch: The frequency of these vibrations is crucial. Higher frequency vibrations produce high-pitched sounds, while lower frequencies produce low-pitched sounds.

Longitudinal Waves: The Nature of Sound

Sound waves are longitudinal, meaning the displacement of the medium is parallel to the wave's direction.

Compression and Rarefaction in Sound Waves

  • Compression: Occurs when particles of the medium are pushed closer together, creating a high-pressure region.

  • Rarefaction: Follows compression, where particles are spread apart, creating a low-pressure region.

Sound Wave Dynamics

  • Each sound wave consists of alternating compressions and rarefractions, moving energy through the medium without permanently displacing the particles.

Transmission of Sound

The transmission of sound requires a medium. The medium's particles vibrate and transfer the sound energy, allowing the sound to propagate.

Characteristics of Sound Transmission

  • Dependency on Medium: Sound's ability to travel depends on the medium's properties. It travels fastest in solids, slower in liquids, and slowest in gases.

  • Energy Over Matter: Sound waves transmit energy, not the medium's particles themselves.

Speed of Sound

The speed of sound varies with the medium. In air, it averages between 330 and 350 meters per second, influenced by several factors.

Influences on the Speed of Sound

  • Temperature: Generally, the speed of sound increases with temperature.

  • Medium's Properties: The density and elasticity of the medium are critical. Sound travels faster in mediums that are denser and more elastic.

Sound Propagation

As sound waves move, their intensity decreases. This is due to energy dissipation and the wave's spreading.

Factors in Sound Propagation

  • Distance Effect: The intensity of sound decreases as it travels further from the source.

  • Medium Interaction: Sound can be absorbed, reflected, or refracted when encountering different materials.

Frequency and Wavelength in Sound

The frequency of a sound wave correlates with its pitch, while the wavelength is the physical distance between two successive compressions or rarefractions.

Frequency and Wavelength Relationship

  • Inverse Relationship: Higher frequency sounds have shorter wavelengths and vice versa.

  • Human Perception: Frequency is perceived as pitch by the human ear, with higher frequencies perceived as higher pitches.

Sound in Different Mediums

The medium through which sound travels greatly affects its properties.

Sound in Air, Water, and Solids

  • Air: Most common medium for sound. Air's elasticity and density make it an efficient medium for sound wave transmission.

  • Water: Sound travels faster in water than in air due to water's higher density.

  • Solids: Sound travels fastest in solids. The particles in solids are closely packed, allowing quicker transmission of vibration.

Human Hearing and Sound

The human ear is sensitive to a range of sound frequencies, typically from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

Human Auditory Range

  • Lowest Audible Frequencies: Around 20 Hz, often felt as vibrations rather than heard.

  • Highest Audible Frequencies: Around 20,000 Hz, with sensitivity decreasing with age.

Practical Applications of Sound

Understanding sound has led to various technological advancements and applications.

Technology and Sound

  • Medical Imaging: Techniques like ultrasound use high-frequency sound waves for imaging internal body structures.

  • Communication: Telecommunication relies heavily on the transmission and reception of sound waves.

Acoustics: The Study of Sound

Acoustics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids, including topics such as vibration, sound, ultrasound, and infrasound.

Role in Engineering and Design

  • Building Design: Acoustic engineering plays a vital role in designing concert halls and studios for optimal sound quality.

  • Noise Control: Understanding sound helps in developing noise reduction strategies in various environments.


Sound is a fascinating and complex phenomenon with a wide range of applications. From the basic principles of how sound is produced and transmitted to its practical uses in various fields, the study of sound offers valuable insights into our world. Understanding the production and nature of sound not only enriches our knowledge of physics but also enhances our appreciation for the role of sound in our lives.


Temperature significantly impacts the speed of sound in air. As temperature increases, air molecules move faster and collide more frequently, which facilitates the quicker transmission of sound waves, thereby increasing the speed of sound. For instance, on a warmer day, sound travels faster than on a colder day. Specifically, for every 1°C increase in temperature, the speed of sound in air increases by approximately 0.6 m/s. Humidity also plays a role. Higher humidity means more water vapor in the air. Since water molecules are lighter than air molecules, the overall density of the air decreases with higher humidity. This decrease in density allows sound waves to travel faster. In humid conditions, sound travels faster than in dry conditions at the same temperature. Therefore, both higher temperatures and higher humidity contribute to an increase in the speed of sound in air.

Sounds have different pitches due to the frequency of the sound waves. Frequency refers to the number of vibrations or cycles per second, measured in Hertz (Hz). High-frequency sound waves produce high-pitched sounds, while low-frequency waves produce low-pitched sounds. The pitch of a sound is how high or low it seems to a listener, and it's directly related to the frequency of the sound wave. For instance, a soprano singer produces high-frequency sound waves, resulting in a high pitch. In contrast, a bass drum emits low-frequency sound waves, creating a low pitch. Human ears can typically detect sounds in the frequency range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, and within this range, each frequency corresponds to a different pitch that we perceive.

Sound waves can indeed interfere with each other, a phenomenon known as interference. This occurs when two or more sound waves meet and overlap in a medium. Interference can be constructive or destructive. Constructive interference happens when the waves align in a way that their compressions and rarefractions reinforce each other, leading to an increase in the overall amplitude and loudness of the sound. Destructive interference occurs when the compressions of one wave align with the rarefractions of another, resulting in a reduction or cancellation of the sound. This is the principle behind noise-cancelling headphones, which use destructive interference to reduce unwanted ambient sounds.

The Doppler Effect is a change in the frequency and wavelength of a sound wave perceived by an observer moving relative to the source of the sound. If the source of sound is moving towards the observer, each successive wave crest is emitted from a position closer to the observer than the previous wave. As a result, the waves arrive with a shorter interval, leading to an increase in frequency and a higher pitch. Conversely, if the source is moving away, the distance between each wave crest and the observer increases, causing the waves to arrive at longer intervals, decreasing the frequency and lowering the pitch. This effect is commonly experienced with the changing pitch of a siren as an ambulance or police car passes by.

Amplitude in sound waves refers to the maximum extent of vibration or displacement of a particle from its rest position. It is directly related to the loudness or volume of the sound. A sound wave with a larger amplitude carries more energy and produces a louder sound. In contrast, a wave with a smaller amplitude carries less energy and produces a softer sound. The human ear perceives the amplitude of sound waves as volume. For instance, a whisper generates sound waves with small amplitudes, resulting in a low volume. Conversely, a shout generates sound waves with larger amplitudes, leading to a high volume. It is important to note that amplitude does not affect the pitch or frequency of the sound, which are related to the rate of vibration.

Practice Questions

Explain why sound cannot travel in a vacuum, using your understanding of how sound is produced and transmitted.

Sound cannot travel in a vacuum because it requires a medium for its propagation. Sound is produced by the vibration of objects, which then cause the surrounding medium, such as air, water, or solids, to vibrate. These vibrations are transferred from particle to particle in the medium, creating what we know as sound waves. In a vacuum, there are no particles or medium to carry these vibrations. As a result, the vibrations cannot be transmitted, and thus, sound cannot propagate in a vacuum. This is why sound is absent in space, as it is essentially a vacuum with no medium to carry sound waves.

Describe how the speed of sound varies in different mediums and explain the reason for this variation.

The speed of sound varies in different mediums primarily due to the density and elasticity of the medium. In general, sound travels faster in solids than in liquids, and faster in liquids than in gases. This is because the particles in solids are more closely packed together and more tightly bonded, allowing vibrations to be transmitted more quickly. Similarly, in liquids, the particles are less tightly packed than in solids but more so than in gases, leading to a moderate speed of sound. In gases, the particles are far apart, resulting in slower transmission of sound. The elasticity of the medium also plays a role, as more elastic mediums can transmit sound waves more efficiently, leading to a higher speed of sound.

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