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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.4.4 Speed of Sound in Different Mediums

1. Introduction to Sound Waves

Sound waves are longitudinal waves generated by vibrating objects. These waves travel through different mediums by causing the particles in these mediums to vibrate along the direction of wave propagation.

2. Sound Speed in Solids, Liquids, and Gases

2.1 Sound in Solids

  • High Density and Elasticity: In solids, atoms and molecules are tightly packed, providing minimal space for movement. This close packing results in a high degree of elasticity, meaning the material can return to its original shape after being disturbed.

  • Speed of Sound: The tight bonding in solids allows for efficient energy transfer between particles, making sound travel fastest in this medium. For example, in steel, sound travels at about 5,960 m/s, much faster than in air.

  • Practical Examples: The high speed of sound in solids is utilized in technologies like seismic testing, where sound waves are used to explore underground structures.

2.2 Sound in Liquids

  • Medium Density: Liquids, like solids, have particles that are in close contact, but they are less tightly bound than in solids. This allows for some fluidity in their structure.

  • Speed of Sound: This structural difference causes sound to travel slower in liquids than in solids but faster than in gases. For example, in freshwater, sound travels at around 1,480 m/s.

  • Applications: Understanding sound speed in liquids is crucial for applications like sonar used in marine navigation.

2.3 Sound in Gases

  • Low Density and Elasticity: Gases have particles that are far apart and weakly bonded. This reduces the efficiency of energy transfer between particles.

  • Speed of Sound: Consequently, sound travels slowest in gases. The speed in air, at standard temperature and pressure, is approximately 343 m/s.

  • Factors Influencing Speed: The speed of sound in gases is highly sensitive to temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure.

3. Methodology for Measuring the Speed of Sound in Air

3.1 Basic Principle

  • Distance and Time Measurement: To measure the speed of sound in air, one must record the time taken for a sound wave to travel a known distance.

3.2 Experimental Setup

  • 1. Sound Source and Detector: A sound source, like a loudspeaker or a clapping device, and a detector, such as a microphone connected to a timing system, are essential.

  • 2. Measured Distance: A predetermined and accurately measured distance between the source and the detector is established.

3.3 Procedure

  • 1. Initiate Sound: A sound is emitted from the source.

  • 2. Time Measurement: The detector records the time taken for the sound to reach it from the source.

  • 3. Calculation: The speed of sound is calculated using the formula: Speed = Distance / Time.

3.4 Factors Affecting Measurement

  • Environmental Factors: Variables like temperature, humidity, and wind can significantly impact the speed of sound.

  • Accuracy of Measurement: The precision of the distance and time measurements is critical for obtaining reliable results.

4. Practical Applications and Considerations

4.1 Understanding Sound Speed Variations

  • Engineering and Acoustics: In fields like architectural acoustics and material engineering, knowing the sound speed in different mediums helps in designing buildings with better soundproofing and materials with desired acoustic properties.

  • Medical Applications: In medical diagnostics, understanding the speed of sound in human tissues is crucial for techniques like ultrasound imaging.

4.2 Experimental Learning in Education

  • Hands-on Experience: Conducting experiments to measure the speed of sound provides students with practical experience in applying theoretical knowledge.

  • Critical Thinking: Students learn to consider various factors like environmental conditions and measurement accuracy, enhancing their analytical skills.

5. Additional Considerations

5.1 Speed of Sound in Various Gases

  • Different Gases, Different Speeds: The speed of sound varies not only in air but also in other gases. For instance, sound travels faster in helium than in air due to the lower density of helium.

5.2 Impact of Temperature

  • Direct Relationship: The speed of sound in air increases with temperature. This is because higher temperatures provide more energy to air molecules, increasing their speed and, consequently, the speed of sound.

5.3 Humidity's Role

  • Increased Speed with Humidity: As humidity increases, the density of air decreases slightly, allowing sound to travel faster. This is because the molecular weight of water vapour is less than that of dry air.

In understanding the speed of sound across different mediums and learning how to measure it in air, students gain a holistic view of sound as a physical phenomenon. This knowledge is not only foundational in physics but also finds applications in various scientific and technological fields.


The speed of sound in air is influenced by the density and temperature of the air, both of which are affected by altitude. At higher altitudes, the air pressure and density decrease, which might suggest that sound should travel faster. However, temperature typically decreases with altitude too, and this has a more significant effect on slowing down the sound. Cooler temperatures result in slower movement of air molecules, reducing the speed of sound. Therefore, in higher altitudes, where it's generally colder, sound tends to travel slower compared to lower altitudes with warmer conditions. This effect is particularly noticeable in mountainous regions and high-altitude environments where both air density and temperature can vary significantly from sea level conditions.

Humid air contains a higher proportion of water vapour, which is lighter than the nitrogen and oxygen molecules that primarily make up dry air. The presence of these lighter water vapour molecules decreases the overall density of the air. Sound waves can travel more easily through less dense mediums, as there is less mass for the energy of the sound wave to move. Consequently, in humid air, sound waves can propagate faster than in dry air. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable in tropical climates or during hot and humid weather conditions, where the increased humidity can significantly affect the speed of sound.

Wind can significantly impact the speed of sound in air, but this effect is directional. When sound travels in the same direction as the wind (downwind), it moves faster. Conversely, when sound travels against the wind (upwind), it moves slower. This is because the wind either adds to or subtracts from the speed of the sound wave. It's important to note that the wind doesn't change the speed at which sound waves themselves travel through the air; rather, it alters the speed at which the sound reaches the listener. In a crosswind, there's no significant change in the speed of sound, but the sound may be dispersed or refracted, affecting how it is heard.

In a given medium, under normal conditions, the frequency of a sound wave does not affect its speed. The speed of sound is determined by the properties of the medium (such as density and elasticity) and environmental factors (like temperature and humidity), not the properties of the sound wave itself. Whether a sound wave has a high frequency (a high-pitched sound) or a low frequency (a low-pitched sound), it will travel at the same speed in the same medium. This principle is fundamental in understanding sound propagation and is crucial in fields such as acoustics and audio engineering.

The presence of impurities in a medium can significantly affect the speed of sound. Impurities change the density and elasticity of the medium, two primary factors that determine sound speed. In solids and liquids, impurities can create internal friction or resistance, slowing down sound waves. For instance, impurities in metal or water can scatter the sound waves, leading to a decrease in speed. In gases, the effect depends on the type of impurities. Heavier impurities (compared to the primary gas molecules) tend to slow down the sound, while lighter impurities can increase its speed. However, the overall impact of impurities is complex and can vary widely depending on their nature and concentration in the medium.

Practice Questions

A sound wave travels through three different mediums: air, water, and steel. Rank these mediums in order of increasing speed of sound and explain why sound travels at different speeds in these mediums.

Sound travels at different speeds in different mediums due to variations in density and elasticity. In air, which is a gas, particles are far apart with low density and elasticity, leading to the slowest speed of sound. In water, a liquid, particles are more closely packed than in air, but less so than in solids, resulting in a medium speed of sound. In steel, a solid, particles are tightly packed with high density and elasticity, allowing sound to travel the fastest. Therefore, the order of increasing speed of sound is: air, water, steel.

Describe an experiment to measure the speed of sound in air, including the apparatus used and the method of calculation.

To measure the speed of sound in air, one can use a simple apparatus consisting of a sound source (like a clapping board), a stopwatch, and a measured distance. Firstly, position the sound source and a listener a known distance apart. When the sound is made, start the stopwatch. Stop it when the listener hears the sound. The speed of sound can then be calculated using the formula: speed = distance / time. This experiment should be conducted in a controlled environment to minimise the effects of wind and temperature on the sound's speed.

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